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(Authors Note: I do not speak German; therefore anything that is said in German will be a full piece of dialogue written in English, in italics within quotation marks. Not to be confused with just a single word italicised amongst regular words, which is just an emphasised word.)
(TRIGGER WARNING: the following chapters consist of talks of Nazi Germany and the Jewish community, readers are advised to be mindful and skip these chapters if the topic/s are sensitive for you)

I WAS USED TO BEING TALKED ABOUT. Everyone wanted to know how I knew English, where I learnt medicine. It had been two weeks of people asking Igor and no one approaching me, not even for dinner amongst the army families when I was relaxing at home, painting while Verity was reading and the phone rang.
     I looked at Verity but she only shrugged, she wasn't expecting this phone call so I hurried to answer it.
     "Hello?" I said.
     "Miss Elizabeth," Igor's hushed voice was muffled. I wasn't sure why but clearly he was still around humans or he wouldn't be speaking German. "We need you here. I'll meet you at the gate. Please, don-"
"Don't bring Verity, of course," I said for him.
     Verity leant forward in her seat, listening.
     "Bring your kit."
Before I could ask for more details, he hung up and I prepared my things. We were lucky, it was summer showers today, I didn't have to wear long clothing, just had to remember an umbrella.
     "Poisoning," I heard Verity say as I ran past her to the prop umbrellas. "Hitler was poisoned."
     "But it's too soon," I argued.
     "Good thing you save him then."
     She returned to her book and I left for the camp.
    Igor met me at the gate, standing in the rain without an umbrella. Rain dripping off his hat like small waterfalls.
     "Follow me," he instructed.
     I stayed close to him, covering us both from the rain by the umbrella. I tried to ignore the sounds of the whispers, the screams and cries. The heartbeats of the Jewish, the nervous energy from some of the soldiers. One was overbearing as we stalked past and his scent crushed into me.
     He didn't smell particularly appealing, no more than the other humans. It was his past that made me curious.
     "We believe one of the caterers managed to poison his tea. We're trying to decipher which out of the-"
     "It's wasn't one of them, Igor," I whispered, so quickly and so quietly that no soldier near us would hear. "It wasn't a prisoner."
     "You know who?" he responded, just as quiet and just as quick.
     I gave a small nod and he said nothing more on the topic. He knew it was too soon for Adolf Hitler to die. He knew that I knew it as well.
     He opened the door for me to the office. Hitler was purple from his forehead down to his cheeks where he just became a deathly shade of grey.
     I wanted to leave him like that. I wanted to stand there and watch as he suffered, choked on the arsenic the soldier had slipped into his tea and watch him suffer for what he had done.
     But it was too soon.
     "Her?" one of the soldiers exclaimed. "I told you-"
     Igor's glare silenced the officer and I approached Heir Hitler. 
     I worked without speaking to my patient nor any of the soldiers around him. The only one I would look at and communicate with was Igor and he was always a willing assistant.
     Before the rain ended, Adolf was breathing steadily again and staring at me something deadly. Accusations in his eyes and in his past.

     Not human.
     "Thank you," Igor said as he rested his hand on the small of my back. He, unafraid, kissed me in front of his boss and the soldiers. I heard Adolf's teeth snap.
     "Time to go home," I said softly.
     He walked with me back to the gate, this time he held the umbrella for us. At the gate, he returned it and kissed me more passionately than he had in the office. But I had to warn him.
     "Igor," I whispered, to ensure the soldiers guarding the gate wouldn't hear. "He knows."
     "Knows what, exactly?" Igor asked, keeping his face still close to mine. His breath was doing insane things to my control, but I had to keep my head.
     "He knows we're not human."
     Igor immediately began planning. Suddenly, the course of history didn't matter. Not as much as protecting Verity and me. Not as much the safety and our existence.
     "Igor." My hands were full so I couldn't grab him, but my eyes held onto his. "We can't leave. Not now, not yet. I'll talk to Verity to see what she can read, and we'll figure it out from there, okay? I love you."
     "You are my life."
     He kissed me again and watched me walk away until he couldn't see me anymore.
     When I returned home, Verity was asleep on the couch, so I moved and packed things around her. I had told Igor that we couldn't leave, but I knew we had to soon. Fix things, make our story believable, and then disappear. We couldn't let Aro turn Hitler into a vampire again, that's for certain. So perhaps we'd have to fast-track his timeline. I was suddenly regretting saving him from the arsenic poisoning, that would have been an easy out.
     Verity woke when I had finished putting everything away, she looked around almost disorientated at first but then her eyes found me.
     "We're moving?" she asked.
     "Adolf knows we're not human," I explained.
     She sighed and immediately her head snapped straight, reading something I couldn't because it hadn't happened yet.
     "Oh, no."
     "What is it?" I pushed.
    She started to cry! Why was she crying? I rushed over to my daughter and pulled her into my embrace as she cried, not fully understanding until I retrieved her scent and knew what she knew.
    Igor was being sent to the front line before he even had a chance to go home and talk to us.
     We find out because someone comes to gather things for him, but doesn't say anything to us other than where Igor has gone to.
     "I don't want him going," Verity said between sobs.
     I didn't want him to go either, but he wouldn't have a choice when they told him if they hadn't already. He could have either outed himself as a vampire and traitor or followed his orders until the time was right. I knew Igor, he'd chose to follow orders. He'd be thinking of Verity and me, thinking of the compact, easy to carry bombs that were readily available to just throw into the house and blow everything up if he ever wronged Hier Hitler.
    I knew that's what he'd think of because it was what I was thinking of when I pictured Igor going to the battlefield. Swords, bullets, none of that would touch him, it wouldn't even hurt. A grenade? A land mine? The creation of an explosion so powerful that it may have the potential to break us apart? No one had tested it with the new human powers yet, but no one wanted to risk it. I didn't want Igor to be the one who did.
     Then the Volturi were their own little problem. We were close to Italy, this deportation would put Igor even closer. I didn't think Aro would be very pleased to hear of a vampire, fighting in the human wars.
     They'd kill him to keep the secret, no doubt about it.
     Then I was back at the Adolf Hitler conundrum. Do we just ignore it? Do we wait for the moment he's alone and kill him? Just break his neck and let it be done with it? Part of me didn't feel satisfied giving him a quick and painless death, but I was out of time. We were out of time.
     I hadn't realised she'd stopped crying. I let her pull herself upright and we both looked at each other. Her head was ticking along, planning, except where I had stopped breathing in my panic, she hadn't and with every breath, she was updated with the future reactions to my planning and her own.
     "Go talk to Dad," she instructed. "I'm going to hide everything here for us to come back for when we can."
     "Are you sure?" I asked her, using my air.
     "Trust me. Go. We've only got an hour before he's sent away and then an extra ten minutes before they come for his things. Go."
     I hoped she had a plan, that she knew what was going to happen. At least for the most part.
     I kissed her forehead and ran for the camp again, determined to find my husband.

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