Birth and ReBirth

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I COULDN'T FORM WORDS. I could hardly breathe. All I could feel was hot pain.
     I could feel the baby thrashing around inside me, tearing at me from the inside. Struggling.
     What had happened?
     The burning pain of the breaking and the babies thrashing movements was joined by a tear I could hear over my own screams, a tear that I realised quickly was from me as it only made the pain impossibly worse.
     And then the burning started.
     Fire too hot for words started burning in my wrist, it took over all other pain but one, the tearing apart of my abdomen.
     I tried to open my eyes, through my tears, through my pain.
     The tearing made sense when I saw Igor's head at my stomach, he pulled back and his jaw was covered in blood. My blood. He was getting the baby out. When he went back though, another burning started in my hip.
     I couldn't hear any talking over my own screams.
     Why couldn't I move my hand? Forcing myself to look at my burning hand, there was a beautiful lady holding it. I recognised her and her red eyes, but for the life of me, through the pain, I couldn't think of her name. She was holding my hand down, but I saw the deep bite over my wrist.
     Was Igor biting me while getting out the baby?
     I suppose, he doesn't have a syringe directly to the heart like Edward...
     The burning began to spread, the fire began to spread.
     Igor kept biting different parts of me while attempted to get the baby out. My ankles, neck, arms, thighs, my other wrist.
     It took too much effort to remind myself that this burning? I had felt it before. I had been through it once before. Not in this life, but in another. Another time, and that time I didn't have company. Didn't have people with me, by my side, people who would be hurt by my screams through the pain.
     So I held my jaw shut as firmly as I could, attempted to stop my screams or at least muffle them.
    The fire kept spreading.
    Then I heard the cry of a newborn infant.
     "Take her," Igor's gruff voice ordered someone.
     Her? So our prayers were answered, a baby girl.
     Wait... take? Take where?
     I tried to open my eyes again but the burning took off to another level I didn't realise existed. Surely when I went through this the first time it didn't hurt so much?
     It felt like there wasn't a spec of my body that Igor hadn't bitten, or that wasn't in a hell-ridden fire.
     I had to remind myself multiple times that it did nothing to scream. Not that it mattered for much longer, for my lungs started burning and I no longer had the air to scream with.
     "Are you sure it'll work?" a male voice asked. I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was. Axton? It sounded like Axton. I wasn't sure.
     "The venom has reached her heart. She will make it," Igor's voice was the only thing I understood clearly. I knew who it was, my angel.
     "Is there anything that she needs to know before she becomes one of us?" someone else asked.
     "She knows it all."
     Did I? I tried to remember my dream as I the fire raged through me. Tried to remember the only rule, tried to remember more details about the Volturi, tried to remember anything at all. For the most part, it worked, I could remember, and impossibly forced myself to think about how to keep the secret. Avoid sunlight, don't go into the public eye, stay hidden, stay inconspicuous... or don't drink human blood so you can live with them.
     It became too difficult to focus on anything, to think about anything other than the fire. So I tried to distract my mind by focusing on the only thing I could hear beyond my own muffled, silenced, wheezing groaned. Igor's humming.
     It was a tune he had hummed to me before, but I put all my effort into focusing on the humming.
     Even through the burn.

Through the worst of it, I wanted to die. I wanted the fire to consume me and devour me and turn me into nothing but ash. I knew it wouldn't happen though, so I began wanting to ask Igor to kill me, he was there, he could do it. But just as I went to ask for it, a visual, a memory, flashed behind my eyes. Igor's death... Igor's burning. Why we had been sent back in time in the first place. So as much as I wanted the pain to end, and as much as I wanted Igor to end it for me, I kept my jaw closed, kept my lips firmly shut and focused on the humming.

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