Happily Ever After

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THE TOWN WAS ASLEEP, it was quiet, peaceful. The only lights were the lamps lining the streets, and the church lit up like a beckon to guide people home in the harsh winter.
     It was snowing but I didn't let that completely wash away my fear of the rising sun.
     Eleazar and Igor were already there, I could smell them at the door. I could also hear Eleazar talking to someone inside, who wasn't talking back.
     I could also hear the hearts of more humans than I expected to be here.
     A group of nuns greeted us at the door, all of their hearts jumping or racing when they saw us.
     "Come this way," the eldest said, her voice shaking.
     Part of it made me wish we had hunted down the Cullens, just so Edward could keep an eye on all of their thoughts.
     We followed the nuns through and into the big main room, where I discovered where all the other sounds of heartbeats were coming from.
     The homeless.
     Men, women, and children were all laying among the rows of chairs.
     "I do apologise for the... mess," the eldest nun said as we walked down the aisle. I counted three families, two alone men and one alone woman. "We will remove them before your ceremony-"
     "No," I quickly added as one mother woke with a start, and looked around, her eyes connected with mine, her heart continuing to race at whatever had woken her. "Let them stay. It's too cold outside."
     One of the awake mothers' children coughed in their sleep. So I took off the shawl from around my shoulders and rested it softly over the sleeping child.
     "I was without a home, a long time ago," I stated then stood and returned to my cousins and the nuns. "They stay inside."
     "Very well," the elder nun said before continuing on our walk.
     She led us to a room in the back where the nuns then left us and my cousins let themselves leave, after making sure I was calm and comfortable, back to the hall. Carmen was the first to leave because we all heard it when Eleazar and Igor entered.
     I looked out the window and saw the sun rising behind the clouds, and at that moment, in perfect time, the organ began playing symbolizing the beginning of my happily ever after.
     There were two bars of music before my queue to walk in, and when I did, my eyes immediately went straight to a beaming Igor. His eyes were shining, his lips were stretched into a grin that made me chuckle. His brows were arched in such a way that made me believe that if it were possible, he would be shedding a tear or two.
     He took my free hands too quickly when I was close enough, making our cousins laugh softly.
     "You look beautiful," he whispered to me.
     In truth, I hadn't really noticed much of what Igor had been wearing, I was too busy looking at the shine of pride and joy in his eyes.
     The father gave himself a few calming breaths, they didn't help his racing heart, then raised his hands making the organ stop and the wedding began.
     "Friends, family, and guests from the streets, we are gathered here today to witness the union of two souls..."
     I could feel Igor's eyes never leaving mine as the father spoke his words, spoke the sermons, the biblical verses directly from the big book itself. Everything went beautifully. Human hearts began to calm down, some of the homeless even started crying. I wish I could. My eyes were stinging and my throat burning from the immense, powerful, joy I was feeling, standing at the front of the aisle, standing beside the man who had changed my life for the better.
     And then came the sealing words.
     "Igor, will you take this woman, Elizabeth Cullen, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, in rich or poor, as long as you both shall live?"
     "I do," Igor answered. His voice shook and it made me look at him. I had never seen him happier, and it filled me with a lustful pride to know that I was the cause of it.
     "Elizabeth, will you take this man, Igor Farkas, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, in rich or poor, as long as you both shall live?"
     "I do," I answered.
     "Then by the power invested in me by the mighty God, and with these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr Farkas, you may kiss your bride."
     Igor firmly grasped my waist and pulled me in, I threw my hands around his shoulders and our lips locked. It filled me with a desire and happiness that exploded like a fire inside my still veins.
     To me, it was just us, it was just Igor and myself in our own little world, locked in each one another's embrace and touch.
     It wasn't under Eleazar cheered and knocked Igor on the back that we broke apart.
     "Congratulations, Igor and Elizabeth," he spoke.
     "It was a beautiful ceremony," Irina said with her own grin, shaky voice and tearless eyes.
     "And as I said," Carmen nudged me. "Everything went perfectly."
     "It's not over yet," I hissed at her.
     "Mr and Mrs Farkas, in your honour we have prepared a banquet to commemorate your first meal as a married couple," the father spoke. I realised then that I hadn't even caught his name. The wind inside the church was so still!
     "Give it all to them," Igor said nodding towards the homeless. "They need it more than we do. Thank you, father, but we have other plans."
     He kissed me again before we left the church.
     "Over yet?" Carmen asked me as we all began leaving for the house.
     "Well then, we'll give you two the house for the day," Tanya stated.
     "We'll be back by dawn so don't get too distracted," Irina said.
     Kate laughed with her as they all ran off into the trees and Igor and I continued towards their house to start our happily ever after.

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