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Zhong Chenle
Word count: 1010

Chenle's POV

I was having lunch with everyone in the canteen. I looked around and noticed someone staring at me. "Jisung." I look away from the girl. "Yeah? What's wrong?" He asks me. "There's a girl staring at me." I tell him. "And? What do you want me to do?" He asks confused. "I don't know? What do I do?" I cover half my face with my hand. "This is so awkward. Why is she even staring? Who even is she?" I questioned. "Who?" Sungchan sits down with us. "That girl over there. She's staring at me."

"I always wave back at people." He tells me. "Wave back? Should I?" Before I could I hear a voice. "Don't even get it in your mind, that's only embarrassing." Renjun tells me. "But what else do I do then?" I ask. "I always smile until they looks away." Jeno says. "What if they don't?" Jaemin asks him. "Then I walk away because it gets too awkward." He chuckles. "You know what you do, just go to her and talk with her." Haechan tells me. "Hey guys, what are we talking about?" YangYang and Shotaro come sit with us.

"Someone has an eye on Chenle." Jaemin says cutely. "Hell no!" I say back. "Oh hell yeah. She's still staring, she's lost in a world with Chenle." Renjun laughs. "Who's the unlucky one?" Shotaro says. "Me, I am. I don't want someone to have a crush on me." I tell him. "It's that girl who's sitting alone, over there." Jisung tells them. "Oh I know her. That's y/n if I'm right. She's new and I have chemistry class with her." Sungchan says. "So she's new. That's why she's sitting alone. Maybe you should become her 1st new friend Chenle."

I look annoyed at YangYang. "Why me? You can too." I say. "But she's staring at you. Now go." He tells me. "Yes you have to go! A new friend is always nice." Jaemin says. "Okay but if I call for help, you come save me." I finally get up and walk to the girl. "Hi, can I sit here?" I ask and she nods in response. "I'm Chenle, and you are?" I ask like I didn't know her name yet. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you." She smiles. It was a cute and heartwarming smile. Everyone would melt seeing that smile.

What am I even thinking? "So are you new?" I ask. "Yes I am. I'm sorry if I was staring earlier. I probably made you feel uncomfortable." She apologises. "Uncomfortable? Nah, it's totally fine." Y/n got a phone call. "Is it okay if I pick up?" I nod and she take her phone. I look at the guys, they were all giving me a thumbs up. As I hear y/n speak I hear it was Chinese. Is she also from China? "Yes, bye mom." The call ended. "You're Chinese? Me too!" I smile, happy to know that.

We start talking in Chinese with each other. We talked about different things and got to know each other better. Y/n's actually way nicer than I thought. Soon the bell rings. "Oh I gotta go to class now. See you later?" I say in a questioning tone. "Yes, of course. Bye Chenle." I get up and take my bag to go to my next class. "Did you forget about us? Was it that interesting?" Renjun asks me. "Actually yes. I found out that she's Chinese too." I tell him. "Ow that's nice. Maybe your new girlfriend too?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I just know her since today. But I have to go now." I tell him and leave for class. As I enter the classroom I see y/n. "Hey you. We're in the same class?" I ask. She smiles at me again. "I guess so. Is it okay if we sit together?" I nod. "Sure." I sit down on my usual place, this time with y/n next to me. I guess maths will be a lot more fun now I have someone to talk with.

I look at y/n and she looks back at me. We quickly smile before returning our attention back to the teacher. "For the next few exercises you can work together with your seat mates." I was glad to hear that, usually I have to work alone but now it's different. "Hi seat mate." I chuckle. "Hey, so do you understand what we have to do?" She asks me. "I kinda do." I tell her. "Can you then maybe explain in Chinese?" I nod and start explaining everything. "Chenle, no Chinese in class." The teacher said. "But I was explaining for y/n." I say. "She can ask me for that."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "I'm sorry." She apologises to me. "For what?" I ask. "Getting you in trouble." She says. "You didn't. But do you understand it now a little?" She nods. "Then we can start these exercises." We start making everything. "We're a good team!" She laughs. "Yes we are!" We give each other a high five as we finished everything. "Mr Choi we're ready." I say. "With everything?" Y/n checks and nods in response. "Good, then you can make the next ones." He point at the new ones he wrote on the board.

We look at each other and sigh. "This class is almost over. After this it's only 1h left." I tell her. "What class do you have after this?" Y/n asks. "P.E. and you?" Y/n already starts to smile. "Me too. Great to know." Having a new friend is so great! "Do you maybe have to do something after school?" I ask her. "Not really." She answers. "Then do you maybe want to go with me and my friends to an arcade? It'll be really fun and you'll get to know my friends too." She nods. "That sounds really fun. I'll come with you and your friends."

A/N: what can I say? Idk, just have a good day/night💚🌱

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