First Day

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DURING SHELLEY'S GRAND TOUR OF FORKS HIGH, that was limited to just the one building and everything she could point out from the door as it had begun to rain, she had mentioned a total of four times that I looked like someone who had left Forks eight-years ago. Looked like them, but 'for the life of me I can't remember who'. I didn't coach.
     The first other staff I was introduced too was Fork High Principal Mr Harold Green.
     "Call me, Harry," he said taking my hand, bowing from the hip and kissing it. It felt... wet.
     "Married, Harry," Shelley sighed.
     The way he lifted his head and looked at me with a wink, even though I knew he was too, he was still man enough to... well... imagine.
     Teachers arrived before the students did. A lot of them welcomed me to Forks then made their way to their classrooms to get ready for their day.
     I knew I'd be alone, even on my first day on the job because the former nurse, Julia Hammond had very suddenly, very quickly, left town
     Not that I'd be able to know that without my gift, I knew any regular human would be asking for the person I'd be learning the ins and outs with. So I approached Shelley when the first bell of the day went off and asked her.
     "Of course! I'm sorry I didn't mention it sooner. The nurse before you, Julia, something happened and she had to leave rather... well rather quickly," Shelley sighed. This topic made her sad, she had been close to Julia. "She didn't explain why, only that she needed to leave in a great hurry. No one knows where she went."
     "So, I'm to learn alone then?" I asked.
     "Harry and I will be here if you have any questions, obviously. And Jackie, a nurse at the Hospital, has offered to keep her phone on her in case you have any medical related questions. I have her number here somewhere..."
     She had put the number in her diary, which she had left on her desk, at home.
     "I'll find it. Don't... don't worry, I'll find it. I'll find it."
     Someone was rushing down the stairs, a teacher by the sounds of the shoes. She tripped down the last two and kept running.
     "I'll orientate myself to my new toys then, shall I?" I chuckled and began heading to my new office, of sorts.
     I stopped when the running teacher tripped. I rushed up to her as Shelley fumbled around her desk to get around.
     The woman was tall, taller than Igor even perhaps, yet she still chose to wear heels. She had soft olive skin and dark hair... and needed glasses I found as I went to pick them up.
    I heard her heart jump and when I looked at her, she was looking directly at me. Eyes wide in surprise.
    "Dr Cullen? You're back?" She gasped.
     "Who?" I asked. I had practised this. If anyone remembered Carlisle, they'd realise.
     The woman's brows pulled together as I offered her glasses back.
     "Dr Cullen! That's who you remind me of, Eliza! Another family that just upped and left without warning. Took the Cheif's daughter with them, too. Angela, sweetheart, why you chose to wear those shoes I will never understand. Especially if you want to run crazily wearing them!" Shelley scalded the young woman.
     "Sorry, Ms Cope," Angela sighed as she put on her glasses and looked at me again. "Sorry, I mistook you for someone else."
     "Dr Cullen, apparently," I sighed and helped her stand. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
     "She's our new nurse," Shelley stated with a chuckle. "Gorgeous isn't she."
     Angela looked at me again with pulled brows. I took my opportunity while keeping her steady to take her scent, her past.
    Ah, she was already putting the pieces together. Already placing that Carlisle and I were brother and sister... and of course she would assume I was Carlisle without her glasses, we did look alike.
     I felt bad for the girl, she had returned to Forks after university, after her boyfriend had broken up with her, intending to catch Bella and talk to her about everything, only to learn through a furious Chief Charlie Swan that they weren't coming back. And that was all they had told the chief before leaving.
     Ever since then, Angela had been praying that one day, the Cullens, and therefore her best friend Bella, would return.
     "I'm fine," Angela answered me. "I was just being silly. Running in heels is never a good idea."
     "Are you sure?" I pushed, I could already see discolouration forming on her ankle she had rolled, causing her fall. "Some ice? Paracetamol perhaps?"
     She sighed and rolled her eyes.
     "I'm fine. I'll come to see you if it starts causing more pain than I can handle. I'm strong... sorry, what's your name?"
    "Eliza Fraser, a pleasure to meet you."
     "Angela Weber. Welcome to Forks."
     "If I may ask, what were you running all the way down here for anyway?"
     "Shit! Right, Mr Masen forgot something in his locker, I was getting it for him."
     I let her get going, now she was walking barefoot, and still limping. Shelley sighed before getting back to looking for a number that wasn't there and I made my way back to my desk. Angela Weber... I wondered if Bella knew.
     After the first schooling hour was up, Shelley had completely given up on trying to find that number. She claimed that she'd just call the hospital for me if I needed medical-related help.
     I just kept waiting for her to pick up the courage and ask me the question that had been on her mind since Angela Weber had reminded her of who I looked like. If Carlisle and I were related, and if I knew where they were.
     I was sitting in the office, talking to Harry and Shelley during lunch hour when the question finally arose.
     "I don't mean to intrude, Liz," Mr Green said, putting his coffee down. "But I must ask, are you related to a Doctor Carlisle Cullen by chance?"
     I had prepared for this, told myself, rehearsed in my head exactly how I would react. Shocked at the name, startled even. It would take me by surprise.
     "Car... When Miss Weber spoke of a Dr Cullen, she was talking about Carlisle?"
     "So you do know him!" Shelley gasped. "Do you know where they've gone? Charlie, our chief of police has been livid the past few years of no contact with his daughter. See because Bella left with them. Apparently told Charlie that it was all for the best but what could be so important to never talk to your father again? Can you contact them for us? Convince them to come back-"
     "I haven't spoken to my brother in over fifteen years," I said and leant on my chair, I ignored my prop food now out of the act and not out of pure disgust.
     "Brother, of course. How convenient that both of you are in the medical field. You must have been close... of course, you said you hadn't spoken-"
     "My brother and I haven't spoken since we were kids. Our parents divorced, I was still young enough for my parents to make the choice for me where I was to go, so our mother kept me. Carlisle, however, was old enough to choose and chose to go with our father. I know of him, as my mother never kept him nor my father a secret from me. But since our separation, we have never met. Nor spoken."
     "You never tried to contact him on social media when it became available? You're both young enough," Shelley pushed.

     Carlisle on social media? That would be a laugh. "If my big brother wanted to reconnect with the little sister he left behind, he would have by now." I snapped, trying to make it sound like I was already done with the conversation, they had taken it too far. Unfortunately, so had I. Their hearts both jumped, to stop myself from scaring them into potential heart attacks, I grabbed my prop food and coffee and stalked back into my private hospital.
     Food in the bin, coffee down the drain. I sat on a cot, staring at my drug cabinet, so limited considering what I was used to being able to give. Harold Green and Shelley Cope were back to discussing the horrors that seemed to be Carlisle and my childhood. How tragic it was that too beautiful siblings were torn apart like that, and how cruel that we had never reconnected. Especially with our common interest in healthcare.
     I had turned to draw on the scrapbook I had brought to keep here at my new job when I heard someone new running in our direction. Of course, by this point of day, I had heard so many people running in our direction I didn't much take notice of it.
     "Ms Cope! Ms Cope! Someone's throwing up in the girls' bathroom!" a young girl cried out. Even a normal human would have heard that, so I grabbed a vomit bag and stuck my head out.
     "Stay in there, Miss Fraser," Shelley said to me taking the sick bag. "I'll bring her to you. You get ready for your first patient."
     Shelley escorted the student back down the corridor.
     "She's beautiful. Who is that?" the girl asked Shelley.
     "That is Mrs Eliza Fraser, she's our new nurse."
     "A lot of boys are going to get themselves hurt to see her."
     "I may not have known her for long, but she seems to me like the kind of woman who won't accept that behaviour."
     Their laughter faded into the crowd of noise.
     I retreated back to my mini-hospital and got my gear ready. Vital signs, vomit bags. I had a quick look in my medicine cabinet for some anti-emetics. Something to stop her from throwing up long enough to get her home. And found exactly what I was after, hopefully, a Pepto-Bismol would be enough to get her home and to a Doctor to get something a little stronger.

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