Get To Work

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IGOR AND I ONLY RAN AROUND THE FOREST UNTIL THE MOON WAS IN THE CENTRE OF THE SKY. That was plenty of time for Esme to draw and fax over the blueprints, right?
     I joined Igor into Carlisle's office this time, and there it was. Esme's blueprints.
     To me, they looked just like lines on a bit of paper, even with my majors in art. Architecture was something I had been able to understand. Good thing Igor did.
     He chuckled at something before rolling it up.
     "Let's get started," he stated. "First thing first-"
     "Buy the land," I stated.
     "Buy the land," he nodded. "Then we can safely clear it."
     "How about, I start clearing it, and you deal with the land?" I suggested. "Then we can build quicker."
     "Okay. I'll see you across the road then."
     He kissed me rather deeply before leaving with the car and I left for across the freeway. I ran relatively deep in, but not so far deep that it would risk the wolves, or cross hiking trails.
     Once I found the place I knew would be perfect, there wasn't the slightest trace of human scent, only a few deer to scare away, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.
     It was simple, but good use of muscles I didn't usually use while being a doctor. Gripping trees as low to the ground as I could, and lifting them out of the ground, roots and all.
     Once I had made a small clearing, I began breaking up the trees I had already brought up, remove the roots, and the branches. The branches we could use went in one pile, the branches we wouldn't be able to use went in another. I also split the trees as in half as I could without mechanical help and tools, just so they'd stay where I wanted to temporarily keep them while I ripped out more trees and tore those trees apart and separated them into the four piles. Roots, tree, unusable branches, usable branches.
     I had cleared maybe half a small field when Igor returned the next sunset, with a trailer filled with equipment.
     "No, keep going," he said as he got out of the car. I had stopped to welcome him as he pulled up. "I had almost forgotten how attractive you are working like this."
     I had been close to the unusable branches, so I kicked one over to him. Which he had knocked away before it hit the car.
     So we followed Esme's plans. Well, Igor followed the plans, I followed Igor and by Monday sunrise we had, well, the resemblance of the base structures of a house.
     "It's unfortunate that it's Monday," I sighed.
     "You've got your first day of work. Do you still want to raid Bella's poor, abandoned closet?" Igor asked me with a smirk.
     "Of course."
     "I'll meet you at Carlisle's then and drop you off."
     I avoided Carlisle's old house all together as I ran towards the cottage.
     I was able to ignore the bedroom this time, and no phone call distracted me as I immediately approached the giant wardrobe tucked behind the master bedroom.
     It was filled, top to bottom with rows upon rows of clothes. Some in protective bags, some just, hanging.
     "Bella has used none of these?" I gasped as I let my hands run over the silk and lace and cashmere. "Oh, my, goodness!"
     It was strange, I had never been one for fashion, but being in that giant room, filled with that many unworn clothes, all next to brand new, and all of them were at my disposal. Perhaps it was because part of me still wasn't used to even having this opportunity. Part of my mind would always be the homeless girl of 17th century London who sold herself to survive.
     Ignoring my mental babble, I pulled off the rack, a gorgeous, silky, and still appropriate, teal blue wrap dress. I dressed and admired myself in the giant mirror Mary Alice had also somehow, miraculously, convinced Esme to put in.
     I put my hair up in a braided bun, which was uncomfortably tight, but humans always tried to look better than average on their first day of work.
     I was toning it down a bit when I caught Igor in the reflection. He was leaning on the doorframe, staring at the back of me.
     "What is it?" I asked.
     "You're beautiful."
    "Too much?" I asked before pulled out the bun so it fell as a braid down my back. I was reminded as it hit my back at just how much hair I had lost in the fire.
     "Always. Never. Does it matter? Your new coworkers are going to have trouble focusing with you there anyway."
     "I want to make it as easy for them as I can. This is a high school after all. Human teenage male hormones are..." I raised my brows at him but it was enough for him. After all, he had been a teenage boy once.
     A very long time ago.
    "Tone it down then?" Igor offered.
    "To what? Jeans and a shirt?"
     "Are you trying to break my control?"
     "I'm a vampire, Igor. The boys are going to be looking no matter what I wear."
     "Upsetting but true. I'll have to come and scare them away."
     "Behave," I laughed at him as I found some of Bella's unused shoes. Surprise, surprise, we were the same shoe size as well. Convenient. "I could steal this whole wardrobe."
     "Mary Alice would like that."
     "Bella more so," I said as I slipped on some appropriate and practical heels. "I'm ready. Are you wearing that to class?"
     "It's just orientation," he reminded me. "And besides, the humans don't know I've worn this all weekend."
     "That's disgusting. Mary Alice would be disgusted."
     "And you?"

    Fiercely attracted, but that's always the case. "Indifferent. You're lucky you don't sweat."
     He pulled me in for a rather unexpected, rather deep kiss. I could feel his hands tightening on my back, so I softly removed them from the dress and stepped back.
     "Careful," I said and began leaving. "Let's go, you've got a drive ahead of you."
     "I do," he sighed and we left for his car, still at Carlisle's.

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