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(Authors Note: I do not speak German; therefore anything that is said in German will be a full piece of dialogue written in English, in italics within quotation marks. Not to be confused with just a single word italicised amongst regular words, which is just an emphasised word.)
TRIGGER WARNING: the following chapters consist of talks of Nazi Germany and the Jewish community, readers are advised to be mindful and skip these chapters if the topic/s are sensitive for you)

TO AVOID ANY SOLDIERS FROM EITHER SIDE INVESTIGATE HIS SCREAMS, we moved Johann closer to the mountains where we found a shallow cave to hide him in.
     The three of us stayed with him, but only Igor spoke to him after the first day while Verity and I stayed at the head of the cave. He explained to Johann what was happening, what he was becoming and the rules he'd have to follow. Igor apologised for what had happened, and that we'd be there for him.
     After the explanations were said, Verity replaced Igor by his side, and Igor joined me.
     "Something's wrong," Igor whispered, his eyes remaining on Johann and Verity. "You haven't approached him since we got here."
     "I had hoped by making our families smaller, we could change Aro's fear of our family," I confessed. "Yet, here we are just making it bigger."
     "Miss Elizabeth," Igor said softly and faced me.
     His hands on either side of my face made me face him, too.
     "The future is ever-changing. The future we have set up for us now is vastly different from the future we knew. For all we know, the Aro in this future won't care about how big you and Carlisle's family becomes. The cause of his old fears never happened in our new history. But," he pulled me closer to him and rested his lips on my head, "whatever may come for us. Whatever this new future brings us, we will fight it together. As always."
     Very romantic, but exactly what I needed to hear. I was still feeling stress about the ever-growing family, but just the assurance that Igor would stay by me, even though the voice in the back of my mind reminded me that nothing was certain, the words made me feel better.
     I let myself meld to Igor's figure as he wrapped his arms around me, his lips staying on my head.
     I looked towards Verity, half expecting her to be looking at us, but she only had eyes for Johann. Through the screams, groans, and racing heart I could hear Verity humming the lullaby Igor used to hum to her when she was small.
     She kept humming throughout his change, and after three days Johann's heart was beating its final beats.
     When the burning centralised in his chest, killing his heart, I pulled Verity away from Johann, and she didn't resist. I held Verity behind me, at the end of the cave, and Igor stood in front of us.
     I didn't know why Verity didn't resist being behind us, the tension of how Johann would react had me holding my breath.
     When his heart stopped, Johann didn't move. He didn't breathe nor did he open his eyes. He just stayed as still as the dead.
     "You don't have to breathe if you don't want to," Igor instructed softly. "But you can open your eyes."
     "Heart..." Johann said between his teeth.
     Igor looked over his shoulder at us.
     "It's unusual, isn't it? You do not have to be afraid, she does not smell appetising. We won't let you hurt her."
     Johann slowly took a deep breath, his muscles tensed and Igor put a firm hand on his shoulder. Johann's eyes snapped open to Igor only he seemed to be immediately distracted by something over Igor's shoulder.
     It took me a moment to remember the feeling that suddenly washed over Johann's face. Igor had been right, Verity's scent wasn't appetising enough to control the attention of a newborn enough for them to not notice everything around them.
     I looked around the cave, seeing what Johann was seeing and enjoying the magic in it. I didn't think I had ever really stopped and really enjoyed the enhanced sight gifted to vampires. If I ever did in the past timeline, I couldn't remember it, but it truly was beautiful.
    How the colours stayed individual but melded together in the most intricate of patterns. How the specs of dust or dirt or minuscule bugs twirled like dancing stars in the clear air of the day.
     How the patterns of the rocks took such complex designs that one could only stare and marvel, seeing an endless amount of images inside the markings on even just one stone.
     "Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked.
     Johann didn't respond, he didn't even look at me, but he didn't need to. The pure awe in his bright red eyes could only make me smile. Until he breathed in, his mouth clamped shut, eyes on Verity behind me and a hand closed around his throat.
     "Let me help you, Johann," Igor said calmly, but his hands went firmly on Johann's shoulders. "You do not have to hurt her. It feels as if you have no choice, but you do. You always have a choice."
     Johann didn't move, and I could feel Verity become anxious behind me the longer he stared at her.
     "Johann," I spoke, his eyes still didn't leave her. I made sure my voice was soft so he wouldn't take my next words as a threat. "We don't want to hurt you. But we will not let you hurt her. Remember, you can walk away from her. There is always a choice."
     "You will have more control of yourself once you have fed," Igor said calmly.
     Johann gave a very small nod and Igor was able to pull him out of the cave.

Verity and I waited for the men to get back into the cave. Time seemed to stretch on, not knowing if Igor was okay. My head kept going back to the sinkhole incident in Ohio, where I could only pray. Verity kept me from following their scents in a panic.
     By the sunrise the day after they left, I felt the sudden, growing urge to visit Carlisle. I very suddenly missed him a great deal and didn't understand why. I hadn't even been thinking of him, but I suddenly felt as if, if I didn't see Carlisle soon I'd fall apart. Which I also didn't understand as I had never felt like that towards Carlisle before.
     I did try to ignore it, I knew that I had to wait at the cave with Verity for Igor and Johann. Then we could go to Carlisle as a family.
     So why did my stomach twist when I thought of waiting that much longer to see him?
     "Mum? Are you alright?" Verity asked.
     My sudden urge to see Carlisle, and the corresponding tension of resisting that urge must have been physically showing.
     "Fine," I answered.
     I even sounded tense! Was something wrong with Carlisle? Is that why I was suddenly wanting to see him so badly?
     Another thing I had never shared with Carlisle before, such a strong bond of twinship. So why would it just start now?
    There was no reason or logic behind the urge, so I continued to resist. And the longer I resisted, the stronger the desire became.
     "Do you read anything in my future about Carlisle?" I asked Verity.
     "Why? Is that what you're so tense about?" Verity asked. "Uncle Carlisle is fine."
     She must have seen the uncertainty and confusion in my eyes because she did run up and take my scent only for half a second later her eyes to shoot wide and fear swam in her blue eyes. Fear that sunk my dead heart and made my gut feel like stones.
     "What is it?" I asked.
     "Go," she said sternly.
     "What did you read?"
     "Just go! I'll wait here for them but you need to go, now!"
     So I did.
     I ran in as much of a straight line as I could to where we had last heard Carlisle was staying. I knew I could have taken a plane from a safe city, but didn't want to risk the wait and the sun, on top of potential cancelled or delayed flights due to the war, so I just ran.
     The rising urgent fear in my gut didn't subside as I ran towards America, but at least I knew it would be quenched soon.
     While I ran, I thought. Verity hadn't given me anything other than the fear in her eyes. I hated how sometimes my gift would tell me what she read in my scent, sometimes it didn't, as if it were trying to protect me from filtering things. I couldn't remember if it did that in the past timeline, but especially in times like these, it was exceptionally aggravating.
     All I had was the fear in her eyes.
     Something was wrong with Carlisle. Nothing but Carlisle being in danger would make her eyes swim with that great fear and to yell at me as she did. 
     Something was horribly wrong with Carlisle.

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