Family Matters

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"GOING TO HUNT AGAIN, LUCY?" Rosalie asked.
     I looked over at my daughter and saw how black her eyes had become.
     "Honestly if I just think about the fact that some dangerous Italian tracker that's older than half of my new family, has a crush on me... yeah that's a huge distraction," Lucy muttered. "Me."
     "Maybe he has a thing for power?" Mary Alice offered.
     "Me," Lucy repeated.
     Mary Alice and Rosalie laughed at her while they started to return to their home. I watched Carlisle as he looked at Lucy, his expression deep in thought, which would explain why Edward hadn't moved yet either.
     And thinking of Edward made me think. It reminded of what they said to me to convince me to kill the humans who set the Hospital fire with the chemical smoke, about how dangerous the Volturi were to all of us.
     With Lucy a part of the family we'd be seen as a bigger threat to Aro. I knew him, he'd become terrified of us whether he believed Carlisle and I were staying side-by-side or not, which could potentially lead to random check-ups or unprovoked attacks.
     Carlisle's family were fine, they had the numbers, and Bella. Igor, Lucy and I... Igor training, Lucy's talent... we wouldn't be able to handle the Volturi's number, training and talents or not. But if we could organise something between our families-
     "You two are definitely twins," Edward muttered before shaking his head and beginning to walk back to the house with Bella.
     I looked over to Carlisle the moment he did me. We must have been thinking the same thoughts again, which was helpful.
     "Igor I believe we need to discuss some matters," Carlisle said turning.
     "Should I be afraid?" Igor asked me.
     "No," I said. "Come on, I still need to test Renesmee's blood."
     "I think I'll stay outside for that," Lucy muttered.
     "Good idea," Esme said.
     The three of us ran for the house while Igor and Carlisle trailed behind.
     "I was wanting to discuss with you some family protection matters," I heard Carlisle say before we got just out of hearing range.
     "Family protection matters?" Esme asked me as we ran.
     "I imagine that was Carlisle's way of wording, what one side of the family is going to do if the Volturi try to attack the other unprovoked," I stated.
     When we got back to the house, I ran up to Carlisle's office, well, his medical office filled with stolen supplies that were as reliable as they were outdated.
     "Renesmee?" I called and heard her start making her way upstairs before Emmett followed with, "the doctor will see you now" in a deep, playful, mocking tone.
     "Emmett!" I yelled. Emmett, Rose and Mary Alice laughed.
     Renesmee quickly joined me in Carlisle study and took a seat. Her parents came in soon after.
     "You two don't have to be here for this," Renesmee grumbled.
     "We know," Bella responded.
     "Do you all understand what I'm going to do?" I asked.
     "You're going to tear open probably my arm to get to a vein so you can get some blood to take the tests to see if I'm pregnant or not," Renesmee stated in a very matter-of-fact tone.
     "That's right," then I turned to her parents, "and what are you two going to do when she started screaming in pain? Because let me tell you now, you attacking me will be very counterproductive."
     "We won't attack you," Bella stated. "We know what you're doing."
     "We're her parents," Edward argued.

     And I usually ask the parents I don't feel safe doing a procedure around, to step outside, I thought looking at Edward.
     "You really think we'll hurt you?" Edward asked a hint of amusement in his voice.
     "Well, considering how many times and many ways the both of you have thought of castrating and or killing Jacob if he ever hurt her," Renesmee turned to her parents with a shocked expression. "I don't want to risk it."
     "What?!" Renesmee screamed.
     "What Nes said," Jacob muttered from downstairs.
     "Note to self," Emmett laughed. "Don't hurt Nessie. I feel sorry for you, man."
     "We'll just step outside then," Edward said, taking Bella's arm and escorting her back into the corridor. Bella looked mortified.
     Renesmee's face was the brightest I had ever seen it when she turned back to me.
     "Have they really thought that?" she mouthed to me.
     I ignored her question and just got to work. It was easy enough to find the equipment I was after. She took off her jacket revealing a rather pretty looking purple and black tank top underneath. I promised myself I really would try to not ruin it.
     She surprised me by rolling up her jacket and biting into it while thrusting her arm out towards me and turning her head.
     "Would you like me to count to three?" I asked.
     She nodded with her eyes clamped shut, so she didn't see my grin. Ah, the good old 'count to three'.
     "Relax, Renesmee," I said. "One..."
      I bit hard into her inner elbow. Her jacket hardly muffled her scream.
     Renesmee's blood was... interesting. Nothing in comparison to Lucy by far, but still... interesting was a very good word to it. I could still taste the nutrients in the blood that I knew would strengthen me, but there was also a bitter undertone that was equally as strong. A bitter undertone that reminded me of the blood of the long since dead.
     I quickly pushed that thought out of my head as I grabbed the syringe I needed before her vein healed itself closed.
     I was able to fill one vial quickly and half-filled the second before her healing capabilities snapped the needle in her arm, making the both of us flinch. Her arm expelled the other part of the needle out of itself before letting itself heal properly.
     I gave her gauze to wrap around her arm, but when I turned to get to the test, the blood was brown as if it had long dried out. I shook the full vial and it wasn't fully dried out, but it had clotted... it had come out of Renesmee looking like regular blood, red, liquid, blood. Now it was dark brown slime or goo.
     It had only been perhaps two seconds between getting it out of her arm and handing her the gauze bandage to wrap around her arm and already it had coagulated!
     I took a brief moment taking extra care with what was going on in my head, thinking about the sudden change of the blood outside of her body, while trying to subtly listen to her heart, if there were any abnormalities to how it usually sounded.
     She sounded the same as she always had been so I moved over to Carlisle's lab set with the blood and sat at the desk with it.
     "Is everything okay?" Renesmee asked.
     "Can you still use it?" Edward asked as he came in suddenly and approached me, Bella went up to Nessie.
     "I don't know," I admitted. But I better try before there it becomes impossible.
So I began running tests for Renesmee's hCG levels if there were any at all which was simple enough, and while I waited for the results to show, I watched the half vial of blood. Dark brown slime just like the other. Even Edward was watching it with me.
     "Edward?" Bella said softly. "What are you two doing?"
     "Do you know how blood turns brown when being outside of the body for too long?" I asked.
     "Hers did in a second."
     "And her blood has solidified in a way that I've only seen with some snake and spider bites. It's become goo."
     "Again, what?"
     I had to remind myself that she wasn't being repetitive and rude, it was just how her generation exclaimed their shock and disbelief. If I was honest with myself, I was almost having the same reaction.
     "Now I just want to watch it and see if anything else strange happens," I muttered then gasped with a new idea. "I'm going to test it."
     "For what?" Renesmee asked.
     "I have no idea."
     Excitement bubbled up inside me for the first time since meeting Igor. It was exotic.
     "Dad," I heard Nessie say while I separated her blood into Petri dishes. "Does Grandpa look that crazy when he finds something new?"
     "Yes," Edward answered. "And if I learnt anything from Carlisle, let's just leave her be for a while."
     "Thank you," I chirped putting a drop of Renesmee's goo blood onto a slide to get a microscopic look at it.
     "Glad I found something to entertain you with," Renesmee murmured from downstairs.
     While waiting for results, I hunted down Carlisle's already gathered information about half-breeds so I could get a better read of what this whole family found out while Bella was pregnant and while Renesmee was still growing.
     I had to go into the library for the second half, which is where I was when Carlisle and Igor came into hearing range. The first sign that something was wrong, was that Carlisle didn't say anything to Esme when she went out to greet him, the second, Igor didn't check on Lucy who was sitting outside so she didn't hurt either Renesmee or Jacob.
     Neither of them said anything as they walked through the house and up the stairs until they passed me at the library entrance. They didn't say anything then either, but they didn't have to.

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