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Qian Kun
Reaction when finding out you're pregnant + short imagine

-you found out first
-you'd tell him when you 2 are alone
-"Kun, honey I need to tell you something."
-he'd be scared for what you're gonna say
-"w-w- is it for real? That's so great!"
-doesn't totally know how to react, he's speechless
-hugs you tightly and tells you he loves you

"Kun you can go to work, I'm fine." You tell him. "No, it can be for any time now. I'm not missing the birth of my own child!" He says following you behind. "Honey, it'll be fine. You can go to work." He sighs. "Are you sure?" You nod in response. As he was about to leave you let out a high pitched squeal. "Y/n! What happened?" He asks concerned. "I think I'm having contractions." You groan in pain. "I'm taking you to the hospital." He helps you to the car.

"Can get some milk for the baby." You'd ask him. "No breastfeeding?" He questions. "She doesn't want it. Get the milk now." You raised your voice. "I'm sorry, it's just so stressful. She's a picky eater, barely sleeps. It makes me think I'm doing it wrong." You fight back the tears as you're trying to shush the baby. "I'm sorry babe. But you're doing amazing, no doubt." He kissed your forehead as he takes the baby and feeds her.

"I'm home!" You get home and take of your coat. "Mommy!" Your 4-year old runs to you. "Hey princess, how was your day?" You ask as you pick her up. "Daddy is learning me how to play the piano." You raised your brows and look at Kun. "What? She saw me play and asked if she could do it too. So she can spend some quality time with dada." He smiles. "I wanna be a singer like dada!" Your daughter says happily clapping her hands.

"It's not difficult. Just use your brain." You hear Kun say from the other room. "But my teacher says it's wrong." You hear your daughter say. "What? But I learned it this way. Ugh why do they always have to make things difficult, you're only 9." He sighs. You decide to take a look at them. "What's wrong? Is dad not smart enough?" Kun flares at you and you chuckle. "No, can you look at it mom?" You nod and take the paper. You stare at it for a while. "What, is mom not smart enough?" Kun was the one laughing now.

"So what should I wear? This dress or this top with a skirt?" You were helping your daughter on her first ever date. "The skirt with the top. Maybe I can braid your hair, that'd be so cute." You smile at her. "He's going to love you!" You tell her, not knowing Kun heard it. "Who's going to love my princess?" He asks. "A guy. I'm going on a date with him." She says honestly. "No. My baby is not dating anyone." Kun refuses. "Come on. She's old enough. I also dated someone at her age." Kun gasps. "Huh? Your dad allowed that?" He asks. "It was you! And look at us now." You smile, knowing it worked. "Fine, but you're not wearing that skirt. You should wear that dress."

"Are you crying?" You ask Kun. "So are you. And why are you looking at me, look at our beautiful daughter." You both were very emotional. It's your daughter's wedding day and she looks gorgeous! "She's no longer my little princess. She's a grown woman." Kun sobs. "You're a bigger baby than she's ever been. Man up a little." You tell him. After the ceremony you'd hug her tightly. "Your dad cried like crazy." You laugh with her. "Hey. You cried too." He says. "It's okay dad. I think we all cried."

"We got something for you 2." Your daughter says. She and her man give you and Kun a box. You start opening it. "What is this?" Kun asks. "What does it look like dad?" She asks. "Omg you're pregnant! Come here you 2!" You run to them and hug them as Kun was yet again speechless. "I'm going to be a granddad? There's going to be a baby soon? That's so great!" He smiles happier than ever.

A/N: this was something different, let me know if any of you liked it 💚🌱

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