Plans Ahead

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IGOR AND I WAITED PATIENTLY WITH MY BROTHER'S FAMILY FOR ESME TO GET BETTER. Occasionally Igor would get a phone call from someone at work, checking on him. And when Mary Alice saw someone going over to our house, Igor would go over and act as a widower. Once he returned to my brothers' house with a tuna casserole.
     "Jacob? Renesmee?" He offered to them, the two of them devoured the casserole within the hour. Mostly Jacob, but it was gone.
     When we weren't over at the Cullens looking after Esme for Carlisle, we were planning our next move. When Carlisle asked us about it once when we were over, we told them a plan to stick with small towns.
     "They're easier, and the communities are sometimes more peaceful," I stated.
     "Perhaps you'd be welcomed in Forks?" Esme suggested. "We just came from there."
     "Is that a smart idea? Two sets of vampires in a row?" I asked.
     "The pack won't like it," Jacob chirped.
     "You can give them a heads up," Edward said. "Forks is great, no sun, trustful police force."
     Bella chuckled a little at that.
     "It's risky. Liz and I look too much alike."
     "I'll just say you're my big brother," I said.
     "And if Charlie asks about me?" Bella asked.
     "We know nothing. Carlisle and Liz had a falling out during high school when their parents divorced and haven't spoken since."
     "Charlie won't believe that. He knows Carlisle."
     "He will if we're convincing enough."
     "Well, if you choose Forks, you're more than welcome to use our house until you can build your own," Esme suggested.
     "Our house is a bit big for two people," Jasper chuckled.
     "Our cottage is smaller," Bella said. "They can use that."
     "Just don't damage it," Edward chuckled.
     "Just make sure you introduce yourself to the pack," Jacob warned. "Did you want me to go with you? They'll take you easier if I'm there."
     Rosalie sighed. "I'm sure they can take care of themselves," she said.
     "Yeah, they'll smell like you," Emmett said and laughed.
     "Think about what seeing you will do to Charlie, Jacob," Edward said.
     "Then at least get a letter to my Dad? Please-"
     "Whoa! Whoa! Slow down," I said and stood. "We haven't decided on Forks, so, stop."
     They let it drop.
     During the days when we weren't looking after Esme, and we weren't planning our move, we were organising our papers. I decided to not go through my usual company and went through someone both Bella and Jasper had dealt with. J Jenks. Bella had a more pleasant experience with Mr Jenks than Jasper, but that was only because of how they both acted.
     We ended up deciding on Forks, only due to convenience, and because Igor was become more fascinated with the shapeshifters the more time he spent with Jacob.
     We took Bella up on staying in their cottage until we were able to build our own house and was given a note from Jacob to give to his father, Billy Black and he also warned us that there would still be wolves present when we arrived and that the leader would be called Quil. Apparently, Quil was one of Jacob's old best friends.
     Igor was going to take the daily drive and study Psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle, and I was organising a job as something a little different, a school nurse.
     The weekend came around when Esme was healed, so everyone left for the humans' hideout.
     "Is this it?" I asked as well a circled the old building.
     We could all hear the humming of computers inside, and heartbeats.
     "This is it," Mary Alice said.
     "Then let's get this over with."
     Like a canon of fire spreading we all lit up our spots. Mine was at the main exit, and I would be the last to put my match down. We heard the screaming and after Mary Alice put her match down on my right, and Rosalie on my left, I waited for five seconds before putting mine down.
     I was quick to back away, I didn't want to be around when the fire hit the chemicals. No one did, so we all retreated. Except I didn't go back to the house straight away.
    I climbed through the open bedroom window of Hannah Collin. She was sleeping quietly beside her husband.
     "Miss Elizabeth," Igor said quietly from outside.
     I leant over Hannah Collin, she looks ten years younger than what she was, while she was asleep. It was hard to imagine this woman as head of a Hospital.
     "It's your turn to be strong, Hannah. It's time for you to be the best Doctor the town has ever seen," I whispered into her ear and jumped back out of the window.
     I took Igor's hand and we ran back to the Cullen's place to grab our bags of things there and then get back to our house to pack.
     We gave it another week for Igor to play his role, to set up our story in Nanaimo before we moved to Forks and became Eliza and Ian Fraser.

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