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Kim Jungwoo
Word count: 1020

Jungwoo's POV

I walk into the tall building and head to the principals office. I knock on the door and an older man opens. "Good morning sir, I'm Kim Jungwoo." I say and he let me in. "I was already expecting you Jungwoo. This is Sicheng he'll give you a tour around the school. This is your schedule and your books are waiting for you by my secretary." He explained. "Okay, Thank you sir." I bow and left the office with Sicheng. "So first the tour or first your books?" He asks me. "My books then I can leave them at my locker." I smile.

We go pick up my books, Sicheng helps me as we find my locker. I leave all my books in there and we start the tour. "So why did you change schools?" He asks me. "Just because." I answer. "In the middle of the year? Really? Whatever. Here you'll be having chemistry and biology and whatever classes you have in the laboratory." He starts explaining but I wasn't really paying attention. "Where's the cafeteria?" I ask. "On the other side, we'll go there now." We continue walking. "Over here's the library. And ignore these people."

I furrow as I watch how a group of people was surrounding a girl. "What's happening there? Shouldn't we help her?" I ask concerned. "Oh no. All you gotta do is stay away from y/n." He warns me. "Why?" I ask. "She's a witch. A huge danger, everyone hates her. Just stay away okay. Ah over here is the cafeteria and down this hallway there's the locker rooms for when you have PE classes." I nod but I was more curious about the girl. Why did he say that she's a witch? That's just strange.

"Are there any questions?" He asks and I shook my head. "Maybe just, where do I go? I have maths right now." I say. "That's the other direction. To the right and then 3rd door left." He explains me. "Okay thanks. Bye Sicheng." I smile. "Bye Jungwoo and please call me winwin." I nod and smile. He left and I go to my classroom. I sit down and wait for class to start. "Ow is that a good idea?" A girl says as I sat down. "What do you mean?" I ask. "That's right next to the witch, she always sits on her own."

"So. What if I wanna sit here? She can sit somewhere else." The girl rolls her eyes and turns back around. Suddenly a girl walks in and everyone got silent. It's the girl that is called witch, I forgot her name. "Who are you?" She asks me. "I'm Kim Jungwoo, call me Jungwoo. You must be the witch." Her eyes widened and everyone gasps. "Witch? Who calls me that?" She asks. I look around and decided to shut up. "Never mind, wrong person." She sits down. "My name's y/n by the way. And you're telling me where that name comes from after class." She sounded intimidating.

I wanted to get up as soon as the bell rang but y/n pulls me back on my chair. "You stay and wait here." She says. "Yes ma'am." I sit straight up. "Don't ma'am me. I'm not some old woman." She scoffs. "Now tell me." She says as soon as everyone left. "I really don't know. I thought I heard it somewhere, I'm really sorry." I apologise. "Whatever." She takes her bags and leaves. I quickly go to my other class. Only 2 more hours until lunch break!

I was on my way to the cafeteria as I see y/n go outside. "Hey Jungwoo, you wanna sit with me and my friends?" Sicheng asks. "Uh no, I have to do something else." I say. "Oh okay, bye then." He walks into the cafeteria and I go outside as well. I end up in the school's little yard. There were some flowers and a little pad that leads to a tree and a pick nick table. At the table was y/n. "H-hi, can I-I sit here?" I stutter. "Why?" She asks. "I know who calls you witch."

She gasps as she looks at me. "Can I sit?" She nods and I sit on the other side, over her. "Everyone. Just everyone at this school apparently calls you witch." I tell her. "How do you know?" She asks confused since I'm new. "I saw that group surrounding you this morning, I asked winwin if we should help and then he explained to me that everyone calls you that and everyone hates you." I explain. "But why does everyone call me witch? What did I ever do wrong?" She questions. Y/n sounds a little insecure at that question.

"Well first of all, your uniform is practically no uniform anymore. Your hair is dark with bright white highlights. You wear a lot of black and chains. And your nails are actually looking fine as hell but I guess they think differently." I say. "But that's just a thought why they'd assume that you're the W-word." She rolls her eyes. "I'm no witch! Why'd I be one? That so stupid. I hate people." I roughly drops her head on the table. "I believe you." I tell her. "Why are you still here anyway? Everyone hates me and you're being nice to me?"

"I actually think you look cool and a bit mysterious. I want to know you better. You really look like a nice and cool girl. And I know this morning wasn't the best way to greet you so let's re-do that. Hi I'm Jungwoo, I'm new here." I smile. Y/n chuckles and shakes my hand. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you Jungwoo. I'm definitely no witch." I see her smile for the first time, it's cute. "So do you have lunch y/n?" She shook her head. "Here I have enough with me, we can share." We split up my food and talked with each other. She's my new best friend.

A/N: it feels so long ago since I lastly wrote about Jungwoo, it was nice writing about him again hehe

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