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Lee Jeno
Word count: 1016

Jeno's POV

"This is not working." Y/n sighs. I feel sorry for her. She tries so hard to help me. "I'm sorry." I tell her. "I'm nothing with just a sorry." She's pissed, I'd be too if I was in her place. I'm a difficult student and I know that. "I'm just a waste of time, I get it. You can go home if you want." I place my head on the table. "Jeno I get paid for this, I'm not leaving. And with tutoring I get a positive review for college." She tells me.

"But don't you rather go out with friends after school instead of teaching this dumbass." She shook her head. "You're not dumb. Stop calling yourself dumb, it only works against yourself. And I go out with friends during weekends so don't worry." She placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's just too difficult, I'll never understand this. You don't have to try, we both know I'll fail my test next week." I sigh. "No, I keep trying. I'm not giving up on you. There must be a way how you can study easier and remember it. Is there anything you like to do?"

I lift my head up and look at y/n. "I like to dance but that doesn't help me with studying. And as long as my grades are low, I'm not allowed to dance from my parents." I explain. "Where do you dance?" Y/n asks. "The dance studio, it's 10 minutes away from here. Why?" I ask but she doesn't answer. "Get your bag, we're going to the dance studio." I was confused, how am I going to study if I dance? "Just trust me Jeno. Come, let's go." She takes my hand and pulls me out of my room.

"We're here, and now what?" I ask her. "Show me something. I first want to see what you can do." She keeps smiling but I still don't get why. I play some music and start dancing. As the song came to an end I hear y/n clap her hands. "That was amazing!" She says, making me smile. "Thank you." She never gives me compliments, it's making me shy. "Are you blushing? Oh how cute!" I hide my face in my hands. "Stop it. Now tell me how is this going to help me?" I ask her.

"Simple. For each dance move you connect a formula that you need to know for your test. And as you practice, you'll repeat the formulas." She says like it's an easy thing to do. "But I don't know the formulas yet." I state. "And I don't know how to dance so we're going to help each other. You teach me a dance and with these moves I'll say a formula to remember." I smile at her, she really believes in it. "You're sure about that? What if I can't remember?" I ask her. "Then we'll have to dance a lot."

"How's studying going?" Y/n asks me. "I still forget a few things. It's not going to work. It's weekend after today which means no help from you." I really rely on y/n, maybe a little too much. "I'm going to a party this weekend, maybe you can come too. We can have fun but at the same time dancing which means studying." I had my second thoughts about it. I never go to parties. "This is the only way I can help you Jeno. It's going to be fun, just come with me and a few of my friends."

"Hey y/n, nice to see you again! Who's this? Your boyfriend?" A girl asks y/n. We both look at each other and start laughing awkwardly. Do people really see us as a couple? Cute. Wait what, I can't think that. "Jeno." Y/n waves her hand in front of me. "Are you just going to stay there?" She takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. I looked at our hands, she didn't let go. Her hand is so small. She let go the moment she realised she was still holding my hand.

"I have to go now." I tell her as it got late. "Oh yes sure, you want me to come with you?" I didn't know what to reply, I just stared at her. "What is wrong with you? You keep staring at me. You didn't drink anything right?" I shook my head slowly. "I just think you're pretty and nice, you helped me a lot and you're fun to be with." I tell her. "Are you saying you like me?" I give her a quick nod. "We'll see after your test Monday."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "If you get good grades, I'll go out with you. See that you study hard." She gives me a quick peck before we both leave the party. "I promise, I'll do my best." Once I got home I studied extra hard. I want to show her that I can do this, I want to make her proud of me.

"How was your test? I know you had the test. Did your teacher say anything?" Y/n asks me. She sounds extremely excited. "My teacher checked it said it looks good. So do you remember what you said last weekend?" She nods. "I do remember but I first want to see the test." I sigh. "Oh please y/n, he said my test is good. What else do you need? You know it's also a loss for you, if you reject me." She just laughs. "I know, but a promise is a promise."

"Jeno, here are you. I got your test here. I'm not supposed to show you already but you did so great, I have to show you." He gave me back my test. "I did it!" I smile happily. Y/n cheers for me. "I know you could do this!" She hugs me. "A promise is a promise. I'm taking you out after school, pancakes and milkshakes."

A/N: I wanted to write it a bit differently but I couldn't find the right words for it... my English is lacking- sorry but have a great day 💚🌱

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