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Mark Lee
Word count: 1035
Sad story

Mark's POV

"I can't wait for tomorrow, it's so exciting!" Y/n smiles happily. "What's so exciting?" Xiaojun asks her. "The camping trip with our grade! It'll be so much fun!" She jumps up and down. "Oh no, I totally forgot. Can I just stay home?" He sighs. "No. It'll be fun. None of us is staying home!" She tells us. "Okay that's enough. Just sit down and eat your lunch okay." I chuckle at her. Y/n's so cute when she's excited for something. Neither can she shut up about it.

"So shall I come pick you up tomorrow so we can come to school together?" I ask her. "No. Mom's bringing me, I got many things to carry with me." She says. "You can come pick me up." Lucas says, we all laugh. "Me too please." Hendery joins in. "Since you're picking up them, maybe you can come pick me up too." Xiaojun smiles. "Fine. Be ready! I'm not waiting for everyone." I say. "Babe can you come with me after school?" Y/n suddenly asks me. "Guitar lessons, I'm sorry. Why?" I ask her. "Oh no, just me and my parents are going somewhere for dinner."

"School's finally over!" Lucas cheers. "Don't you have basketball training with Xiaojun?" Hendery asks. "Oh damn. That where he is. Gotta go, bye guys!" He runs to the gymnasium, leaving me, y/n and Hendery alone. Me and y/n walked hand in hand. "Are you 2 going to be touchy and lovey with each other, because then I'm going home." Hendery laughs. "My mom's picking me up so we won't be bothering you. See you tomorrow!" I kissed her goodbye as she ran to the car. "You really love her hug?" I nod in response.

After I picked up the guys for school we arrived. I parked my car and we take our bags. We walk to the bus where everyone was waiting outside. "Ah guys you're finally here." The teacher said. "Yes, we're sorry Xiaojun took a little long." We all look at him. "Mark can I talk to you for a second?" She asks me and we walk to a calmer place. "What's wrong?" I ask nervously. "Haven't you heard it yet?" I was confused. "Heard what?" I ask. "About y/n? I thought you'd already know since you're her boyfriend." She tells me.

"I'm sorry but I don't get it. What's wrong? I haven't heard anything from her yet. Isn't she here?" I ask and look around. "Mark, y/n passed away in a car crash yesterday. I'm so sorry for you." When she said these words I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. My whole world crashed. Y/n passed away. "If you want to talk about it, all of us are here for you. All teachers are open to talk to." I simply nod but blankly stare out. As the teacher left the guys walked back to me.

"What's up? Let's go man, we do want the best seats in the bus." I just followed them behind. I sit down in silence. After a while our teacher gets on and asks for everyone's attention. "Good morning everyone! Let's have a nice camping trip together. Sadly someone couldn't make it today. Maybe some of you already know, but y/n passed away yesterday. Our thoughts will be with her and her family. I know it's difficult to process but we're here to talk to. But let's still make it an amazing trip!"

"Mark, are you okay?" The guys ask me. "We didn't know. We're so sorry." I fight back the tears. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I rather just walk off of the bus and go home, but I don't want to ruin anything. The whole ride I stayed quiet as everyone else was chatting and laughing. "Ha maybe it's better like that. She was so annoying." I hear some guys laugh. "Yah! Shut up! Y/n is...was an amazing person! It's not because she isn't here anymore that you can start talking trash about her!" I yell at him. "Mark! Attitude." The teacher points at me.

I really didn't want to be on this trip anymore. Y/n was so excited for it and now she can't be here, we're supposed to have fun knowing someone who I love isn't here anymore. How could this even happen? "Mark are you coming?" Lucas asks. I follow him and all other students. I can't do this, I already wanna go home. We all got our tents up and ate our lunch. "You haven't eaten anything yet." The guys noticed. "I'm not really hungry." I said as excuse. "You want to talk about it?" I shook my head. "What is there to talk about?"

After lunch there was a game. Everyone was playing and having fun, everyone was smiling. But I couldn't even stand listening to their laughter. I sat down on the side, head low. "Why aren't you playing the game?" A girl asks me. I look her up and stare at her, not saying a word. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name's Maya, I'm new here." She sat down next to me. "I don't need company." I tell her. "But you look so sad and lonely. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Y/n isn't here. She really wanted to come. She was my happy pill. Making others always happy. She's my girlfriend." I explain. "The girl who passed away? My condolences. You must be missing her." I nod. "I really loved her, I still do. I just can't believe it. I've never had anyone passing away, how do I feel? How do I react to this?" I questioned. "It's normal to feel lost like this. You love her and it's hard to let go. But just think about it. She's still here. Y/n is still with you, with all of us. You should have fun too, for y/n." I looked at Maya. "Just give it a try. I don't know y/n, but I'm sure she'd want you to be happy."

A/N: this really wasn't easy to write but I did it anyway. I hope all of you are doing okay, goodnight💚🌱

NCT blurbs & imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora