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I HEARD THE SIRENS TEN MINUTES AFTER I HUNG UP THE PHONE WITH CHARLIE. Charlie's cruiser pulled up behind my car and he looked over the trees as he approached me.
     "Do you know if anyone is there?" he asked me.
     "It's a bushfire, Charlie, how would I know-"
     "Carlisle's house is in that direction."
     I looked at him, faking surprise.
     "You didn't know?" Charlie asked.
     "No. I've never been to his house here."
     "Good thing they cleared everything out, then."
     I looked at Charlie but understood,  It had taken Charlie a whole year to let anyone step foot inside the Cullen residence to look for clues on where they'd gone. He's only come himself, refused to let any others join him because he knew he'd get emotional, and he did.
     He hadn't found anything, no matter how hard he looked.
     "What are you doing out here anyway, Mrs Fraser?" Charlie asked, still looking at the smoke.
     "Ian and I live down that way," I pointed behind me down the dirt track. "He's unwell and needed me to return home. When I saw the smoke I pulled over and called you immediately."
     Charlie nodded slowly, I waited for some sort of bombardment of questions, after all, out here by the trees there were no cameras, no other humans who could overhear anything that was said. I knew from his past that he was itching too. He really wanted to know, but he just sighed and retreated back to his cruiser.
     "Tell Ian I hope he gets well soon," he called.
     "I will," I waved goodbye and watched Charlie drive down the driveway to the Cullens house, following after the firetrucks who went racing down. I hoped they'd be careful with the roads.
     Back at the house, Igor was attempting to brainstorm who had destroyed the cottage, and Lucy was listening to a violin and piano piece over the television.
     "I've told him it's useless," Lucy said as I walked up to Igor. "We won't find who it was."
     "Let the man have his hope," I said and kissed Igor. "This is nice, who is it?"
     "No idea," Lucy sighed, swaying. "But it's beautiful."
     I looked over to Igor and he smiled.
     "Do you think you'd ever play?"
     "Piano? No. I tried to learn at the Hospital before you two arrived, I could never remember what keys were what. Violin, however? That I'd love."
     "Oh, really?" Igor asked as he approached us on the couch. He rested his hands on my shoulders. Lucy's eyes popped open and she looked at us. "Well, Lu. Would you like to learn?"
     "Seriously? Like, for real? You two would let me?" Lucy exclaimed.
     "Well, nights are going to get boring when you have nothing to do. So to not let your mind wander, it would be best if you picked up a hobby. I did, Igor did..."
     "Right. I sort of remember you two telling me about that. Your art, his fascination with the mortal mind," Lucy nodded absentmindedly. "Are you sure? Violin? Those things aren't cheap to repair when they break."
     "Neither is a piano," Igor muttered with a shrug.
     We both shook our heads and Lucy shrugged and closed her eyes again. She went back to swaying to the violin music.
     "It's going to be totally amazing, learning violin."
     The violin music was sparking inspiration in me, a scene even. So I raced upstairs to get my kit and ran back downstairs to draw between a swaying Lucy and a reading Igor. Part of the way through my art, Lucy stopped and watched me.
     "I wish I knew how to dance," Lucy muttered. I was drawing a scene from the past of my nephews and nieces, Bella's first prom with all of them, excluding Jacob and Nessie, dancing in the middle of Forks High School hall.
     Igor closed his book immediately and I smirked as he approached her, clapped his feet together and offered her a hand.
     "May I have this dance, Miss Arnold?"
     "I don't know how. And aren't I a Farkas now?" Lucy asked then laughed.
     "He's a very good teacher," I chirped as I drew.
     I looked up when Lucy took Igor's hand and he slowly began instructing her on hand placement, and he taught her how to waltz in the space of our living room. She did amazing for a beginner, vampiric quick learning and all. She only stepped on his foot three times, and the third I assumed was on purpose.
     I scrapped my prom scene and began drawing those two, except I drew Lucy in her favourite wig. The black wig with a fringe.
     When the sun rose for the next day, Lucy stopped dancing with Igor, he had successfully taught her to waltz and she was very good at it. She looked out the window to the orange clouds on the horizon.
     "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked as I approached her. "All those colours."
     "It's amazing..." she had drifted off and her hands quickly shot to her throat.
     Igor ran up to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.
     "Let's go hunting," he said. "Miss Elizabeth, I'll see you this afternoon."
     "I can stay-"
     "Go, work. Keep an eye on Charlie for us."
     I nodded and he kissed me before they left to hunt. I was able to finish my prom scene picture before I needed to get dressed for another day of school and left.
     At work, Shelley Cope continued to surprise me with just how much she could talk about, even Harold Green joined in at one point until he had to leave to do paperwork and a student angrily stormed his way into his office.
     I tried to tune out Harry's stern talk with Brian Wilson. Apparently the kid had purposefully set one of Mr Banner's textbooks on fire in the science labs.
     During the third hour, a girl, Victoria Taylor, was brought to me from gym class after spraining her ankle. I wrapped it up, got some ice on it and called her father who was set as the contact. He seemed a little too worried about her injury and was at the school in five minutes to take her to the hospital for an x-ray.
     Lauren, once again, during lunch hour this time, came to me claiming she had thrown up in the bathroom and wanted to go home. She had been dragged there by a classmate and she had been embarrassed that she had been caught.
     I gave her a vomit bag, a damp cloth and watched her while I called her parents to pick her up. Since I had started, Lauren had made herself sick every day, according to her past, but had only been caught the two times she had been brought to me. She looked at me while I talked to her mother and I could see the worry and suspicion in her eyes.
     "Your mother will be here as soon as she is able, Lauren," I stated as I approached her. "Did you want to lay down?"
     "No, thanks. Really, I feel fine now. Can I just brush my teeth and get back to class?" She asked.
     "If you're being sick, you really do need to get home and have some rest," I encouraged. "Drink plenty of water and try and eat absorbant foods, like rice or toast."
     "I'm not sick," she argued.
     "The vomiting says otherwise. Unless there's another reason you're vomiting?"
     She looked at me quickly and shook her head after she looked away.
     "Then your mother will be here soon."
     I returned to my desk and began the paperwork on Lauren.
     "She must have some issue with her after lunch hours," Shelley whispered to me, leaning over my desk to get as close to me as she could. So much for her attempt to seem inconspicuous. "I'm definitely going to talk to her teachers."
     "I think it's something a bit more serious than that, Shell," I responded, looking past her to Lauren.
     "More serious than her education?"
     Lauren looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile before turning to Shelley.
     "I know you love your gossip, Shell, but my suspicions are between me and my patient."
     She narrowed her eyes at me and sighed heavily.
     "You're no fun."
     "And you gossip more than a teenage girl," I laughed.
     "Must be contagious."
     She looked at me for a brief moment before bursting out laughing. I couldn't really understand a reason but I had to laugh as well. Though being into gossip wasn't contagious, Shelley Cope's snorting-laughter was.
     After work and clean up, and lock up and Shelley asked what I was going to do now I had a car and could drive myself.
     "Well, we don't have to end our little get together's after work?" I offered, knowing she had been worried they'd finish. "Today, for instance. Ian has a niece whose birthday is coming up and her violin broke so we wanted to buy her a new one. Do you know any shops here that would sell one?"
     "Follow me." Shelley grinned before we jumped in our cars.
     Shelley Cope led me through the streets of Forks to three different stores, the first one was an antique store that didn't have anything in but did have some old music books for violins, so I bought those as well. The second was a second-hand music store that sold used guitars and thrown away keyboards, the only new things they had there was sheet music, and low-and-behold, there was a book for beginners learning violin, so I bought that as well.
     "Curiosity," I said. "I've always wanted to try the violin."
     Shelley laughed at me.
     The third store was another donation store, though this one sold everything from couches to pictures to clothes to old typewriters and computers, not something I expected in Forks.
     "Hey, Barry," Shelley said as we walked in.
     The whole place smelt old, dusty, and of mould.
     "We're looking for a violin without driving all the way to Port Angeles, got anything?"
     "Actually," the old man, Barry, behind the counter chirped. "We just got a donation today!and surprise surprise, there was a violin in it! It was a backpacker who dropped it off. Said he bought it in Port Angeles off a whim, but couldn't play it so gave it up."
     "What sort of backpacker buys a musical instrument?" Shelley asked.
     "A crazy one. Want it?"
     He pulled it out from under his counter and unclasped the case to open it. Inside was a beautiful, ebony violin. Strings still intact, hairs of the bow were all perfect as well.
     "Oh, it's not for me, it's for my friend. Eliza? What do you think?"
     I found it peculiar how Barry hadn't jumped, startled or froze up when he saw me. His heart did skip a beat but it was quick to fix itself. When I was close enough his past told me why he didn't find me as fascinating as other men.
     He was gay. Very, very gay.
     "I think it's perfect," I said and pulled out my wallet. "How much?"
     "For a friend of Shell's, free of charge," Barry said with a friendly smirk.
     "I can't accept that," I argued. "This is your work, your livelihood. I need to give you something."
     I pulled out two-hundred dollars and held it out to him, he had been thinking of only selling it for seventy.
     "Will this do?"
     Barry slowly took the money, staring at it with a slack jaw.
     "Barry," Shell hissed. "You're not a codfish, close your mouth."
     He snapped it shut and looked at the money in his hand.
     "Thank you again, Mr Barry. This is absolutely perfect. Have a lovely night."
     "Y-y-you... you as well, M-mrs Fraser."
     Shelley waited until we were out of the store to start talking again.
     "Where did that money come from?" She yelled at me, jumping in front of me so I couldn't walk further. "We don't get paid enough for that sort of money."
     "Family savings," I shrugged. "When my mother passed I inherited quite a fair bit. I try to not flaunt it off."
     "What do you call that?"
     "An emergency," I answered. "Ian only remembered his nieces birthday last night, it's next week, so I don't exactly have time to be looking around as I need to send it to... Australia, tomorrow morning before work."
     "Ian has family in Australia?"
     "I know, I was surprised as well. He never told me."
     "Ah, but you're no stranger to a family not talking to each other."
     I walked around Shelley, said my goodbyes and got in the car to drive back to the house. Lucy was practically dancing on the patio as I pulled into the driveway. Igor was laughing at her rushing to me as I got out.
     "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Lucy screamed as I gave her the violin and books. "Thank you!"
     She threw her arms around my waist, crushing my torso in her excitement before racing off to her room. I was having to lean on my car while my body healed itself.
     "Ow," I groaned.
     "Are you alright?" Igor asked, smirking though.
     "She's very strong."
     He brushed my hair out from my face, a new look in his eye. His kiss, so soft, reminded me that we hadn't touched each other since arriving in Forks. We never kept that promise to each other to take a week off work after the house was built. And of course, hadn't done anything since Lucy.
     "I missed you," he whispered into my lips sending all sorts of crazy through me.
     Hm... how teenagers talked really was contagious.
     I pulled Igor closer to me as he hands went around me, I froze up when I heard and felt my shirt begin to tear.
     With all the strength I could muster, I pulled away from Igor, though our lower bodies were still very much touching.
     "Lucy," I reminded him.
     He grumbled and Lucy laughed, briefly pausing in her self-taught violin lessons.
     "I don't care," she laughed. "Go right ahead!"
     "No, you're right, Miss Elizabeth. We're parents now," Igor grumbled.
     "Oh for God's sake!" Lucy yelled. "You two do realise that I really don't care, right? I never saw my human parents like this before they vanished on me. I never saw anyone like this," she admitted. "It actually makes me really happy to know that two people I love and care about really deeply, are happy, and, well, so in love. So go! Do the do. I'll be playing my violin anyway," she finished with a chuckle and a pluck of one of the strings.
     The note she played, for some reason, gave me an idea. I took Igor's hand and, giving him nothing but a smile, I escorted him upstairs and to our ensuite. I let him go to turn on the shower and he stood against the bench while I undressed, facing him. Slowly, he began his smirk I loved so much.
     "You are one beautiful woman," he whispered pulling my near-naked body to him, his fingers digging into my waist.
     I wiggled my hips as I dropped my last clothing item and stepped into the shower. Igor had never taken his own clothes off faster before he was in the shower with me. Immediately he was holding me to him, lips and limbs locked, holding me against the sturdy wall while the warm water washed over the both of us while we enjoyed each other for what felt like the first time in forever.

We could have gone on forever, I wanted to, but the light in the ensuite went from the white of the light to the soft faded yellow of the covered sun and I knew I had to get to work.
     I didn't seem to have the strength to stop. The more Igor moved, the more his lips and teeth grazed over me, the more control I lost. Not that I had much to begin with when it came to Igor.
     The thing that was finally able to break us apart was Lucy tapping on the door.
     "Oi!" she yelled, making both Igor and I freeze. "Liz had work and she can't miss out today!"
     "Yes, I can," I argued as Igor kissed down my throat.
     "Well, I really think you should be getting to work. Todays' important. You really need to be there today."

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