
807 10 2

Wong Yukhei
Word count: 1203

Lucas' POV

"That's enough, I quit!" Y/n gets up. "What? No you can't just quit." I say. "Lucas have you looked around you? This dance crew sucks at dancing and team spirit. I'm not staying here any longer." She says mad. "Don't leave, please." I beg her. "Come with me then." There was a moment of silence. "Then stay here." She brutally says before walking out. What do I do now? "We lost our best dancer. It's your fault!" One of the boys point at me. "Why is it my fault?" I ask them confused.

"She's your girlfriend. You should've stopped her!" They yell at me. "I'm sorry." I apologise. "Don't even say sorry anymore. We give you one more chance to safe this crew." A girl said. "How are we gonna do that?" I ask. "With you. We trust on you for the upcoming competition. If we lose you leave!" I furrow. "If you kick me out you'll fail even more. You can't just do that!" I tried. "Yes I can." He said. "Now everyone to your positions, Maya you take y/n's spot!" We started to practice again. I was already exhausted and we still practice.


"Auntie!" I called her name in a whiny voice. "What is it y/n?" My aunt asks. "Can I start a dance crew here at the ballet school?" She looks at me confused. "Look I know you only teach ballet here but I quit with that trash group I was in. I need to be part of the next competition and I need to practice here." I give her my famous puppy eyes. "Who are you gonna practice with? You can't do it on your own honey." She says. "I know some people who also know people and together we can be a team."

"Fine, Thursdays and Saturdays are free between 1 and 3." She smiles at me. "Thank you, you're the best!" I hug her tightly. "Imma call them right away okay!" I run out and take my phone. "Hello?" His voice sounds. "YangYang, I need your help!" I explain him everything that happened and tell him my idea. He was very positive about it. "I'll see what I can do. I see you this weekend, bye y/n." We ended the call. I started to organise everything. Saturday is gonna be amazing!

"Hey y/n, we're here!" I turn to see YangYang with a couple of guys. "So these are Ten, Taeyong, Jisung and Jeno. I know it's not much but I hope it's still okay." He smiles sweetly. "It's great! Thank you all for coming. We really can't lose any time so we have to practice, practice and practice." I said. "Can I actually ask for what?" Ten asks. "Dance competition. That reminds me we still need a name for our group." I told them. After a while of thinking we ended up with the name NCT. We also found a song we could dance to and we practiced for weeks.

"Well well, who we got here?" I roll my eyes as I turn around to find the old crew I used to dance with. "What is it?" I ask him annoyed. "You really think to participate on your own?" He asks me. "I'm not alone. I found the best dancers of this city. You don't think you'll win right?" I questioned. "Well we got Lucas with a spectacular solo part!" He tried to wow me. I look at Lucas disappointedly. All these weeks he didn't call or text me or replied with an 'I'm busy'.

"Come y/n, we have to go to the registration." Jeno took me by my arm and pulls me with him. "Name of the group?" The woman asks. "We are NCT." I said proudly. "We'll call you on stage when it's your turn. Have fun and good luck, you'll need it." I furrow at her last words. "Y/n, have you seen them?" Jisung points at a group who were practicing in a corner. "They're extremely good!" He gasps. "Don't worry, we can do this. Let's do a rehearsal." Taeyong said.

"Y/n, hey can I talk with you?" I recognised the voice. "What do you want Lucas?" I ask. "I'm sorry for the past weeks." He apologises. "Yeah whatever, go back to your crew. I'm trying to rehearse." I tell him. "If we don't win this competition, they'll kick me out." He tells me. I was shocked at first but didn't show it. "Well then I guess you need good luck. Bye." I turn around to focus on our dance. I look in the corner of my eyes, Lucas was slowly walking away. I still love him but during these weeks he was very rude to me, it was unacceptable.

The competition started. We watched all the groups pass by, they were all incredibly good. It made me nervous. "Don't stress okay. You can do this!" YangYang encourages me. "After our short break we'll start with the next group, NCT." We all look at each other as we hear our group name. "Let's do this!" We cheer. We got ready. I deeply breathe in and out. We got on our places once they announce that the break is over. The music starts and we dance, just like we practiced. We're a team on stage!

We were in the top three, together with Lucas' crew. It was stressful, we'll get to know if we won or not. "On 2nd place we have... NCT! Congratulations!" We were 2nd, it's amazing for the short time we could only practice. "Good job guys. Groups hug!" We all give a big hug. "We did great." Ten tells me. "Thanks to you guys." I smile. Lucas' group was 3rd. I saw how the leader got mad at each and one of them, especially Lucas. After we got off stage a bunch of people came to us. "Hi, we were wondering if we could join the crew?"

I was surprised by their questions. I told them the information and everything. "Who were that?" Jeno asks. "Mark, WinWin, Shotaro and Johnny. They want to join us." I smile. "That's amazing news!" Jisung smiles. "It is." I said excited. "Um y/n?" I look to see Lucas. "Congratulations with 2nd place." He smiles. "Thanks and you with your 3rd." He shook his head. "Not me. Anymore." He sighs. "You really got kicked out?" He nods in response. "I can't just do this. Y/n can we be good again? I hate being like this, I hate the tension between us."

He sighs even more. "Come here." I open my arms for a hug. "I hate fighting as well." I tell him. "I really love you." He tells me before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Can I...maybe join nct?" He asks. "I'd love to have you with us!" I tell him. "Betrayers, both of you. So disgusting." We roll our eyes at them. "Look, my team at least cares for each other. So shut up turn around and go back home!" I snap at him. "You're so cute when you're sassy!" Lucas laughs.

A/N: so last time I made a little essay about Jaemin, well this time about Mark. I'm sure by the end of this school year I got all 23 members done- but at least my teacher likes it

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