
782 14 1

Dong Sicheng
Word count: 1014


"Ouch!" I yell out. "What happened y/n?" My coworker asked me. "I accidentally cut myself. I'm so stupid, I'm sorry." I apologise. "Don't be crazy, no apologies needed. Let's get you a bandaid." She takes me with her. "But the dresses need to be finished." I say. "How long does it take to get you a bandaid? Not long so don't worry." She says and takes out the first aid kit. "Maybe You should draw the patterns instead of cutting the fabrics." She tells me and we get back to work.

I finished work and walked back home. I was tired and stressed. I can't keep my mind off of the big order that we still haven't finished because of my cut. It suddenly becomes windy and clouds are taking over the sky. It started to rain and I had no umbrella. I got home and take off my shoes and coat. All wet I run to the bathroom. I take a towel and get undressed. "Babe? Why didn't you come say hi. Ow I'm sorry." I see WinWin covering his eyes. I quickly got new and dry clothes on. "You can look now." I tell him.

"I had to walk through the rain. So I'm all soaked. It was a long and stressful day, I rather just order food and stay in bed." I sigh. "I made dinner, or yeah I'm almost finished. And can't you come sit on the couch with me?" He asks sweetly. "Just sit here and relax. Turn on the tv and I'll be right back with the food." He tells me. I sit down and take a blanket to get some warmth. "Here you go, it's your favourite." He gives me a plate and sits next to me.

"Why didn't you call me to come pick you up?" He asks. "Because I lost my phone somewhere here in the house and had no time to look for it this morning. Oh Sicheng I had such a tiring day." I groan. "I have an idea. But I'll tell you after dinner." He smiles. "Tell me what is it?" I ask curiously. "It's a secret but you're gonna like it!" He chuckles and continues eating his food. He got me really curious. After I finished my food he took our plates and placed it in the sink.

"So what's the surprise?" I ask. "Just be patient. I have to go get something, I'll be right back." Sicheng tells me and leaves the apartment. I sigh and stay on the couch waiting for Sicheng to come back. What is he doing anyway? After a while he came back. I just look at him, not saying a word. "I got the surprise for you." He holds up a bag. "What is it, can you finally tell me?" I ask. "I got ice cream, face masks, scented candles. You're going to relax." He tells me. I give him a tight hug.

"Thank you!" He smiles. "No problem, everything for you." He gives me a peck. "Here's the ice cream and a spoon. You can watch some shows, whatever you like and then I'll get the rest done." He tells me. He lit the candles and placed it on the coffee table. He goes to the bathroom and comes back. "Wear this hairband. We don't want your hair to get in the way." He gives it to me and I wear it. "Do I now remove your makeup?" He asks and I nod. "Do you want me to do that?" He shook his head. "I can do it."

Sicheng careful removes my makeup. "And now?" He looks at the different skincare products. "First this one then the face mask. The rest I use in the morning." I tell him. "I can do it myself if you want to." I say but he shook his head. "You should do nothing but relax. Let me do it." He says. "Okay now that's done. Do you want a sheet mask or peel off? Whatever that means." He looks at the 2 different packages. "I take the sheet mask, can I do the peel off with you?" I ask him excited.

"For me? You want this on my face?" I nod continuously. "Okay but let me first do this for you." He opens it and carefully places it on my face. "Is it good like that?" He asks insecure. "Yeah, you can't do much wrong with this. Now let me help you with the other one." I open it and start applying to his face. "Ew, why is it so different from yours? It's so sticky." I just chuckle at him. "You just gotta wait until it dried. Oh this is so fun, we should do this more often!" I smile.

"At least you're happy again." He says. While waiting we watched some show on tv until the timer goes off. "You can take yours off." Sicheng tells me. "When can I take mine off?" He asks. "Is it already dry?" He shook his head. "Not completely." He says. "Then you should wait a little longer." I get up and already start to clean the table but WinWin stops me. "No, sit down. I'll do that." I look at him and sigh. "Let me at least do something." I look him in the eyes.

"Okay, you can take this thing off of my face." He smiles. "Oh nice!" I start peeling it off. "Ai be careful. You don't have to pull my skin off with it." He tells me. "Baby it's supposed to take the dead skins away." He awkwardly laughs. "Okay but not the rest of my skin." I pull the last part off. "Next time you can take that one." I laugh. "It wasn't that bad. And it's good for your skin as well so be thankful." I tell him. "Thankful for your bad day?" He raised a brow. "Ah well maybe yes. But thank you, I feel a lot better now." I give him a kiss.

A/N: it's only been 3 weeks of school and I already wanna quit.


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