•Haechan pt2•

634 10 0

Lee Donghyuck
Word count: 1010


I got a bag with a few clothes, my wallet and most importantly my sketchbook. Haechan said to hide it in the restroom as we'll escape from there. He also told me to wait till midnight. I open my door and peek my head out. No one was there so I walk out to the restroom. "What are we doing at this hour?" I turn around to see a guard. "I have to go to the restroom." I tell him. "You too? Fine, you can go. Next time go before nighttime." He said.

I quickly walk to the restroom and walk in. Haechan walks out of the last stall. "Here's your bag. Are you ready?" He asks me. I nod. "Of course, I've been waiting since the first day I got here." He smiles at my answer. The window is high so I'll help you to get out first then I'll come." He tells me. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Trust me. Also put on your hood, you don't want to be caught or recognised." He helps me take on my hood. Haechan helps me get up, I easily climb out of the window and jump down. We're lucky that this is the ground floor.

Haechan first threw our bags through the window, I catches them easily. Next was Haechan. He just fitted through the window. "Be careful." I whisper. "Why? Do you care about me?" He asks on a cheesy way. "Not the right time." I roll my eyes. He climbs out and jumps next to me. I gave him his bag and I follow him. The building is surrounded by trees before you reach the gates. We get into the small forest as suddenly the alarm goes off. "What's that?" He asks me.

"The alarm, they noticed that there are people missing. They'll find out quickly and start looking everywhere, we have to leave now." I say. "We gotta be fast and when I tell you to lay down, you also do that okay?" I nod and we start running. We reached the back of the gates. "What now?" I ask. "Climb over it. I'm sorry, there's no other way." He tells me. We both get over the gate. "There are cars coming, get down." He whispers to me. We lay down until the cars passed. "Are they gone?" I ask.

"I think so. What do you wanna do? Stay together?" I nod. "Yes, but where do we go to?" I ask. "We can go to some friends of mine. They can give us a place to sleep and protect us from being caught." He explains to me. I follow him and stay close. "Do you have it cold?" He noticed. "A little." I say. "Can I?" He assures as he opened his arms for a hug. I nod and he hugs me. "Ah no, we gotta run." He whispers in my ear. Haechan takes my hand as he starts running.

"Do you dare to get into that rice field?" He asks me and before I could answer he pulls me into the field. My pants and shoes getting dirty as we keep running. We reached the other side at another road. "What was that for?" I ask him confused. "I saw some guards from the institute. We need to get away before they find us." He says. We start walking again. "I'm so tired. Can't we rest a little?" I ask. "I'm sorry we can't. You want to get on my back?" He crouched down in front of me. I get on his back.

"I'm sorry." I apologise. "No it's fine, don't worry. We're almost back in the city." He says. "Do your friends know?" I ask. "Know about what?" He says questionable. "Your problems and struggles." I say. "I don't think so, but they sure noticed that I wasn't always doing great. But that will change now, we can help each other. At least if you're staying with me." He said. "Why'd I leave. We did this together so we're not leaving each other behind." I say. "Can I say something crazy?" He asks but then a car stops next to us.

For a second we thought we were caught. "Do you need a ride?" An old man asks. "Yes, that's be sweet of you." Haechan said. "Get in, I'm going to the city." He said. We get in in the backseat. "We need to be there too." Haechan tells the man. I was scared, he noticed and takes my hand. "Don't worry, we'll be there in no time. Close your eyes and rest." He says. I closed my eyes and rest my head against his shoulder. I hope this will end well. You never know with a stranger.

I wake up in a living room. I look around me and start panicking until I see Haechan. "You're up? Good morning. Did you have a good sleep?" He asks me. I nod. "I'm making breakfast, you're eating too." He tells me. "But I'm not hungry." I say. He sits next to me. "We escaped to find happiness again, I want you to get better again and healthy so you're going to eat." He tells me and goes back to the kitchen. "Wait." I stop him. "Where are we?" I ask curiously. "At my friend's place, we're safe now."

Once breakfast was ready I sit with him at a table. "Why did I get so much and you so less?" I ask. "You good enough know why, I really want to make a change for us." He says. "Can I ask you one more thing?" He nods in response. "Last night you wanted to tell me something crazy, what was that? You never said it." I say. "Oh that... I wanted to say that I like you y/n. I don't care if you still hate me but I really like you." He says. "I like you too." He looks surprised at me and smiles. "We can do this together."

A/N: well that was part 2 hehe. But anyway thank you for 7K. It's really going fast, it's crazy but really thank you to everyone!💚🌱

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