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Huang Renjun
Word count: 1077
Genre: ghost au
Warning: mentions of death, drowning, if you get scared easily I don't recommend reading.

Renjun's POV

It was late at night but I couldn't sleep. I walked to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. I poured some in the glass and when turning around to place the bottle back I heard some noise. I turn back and my glass wasn't there anymore. All that was left is a little puddle of water on the floor. Am I going insane? Did I forget to take a glass?

I cleaned the little mess and found the glass in the sink. Why is it here? How did it get here? I take the glass and see a red line of lipstick on it. "Who's there?" I asked a little in fear. I hear a voice behind me and see a girl. I accidentally dropped the glass. "AH! Who are you? Why are you here? Don't kill me please!"

She laughs. "I can't kill you. But the question is, how can you see me?" She walks around me and tries touching my shoulder but her hand went through me. "WAH! H-how? What are you?" I asked in shock. "I'm a ghost silly. But how can you, a human, see me?" I shrug. "I don't know, you tell me." She rolls her eyes. "I don't know that's why I asked you. But anyway, what's your name stranger?"

"I'm Renjun, but who are you and why are you in my house?" I asked her still a little scared. This must be a joke right. Or I'm dreaming. "I'm y/n and I lived here a couple years ago before I died, I actually still live here. I don't have anywhere else to be." It's all really confusing and strange. "You died. Here?" She shook her head. "I died over there, across the street." She points out of the window.

"What happened?" I ask her. "It's a long story but I drowned in a lake. Something was pulling me down but no one was around to save me." I feel bad for her but this can't be true. "It's pretty late, I should go back to bed." I rub my eyes. "What. You're leaving me like this? Like nothing ever happened." I nod. "You're a ghost. But I know they don't exist so goodnight."

I wake up the next morning and go to the kitchen. I see the guys at the table eating their breakfast. But then I see y/n which scared me. "Ah what is she doing here again?" They all look at me confused. "She? Who are you talking about?" They can't see her? I rub in my eyes, y/n disappeared again. "Never mind." I sit down and start eating.

"Chenle can you stop kicking my leg." His confused face said it all. Don't tell me it's y/n again. "I'm not kicking you." He said. I didn't dare to look under the table. Who thought I'd meet a ghost that follows me everywhere? "Renjun, are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" Haechan asks me. "Shut it, I'm fine. I'm not going crazy." I tell him. "I never said that."

"I'm going for a walk. Bye guys." I listened to some music as I walked to a park. There I sit down on a bench near the pond. "Renjun!" I hear someone scream for my name. I look around and see then someone in the water. It looks like that person is drowning. I get my shoes and jacket out before getting into the cold water. Where I lastly saw the person I go under to see y/n.

She's a ghost, how can she drown? I swim closer to her and take her hand, I could hold her? How? Last night her hand went straight through me. I tried pulling her up but it's like something's holding her back down. I went back up to get some air before going back under water. Her ankles were tied to some heavy weights. I untied her and pulled her with me.

"Y/n, breathe. Come on y/n!" I listen to her heart it's beating. Last night she was still a ghost and now she's a human too. I don't get it but I know I have to save her. Shortly after she coughed up water. "You're alive!" I hold her close. We were both trembling from the cold water. "Hold on, I'll call an ambulance." She took my hand. "Thanks for saving me."

I thought back about last night. The story she told me how she died. It looked so much like what happened today. But this time I was there to save her. What is all of this? "Doctor, can I see y/n?" He nods and let me in the room. "Not too long, she needs her rest." I was happy to see her. "Renjun, it's really you. Thank you for saving me!"

"What do you mean, it's really me? Of course it's me. But tell me how did you become a real human?" She looks at me confused. "Me? No you. You were a ghost and suddenly you were human and right with me." She tells me. "Woah, what's going on. So you're telling me you weren't a ghost?" I ask. "I've never been, you were the ghost. You told me how you died. I wanted to calm down and suddenly everything went black and there I was in the pond."

"That's literally what happened with me only it was you telling me how you died. And you drowned in a lake, something was pulling you down. And now something like that happened, just this time I could save you." I tell her my side of the story. "Should I tell you how you'd die? I mean it kinda sounds like this was a warning, so we can help each other." I start smiling. "So you never died, you never were dead and it was all just a call out for help. I'm happy you're here breathing, living, being real!"

We hug each other. "We're like each other's guardian angels." She tells me. "Yes we are. But don't tell me how I died. If you're really my guardian angel, you'd be saving me that day." We smile at each other. "Can you stay and not go outside anymore today. I have a feeling it's safer here." I nod. "I'll stay here, with you. I'm not leaving, forget that."

A/N: I put a warning just in case, I don't really think it's that scary but I wouldn't let myself read this 2 years ago... but anyway I had this idea for my previous imagines book but I never did it so now I wanted to write it and share it with you guys. Hope it's not too bad 💚🌱

NCT blurbs & imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora