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Wong Yukhei
Word count: 1042
Based on the lyrics of Overwhelmed


I get home, finally. My day has been rough. I drop my bag and take my shoes off. I lay down on the couch and let my head rest on the armrest. I breathe in and out deeply, a few times. I check my phone to see if I got any texts from Lucas yet. But nothing. I sit up and turn on the tv as I got bored.I wasn't hungry at all so I'm not going to spend hours in the kitchen. I already showered this morning. It's still too early to go to bed.

I'm bored and stuck inside. But neither do I like going outside. I look through the different channels on tv. On every channel they show the news. It's that time of the day. I go through it. Of course, just like always it's bad news. Nothing good can happen. Another war, another car crash, another criminal. It's driving me insane! I try changing the channel but it's yet again the news. Why do they all have to show the freaking news everywhere at the same time? I cover my ears as it gets too much.

I want to scream but nothing comes out. I look away from the television hoping to be distracted as I still cover my ears. But I only get greeted by the bright white light hanging from the ceiling. Who thought about it to make these things so bright? Who ever thought about making it? Why is everything so complicated all the time? I look down and bring my knees to my chest. I sit like a ball, ears cover eyes closed as my head hangs low. Trying to protect myself from many things.

As time passes I hear more noises. I can't focus on 1 sound anymore. The tv, the cars on the street, the neighbour upstairs making so much noise by just walking. I try to distract myself and start thinking. But that wasn't the right option, I start overthinking. About life, myself, the past, humanity. Or whatever's left from it. I get it hot and start sweating. My breath getting uneven. What's going on and how do I stop it? I'm trembling all over. Is this it? Is this how it feels to die? "Y/n?" Another sound that makes it hard for me.

"Y/n, baby girl. Hey what's wrong?" It's Lucas. But I can't seem to lift my head up and talk to him. He hugs me and rubs my back to calm me down. The noises get softer, he turned off the tv. I slowly start to look up. He turned off the lights and closed the curtains so there won't come light inside. "Calm down. It's fine. I'm here with you. Can I get you anything?" He asks me but I don't respond. I just wanna be in his arms, it makes me feel safe. I slowly get back to normal.

"It's over now. You want some water?" I nod in response. Lucas comes back with a glass of water. "What was all of that?" He asks. "Take it slowly. I got time okay." He tells me. "All the noises were so loud. I couldn't focus. The lights were so bright and my view got blurry. My heart was going fast and I was sweating. I don't know what it was but it's scaring me." I tell him. "That sounds indeed scary. I'm sorry that I wasn't there when it happened." He apologises. "You still helped me a lot."

"You feel so cold. Let me get a blanket for you." Lucas gets up and goes to the bedroom. He comes back and wraps me in a soft blanket. "Do you think this happened because something happened during the day?" He asks and plays with my hair which calms me. "I had the same thing at work, but not as bad though. My coworker helped me as soon as he noticed something was off. There were a lot of people at the cafe. It was a mess I heard people talking everywhere, the radio was on, the coffee machines making a lot of noises. It was so much."

Lucas was listening carefully at what I was saying. "I started sweating and my head was spinning around. I felt so dizzy and had to sit down. I couldn't focus on what my coworker was telling me but he just stayed with me until it was over. All I was thinking about that time was: what's the fastest way to get out?" I tell him. "Maybe you should let this get checked by a doctor. There must be a reason why this happens and maybe something to stop it. I don't want you to be scared like this anymore."

"For now I'm just going to rest. It made me feel so exhausted." I tell Lucas. "You want me to come with you?" He asks. "No it'll be fine. I think there's still food in the fridge from yesterday. You can eat that." He nods in response. "Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams." He gives me a kiss before I get to our shared bedroom. I close the door behind me and breathe in and out again. I get changed into my pyjamas. It's so hot in here so I opened the window. I look outside.

Why am I having such anxiety attacks on such random moments? Can't it just stop? I don't want this to affect anyone in my surroundings. Definitely not Lucas. "Aren't you sleeping yet?" I turn around and see him at the door. "No." I simply say. "What are you thinking about? I know there's something going on in there at the moment." He holds me in his arms. "I don't want this to take over my life or yours. You're already so busy with work. My anxiety shouldn't take part in that." I tell him honestly. "It doesn't. Believe me. And you're important to me anyway so what if I have to put work aside to take care of you. I just want you to feel good and be happy. I love you baby." He says giving me a long kiss after.

A/N: I'm just gonna say goodnight to y'all and sleep afterwards

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