
764 15 1

Osaki Shotaro
Word count: 1014


I get on the bus, looking around me. Where can he be? I text Shotaro but he suddenly calls. "Where are you?" I ask. "I can ask the same. I'm still waiting at the gates for you." He says. "I'm already on the bus, be quick!" I tell him. There were only a few minutes left before the bus leaves. A group of people getting on, the doors closing behind them. Where's Shotaro? Everyone goes to a seat, I suddenly see him behind all the people, I wave at him. "Shotaro, over here!"

He smiles and sits next to me. "You're just on time." I say. "I know I'm sorry. I thought you'd be still at the school gates." He says. "Well nope. Are we going to your place?" I ask. "Sure, do I ask the guys to come over too?" I nod in response. The bus drove quickly, a little too quickly. I was scared, I've always been scared of busses. And Shotaro knows. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Not really." I tell him. "It's okay, nothing can happen." He tells me. "Liar. You know how much car crashes and bus crashes happen a year? Way too many. Before you know it could be us."

My hand was trembling and my foot uncontrollably tapping against the floor. "Come here." He takes my hand in mine and rubs circles on it with his thumb. "So overreacting, she's so weird." I hear behind me. "Don't listen. It's perfectly normal." He says. "Whatever, I just wanna get off as soon as possible." I say. Once we got to our stop I practically run off that bus. "Never again." I say. "Then how are you going to school?" He asks chuckling. "Zoom classes." I simply say.

"As long as the school let us go, we have to go." He tells me. "But I hate this? Every day waking up extra early to be on time for that bus and then an hour drive to school and back. I can't do it any longer." I sigh. "It's our last year. Come on y/n. You could also learn how to drive." I glare at him. "So you could use me as a taxi driver? No thank you." He cheekily smiles. "We can both learn how to. We really have to some day." He says. "Not now yet."

"You're lame." He pouts. "Me? No, you!" I say. "Excuse me, take that back right now!" He points. "Then take it back too!" He just turns his head. "Hah I already thought so." I scoff. "Now what are we gonna do at your place actually?" I ask. "I don't know. It's Friday evening, what could we do?" He questions. "Ooh let's play some old games we used to do in elementary." I smile. "Oh yes! We can have many snacks and drinks and we could also order some pizza!" He smiles happily. We both are excited for this evening.

"So no one can come?" I ask. Shotaro sadly shook his head. "They all have something with their loved ones and family. Being single is sometimes very lonely." He sighs. "Ow, are you lonely? You got me." I smile. "Yeah I guess." I hit his shoulder, not too hard. "What? Am I not good enough as a best friend?" I ask and he laughs. "You're an amazing best friend!" He hugs me. "Ew you smell." I push myself away from him. "You do too." He furrows. "I had PE classes, I have an excuse." I state. "Whatever you say, let's order some food."

Instead of pizza we decided to do an old favourite of ours. Back in Japan we loved to eat Sukiyaki, so that's what we're eating tonight. We watched something on television before the food arrived. We ate while talking about our days and what we should do next. "What about an old school truth or dare?" He checks if I was okay with it. "Too basic. With 2 it's just boring." I say. "Never have I ever with this whole list that I got from the internet." He showed me the long list with questions. "Great we'll do that." I say.

After dinner we started. It started with a few easy and simple ones. "Never have I ever kissed someone I don't like." Shotaro puts a finger down. "Wait really? Who?" I ask. "You remember my ex girlfriend?" I nod. "Isn't she the only one you ever dated?" He hums in response. "Then how? You didn't like her?" I ask. "TMI, next one." He ignores my questions. "Never have I ever cheated on someone. I have never." I shook my head. "I could never." I say. "Never have I ever had feelings for a friend." I look away as I slowly put a finger down. Shotaro did the same.

"Y/n, explain." He said with a grin. "How do I explain. Maybe you should explain. You dated your ex for like 3 years and broke up right before we came to Korea. For who knows what reason." I waited for him to speak. "She broke up because I liked someone else. A friend, a really close friend. She found out and got really mad, that's why she broke up with me." He explains. "I'm sorry." I softly say. "Can I know who you liked?" I ask.

"I still like her." He says. "It's you." He looks away from me. "Who did you like?" He asks me. "Also you. And I still do." I gulp, a bit nervous. We both just confessed to each other because of a game. "So we both like each other?" I ask. He chuckles cutely. "I guess yeah. What now?" I shrug. "I don't know. Do we date now?" I make eye contact with him. "I guess. We can always try, right?" He says. We smile at each other. "Omg we're so awkward and for what?" We laugh. "I have no idea. But I know I like you." I blush at his words. "I like you too."

A/N: idk what this was but ig it's alright

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