Worried to be Broken

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      "Save us," Alfred said as he walked backwards. "Please. Save us all."
     He clapped his hands.

I WOKE, once more, screaming. In tears once more. Igor's ice-cold embrace took that fraction of a millisecond too long to get his arms around me, telling me that he hadn't been in the room, but the moment his arms were around me, I held onto his shirt like it was my life because, at that moment, it was.
     "I am alive," Igor whispered as he held his lips to the top of my head. "I am alive."
     "I couldn't save you," I sobbed. "I couldn't... I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
     "Shh, Miss Elizabeth. All is okay, all is well. The war is over, the possibility of it is centuries away. We are alive. We are alive."
     As Igor spoke, my mind slowly was able to separate my modern reality, and my dream of the past. Enough for it to start registering other things, like how Igor hadn't been in the room with me and the only possible reason why.
     "We have company?" I asked, still holding onto Igor like it was life.
     "Yes. Fantine and Peter have come to inform me that the Volturi have had to reschedule their visit to London. Apparently, vampires moving to the New World with humans has caused some... unwanted attention that they have to clean up."
      "Are they still here?"
     "No, they left moments after you awoke, for your privacy."
     I pulled my lips to Igors, filling me with that warmth and familiarity, proving to my mind and heart that he really was alive, and really was right there beside me, holding me.
     The amount I needed that, needed that touch, that passion... it was blinding. Nothing else mattered, because nothing else existed, other than Igor.
     Igor didn't stop what came next. I wasn't sure why. Maybe his want at the moment was as strong as mine. Maybe he just wasn't ready for my onslaught... Either way, it filled me with satisfaction when I felt and heard my nightgown tear off my back.


It felt like Igor planned on going forever, and I really wanted to. I didn't want the magic to stop. But I was human, with human needs.
     So while Igor was giving me a breather while kissing tenderly down my neck, I had to pull together all my strength just to even mutter the word, "human". The next thing I knew Igor wasn't even in the room and I used the chance to run as fast as I could to the lavatory.
     When I returned to the room, Igor was back also, his back to me in what looked like a rather tense positioning.
     "How much trouble am I in?" I asked.
     "How much are you hurt?" he asked back.
     "I'm not," I answered. "Not at all. I feel perfectly normal."
     "Than you are in a lot of trouble," Igor sighed. Though when he turned to me, he had his soft, friendly smile on his face. "I am sorry I got distracted."
     I shrugged and crawled over the bed to him, quick to return to kissing him.
     "Can we stay here today?" I asked and put my legs back around him.
     He laughed and detangled himself.
     "We have lunch with the townsfolk," Igor muttered.
     "I got horribly sick and need to stay home," I muttered. "And need you to look after me."
     "That will go down well with your brother," Igor laughed.
     It struck something in my mind. A memory, with the dream being as fresh as it was, made me realise something.
     The amount of time it had been between when Igor and I first touched in that sense, and now... was longer than the gap between when Edward and Bella first touched, and she was showing signs of vampiric pregnancy.
     I stood to try and get a better look at my abdomen, but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing... It was as flat as it had ever been.
     "You were hoping for a demon spawn by now?" Igor asked annoyance hidden in his tone... but still there.
     "I... I will always want to carry you a child, Igor..." I confessed and looked at my reflection in the murky glass window. "But by now... I should be... but I am not..."
     "This is a good thing," Igor sighed. "It is much too soon for you to change anyway."
     "But..." I tried to hold back tears as a new fear settled in my chest. "What if I have been used and abused so much, what if I gave myself up to survive so much, that the human child I gave up was the only chance I had?"
     Igor, wordlessly but loudly, moved so he was sitting on the bed closest to me, where he was able to reach out and touch me. He held my hand firmly.
     "Miss Elizabeth, you listen to me. An inability to bear children does not make you any less of a woman. You are an amazing, brave, kind woman; that makes you more a woman than motherhood. I first met you while you were unable to bear children, so for me, besides your fragility, nothing has changed. Also," he added in such a different tone, that it made me look at him, he swiftly wiped a tear from my cheek. "There is no way we can be certain if you have been made sterile. Finding out such a thing is impossible in these times. It could just be a matter of mere timing for your body, after all, you did not fall pregnant after every sexual encounter you've had in your life."
     "Still, it worries me."
     "There is nothing to worry about," his smile was back, he pulled me closer to him and his cold arms went around my bare hips. "Besides, if you really are sterile-"
     "Please stop using that word."
     "If it turns out that you can no longer bear children," Igor said softly, calmly... soothingly. "Than I need not worry about killing you as Edward did his Bella, and we could... well... with nothing to worry about."
     "Other than your trying not to lose control and kill me, I hope," I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair.
     He kissed my stomach as it rumbled loudly, reminding both of us of yet another human need.
     Igor was quick to make me some food, while still naked. I could hardly focus on the food while absolutely mesmerised by everything about him.
     "Shall I go put on some pants?" Igor asked with a huge cheeky grin, I hadn't even noticed he'd put the food in front of me.
     "Please don't."
     He laughed loudly and sat beside me.
     "Eat, or I will."
     Knowing the God was threatening to take the sight away, I ate probably the quickest I had ever eaten in my life, Igor had chuckled again, and had carried me back upstairs. The moment we were back in our room, his lips were on mine again.
     He was soft to put me down on the bed and began kissing down my neck and collar bone.
     "What happened to lunch with the townsfolk?" I asked, really not wanting him to stop.
     "We forgot," he said into my stomach. "Forgetting is, after all, only human."
     I couldn't breathe as he kissed his way back up to my face, from my pelvis.

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