•Ten & Mark•

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Ten & Mark
Word count: 1507


"Finally, that was the last box." Mark sighs. "You finally got all your things upstairs?" I ask him. "I think so, or yeah I hope so." I laugh at him. "Maybe you should check, your parents are also still outside. Don't they get a tour?" I ask. "Now? There's still so much that needs to be done." He says. "Still go say goodbye to them." He nods and left. "So how's the kitchen doing?" I ask with a chuckle. "The kitchen is fine thanks for asking, maybe you could help a little?" Ten says.

"With what?" I ask. "Getting the plates on their place. It's the last thing that needs to be done." He tells me. I opened one of the last boxes in the kitchen. It were all plates and bowls. I helped placing them in the cabinets. "Hello y/n, Ten. How's everything?" We look up and see Mark's parents. "Hi mrs Lee. Everything is going just fine." I say. "Please don't mind the mess, we still have to clean everything." Ten says. "That's alright. I can help if you want to." She suggests. "No it's really fine. We can do it."

"Mom, dad, isn't it time to go home? Shouldn't you get ready for... oh yeah weren't grandma and granddad visiting you?" Mark tried to say. "Oh yeah, we almost forgot. Thank you honey. Call if you need help. Bye kids!" They left and closed the door. "Finally." He sighs. "Come on they weren't that bad. And it's not like we're not used to it or something." Ten laughs. "But still. I'm finally out of the house and they still treat me like a baby." Mark says. "Well they're gone now, let's take your things to your room." I say.

"Wait where are you going. That's not my room, it's this way." Mark stops me as I walk to the last empty bedroom. "No that's Ten's room." I say. He looks disappointed at Ten who gave him a cheeky smile. "Don't start fighting, it's our first day." I say. "Yes mom." Both guys say. "Hey! I'm not the mom in the group." I say. "You want us to call you dad?" Mark squints his eyes. "No. I'm just not the parent." I roll my eyes and walk to the room dropping the box down. "Hey be careful, you can break some things."

"Y/n, are you ready yet?" The guys keep knocking on the door as I was in the shower. "Almost why?" I ask. "We just want to celebrate that we finally moved in together. Our own apartment!" I turn off the shower and take my towel. "Get everything ready, I'll be right there." I say. Once I got dressed and out of the bathroom, I hear soft singing and a guitar. It were Mark and Ten on the balcony. The sunset as a background. I got something to drink and some snacks and sit with them.

"You're finally home!" I dropped my bag. "Yes, I'm finally home." I sigh and drop down on the couch. "What's wrong?" Mark asks. "It's been such a long day and I still have to finish my essay for tomorrow." I tell him. "Where's Ten anyway? Isn't it his turn to cook tonight?" I ask. "He's gone with some other friends. But we can order food. I'll get you a tea, just relax and slowly get ready to finish that essay." He tells me. Since a few weeks he's been acting strange. So caring and sweet, not that he wasn't before. It's just different.

"Here's your tea. You probably need your laptop, let me get that." I watched everything he did. "Here you go, I'll order the food. What do you want?" He asks me. "Sushi. And thank you." I smile at him. "No problem." He smiles back. I sit on the floor with my pc on the coffee table. I deeply sigh and let my head fall back on the couch. "What's wrong?" Mark asks me. "I don't know what to write. I still need 238 words to get the minimum." I explain. "Let me see, what do you have already?" He sits next to me.

He's very focused as he was reading my essay. I never looked at him like this. It made me think to all the times he helped me, how much fun we always have and how thoughtful he is. Mark is a sweetheart! "So what do you think about that? Y/n? Are you listening?" He asks. "Oh uh what did you say?" I ask. He repeated it, this time I did listen. We were sitting really close as I wrote his ideas down to finish this task. "What was the next thing?" I ask and look at him.

His face was extremely close. I look down at his lips then back at his eyes. Are we going to kiss? I should do it. I like him anyway. But right before that Ten got home and we quickly pulled away. "Hey you 2. I'm back. Did you eat?" Ten asks. "Yeah. We had sushi. How was your evening?" I ask him. "It's was okay. I left early because if I should be honest, it was boring and I missed being with you guys." He tells us. "But what are you working on?" He asks sitting down between us.

"Good morning!" Ten smiles as I walk out of my room and enter the kitchen. "Hi." I simply say. "You look tired." He says. "Oh really? I didn't know that." I said sarcastically. "I'm sorry. Exams are coming up and I stayed up late to study." I explain. "Where's Mark by the way?" I ask. "He left for work already. You want breakfast?" I nod. Ten starts cooking some food as I sit down at the table. I checked my phone for a while until a plate full with delicious food got placed in front of me. "Here eat this."

I start eating as I noticed Ten staring. "Is it good?" He asks. "It's great! Thank you." I smile at him. I continue to eat but Ten was still staring. "Is there something on my face?" I ask. "Actually yeah. Let me help." He wipes it away with a napkin. "Are you done staring now? It's starting to freak me." I say. "Oh I'm sorry I just, I can't help it. You're so adorable and I just want to... mmh I can't hold it back any longer." He leans in to kiss me. I didn't backed away but my phone started ringing.

"Dang it, who's that?" Ten asks annoyed. "Mark." I almost forgot about him. Last week I almost kissed him and now I almost kissed Ten! What do I do? "Hello Mark, why did you call me?" I ask. "Is Ten there? He doesn't pick up his phone. I've been trying to call him all morning." I gave the phone to Ten. I finally could finish my food. I placed the empty plate in the sink and go back to my room to study. Or try to study. It isn't easy as you keep thinking about 2 guys.

"Y/n can I talk to you?" Mark asks. "Yeah what's up?" He comes into my room and closed the door behind him. He sits down on the bed. He looks nervous. "I have to tell you something really important." He starts. Suddenly Ten runs into my room. "Y/n I don't care if he said it first but I like you! More than friends, I love you." I look in shock at him. "Hey I was going to say that! You interrupted my moment, again!" Mark complains. "You both like me?" I ask surprised. "Yes. Y/n please make a choice. Who do you like?"

If you choose Ten:

"Look I've been struggling a lot with my feelings lately. I didn't know who exactly I liked. But I figured it out. Mark, you're an amazing guy and the best friend anyone could wish. But I like Ten more." I confess. "That's okay. I get that and I wish the best for you 2. Excuse me please." He walks out of my room. Ten looks at me with the biggest smile. "Can I hug you?" He asks sweetly. "Yes, of course." He takes me in a hug and finally kisses me.

If you choose Mark:

"Can I get some time alone to think please?" They nod and both go to their own rooms. I thought for a while. Who do I love the most? After I made my decision and followed my heart I get out of my room. I knock on the bedroom door. "Come in." I open the door and see Mark sitting with his guitar. As he sees me he smiles. I sit next to him and kiss him. "Does this mean..." He asks after pulling away. "Yes I like you too Mark. But that doesn't mean Ten isn't my best friend anymore."

A/N: this was really long I know. I got the idea of some video someone posted and captioned: imagine; you and your best friends, Mark and Ten, moving in together.
So credits to that video and the person who posted that

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