•Haechan pt.2•

934 12 1

Lee Donghyuck
Word count: 972

Haechan's POV

She pulled her hand away. I stare at nothing for a few seconds. "Y/n, you know I won't hurt your feelings. Please, I like you." I tell her. "No. Please leave now Haechan." She had tears in her eyes. I want to hug her but if she wants me to leave, I respect her decision. "What happened?" Renjun asks as I walk out of her room. "She turned me down. It's over before it even started. I don't know what to do. Renjun please help me." I ask him. "Fine but now I need to be there for y/n."

"Are you going to sit there all day?" Mark asks. "He has been for the past 2 hours." Renjun tells him. "What now?" Jeno asked. "I tried talking with y/n but it doesn't look good. She's convinced she'll get over him and has to never see him again." Renjun says. "Well fine. Then I'll get over her too. I don't need to see or hear anything about her anymore. I can move on." I say standing up, everyone looking surprised at me. "You can't give up on y/n. You love her!"

"Not anymore Jaemin. Y/n is the past." I say. They all sigh or roll their eyes. "What?" I ask. "If you give up now, you'll never see her again. You can't do that, you 2 were best friends! You don't only throw away love but also your friendship." They tell me. "But tell me then what I should do!" I yell out of frustration. "Exactly, no one knows what to do. This is how it is. We can't change a thing about it." I stormed to my room and locked the door behind me. Once I knew everyone left, I yelled as loud as I could.


"Hey Renjun!" I walk to him once I saw him. "Finally came out of your bedroom?" He laughs. "Yes but I'm going now, see you in class?" I wanted to leave once I saw Haechan was there too. "Why are you leaving?" He asks. "I think you know why okay. See you in class." I walk away, already to our classroom. No one was there yet, just me. Once the bell rang everyone walked in. "Renjun, here's still a place to sit." I tell him. He just looks at me and then sits next to someone else.

What is his problem. I see Haechan walking in. He scans the room and sees there are no places to sit anymore. "Renjun can I sit here instead?" He asks him. "Why there's still a chair next to y/n." He said. I see what he's doing but it won't work. "Haechan please sit down, I wanna start my lesson." The teacher said as she walks in. He sighs and comes to me. Without saying anything he sits down, still a little turned away from me. I guess it'll be like this forever.

"Lunch?" Renjun stands in front of us. "Yeah sure." Me and Haechan say at the same time. "You 2 made it up already? Great!" He smiles. "No, never mind. I'll just eat somewhere else." I say. I take my bag and leave the room. "No way, you're going back in there." Jeno says. "Where do you come from?" I question. "Doesn't matter. You 2 are going to talk now, or we won't leave this classroom." He says. "I'm not gonna stay here. I'm leaving now." Haechan says. "No surprise." I mumble. "Excuse me?" He asks. "I said: no surprise." This time louder.

"You always have to turn down every idea someone else has. You can never agree with someone." I say. "I turn down everything? You're the one who turned me down!" He says back. "Only because I don't want to get hurt by you." I tell him. "I could never hurt you, I love you!" We all gasp. "Loved. Past tense, I moved on now." He says. "Don't lie. I know it when you lie. You don't dare to look anyone in their eyes when you lie." I say. "Fine, I still love you okay! But it doesn't matter because you don't want me anymore."

He takes his bag and left the room, passing by Renjun and Jeno. "Haechan! Don't run away!" The guys and I ran after him. "Y/n are you okay?" Jaemin asks as he sees me. "We need to stop him." I tell Jaemin. "Haechan?" I nod. He follows us after Haechan. As we finally got to the guys, I saw him yelling and throwing his backpack away. "Yah! Stop it now!" He stops and looks at me. "You love me." I say. "We all know that by now. What's new?" He looks away from me.

"I never said I moved on." I tell him. He finally looks me in the eyes. His eyes are glossy. "How can I move on? I loved you, I still do." I say to him. "Y/n." His voice cracked. He couldn't get anything else out. I hugged him. "I'm sorry Haechan." He hugs me back. "I'm also sorry y/n." He whispers in my ear. "Just ask her out already!" We look at Renjun. "He's going to get that back for ruining this moment." Haechan says as I chuckle. "Now, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." I smile. "I won't ever hurt your feelings, you're too precious for that. I care about you y/n." He tells me. "Thank you. I won't doubt you ever again! I trust you Haechan." He boops my nose and chuckles. "I'm so glad this all is over and we can act normal again." He takes my hand and we go back to our normal lives like nothing has ever happened.

A/N: part 2 got requested almost a week ago so um yeah here is the late update 💚🌱

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