Cry for Help

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IT WAS LOVELY, being able to drive myself to work. To have a moment of uninterrupted thought.
     Of course, every thought running through my spacious mind this morning was Lucy. Worrying about Lucy, wondering about Lucy's powers, both her intuition and her cancer-given offensive talent. Would she lose control? Would she hurt Igor? Would she lose control and hurt Igor?
     Then there were the deeper things. Will she stay with us? Will she want to try the more popular lifestyle of our kind? She had already spoken of family, but would she grow to hate us?
     I had to laugh at myself when I realised my worries were echoing Carlisle's from when he first bit Edward, and then again when Esme joined the family and he, briefly, left the two alone. Which put a new thought into my head.
     If Lucy lost control and attacked, how far would Igor go to fight back?
     I shook the thought out of my head as quickly as it flew in there. Of course, Igor wouldn't hurt Lucy, he loved her! I knew to him, she was as much his daughter as I was his wife. He'd never harm a metaphorical hair on her head.
     Which took me to my next thought as I pulled up to the school.
     Mary Alice predicted he would join our little family because of his feelings for Lucy; feelings he didn't even know he had. Naturally, it thrilled me to know that Lucy wouldn't be alone for eternity. That someone would be in her life who would love her and accept her for everything that she was and is, former human cancer and all. The fact that the person would be Demetri, didn't bother me in the slightest. It was my nieces and nephews views on him that worried me.
     Edward loathed Demetri, always claimed his life during any battle. The boy had his excuses but what Edward was doing wasn't only his old god-complex shining through its cage walls once again, and he was holding a grudge against something Demetri did a very long time ago while Edward was on his vigilante mission.
     But if anyone knew to never hold someone's past against them, it was me and hopefully, therefore, my family also.
     I waved and greeted Shelley when I walked in, and made myself comfortable. She immediately started talking about this man she had matched with on tumblr but he was in Port Angeles and she wasn't sure if she wanted to drive that far. Of course, she spoke so much about the man she hadn't met yet that I couldn't get two words in, so I went back to thinking.
     What had Lucy meant when she insisted I went to work today? What was going to happen? The thought of it had my nerves on edge. Was I going to witness an infamous school shooting? One made bigger because Forks is such a small town and who on Earth would shoot the people they grew up with?
     Sociopaths whose trigger was ticked, but the only worrying behaviour I had picked up in the High School since starting was that Lauren girl.
     "... he wants me to drive to Port Angeles for a date. Should I?"
     Shelley didn't continue talking after that statement so I knew she was actually expecting an answer, for once.
     "Shelley, call me old fashion but I think it's risky meeting people in reality that you've only met online. No matter what he says his job is," she had stated somewhere in her babble that this Port Angeles guy, Mark, was a fireman. "Maybe you should lie, say that your cars in the shop and you won't be able to get to Port Angeles, offer he come here instead. You know people are going to be looking out for you-"
     "I don't want to start gossip," she grumbled.

     Says the biggest gossiper at Forks High! "And what would be the gossip? The much-loved caretaker of students and Forks High finally moving on from her ex-husband? And better yet, Ms Cope's new boyfriend is willing to drive to Forks to spend time with her, what a sweetheart?"
     "Well, if I hear those two I'll know who started them."
     I chuckled and began making my way to check on my medical supplies.
     "Invite him to Forks, Shell! Not only is it safer, but it's a test for him as well," I stated. "It's the 21st century, technology is at a new high every year. I can't believe I'm saying this to an older woman, but you've got to protect yourself. Everyone can steal photos and make a fake profile to lure in victims."
     She pulled her tinted brows together and I closed the door behind me. I listened when students and staff began piling in to the grounds. I internally shuddered when I heard the splatter of someone being sick on the pavement follow by screams of disgust.
     I heard Shelley begin talking on the phone to the janitor and while she did that, I got a text saying that Callum McCaster, a junior, had been sick. I walked out and began to check his forms for a signed permission form by his parents so I could give him an antiemetic. There was nothing.
     I walked out with a vomit bag and helped him walk to the infirmary.
     "I'm fine, Mrs Fu-" his own vomiting cut himself off missing the bag in front of him and onto the steps towards the reception.
    "Of course, you are. Let's get you inside, Mr McCaster."
     Once he was laying down, I grabbed him many bags to be sick in then went to call his parents. I had aimed to call his father, as his mother, from what I got from his past from his scent, was a psychological and emotional abuser. Something I may have to bring up to Charlie. Somehow.
     "Hello, Mr McCaster, this is Eliza Fuller from Forks High-"
     "Is Callum okay?" Me McCaster asked, instant intense worry in the man's voice. How bad was his wife?
    "He has vomited twice since arriving at school-"
    "Please send him to the Hospital. Do not call his mother. Please."
    "I will. Will you meet your son there?"
    "Yeah, I'm turning around now. Jesus fucking Christ, she wouldn't... she wouldn't fucking poison him-"
     I was sure I wasn't supposed to hear that, but I did.
     "Excuse me? What did you just say?" I asked, my heart would have been racing and in my throat if it still beat.
     She poisoned her son?! How could any mother... no, perhaps I misheard...
     "Shit. I'm. I didn't say anything. Please, just send Callum to the Hospital."
     He hung up. Something deep in my gut set of. The tone in his voice, how quiet he had been. No, I did hear what I heard.
     Well... Lucy did tell me I had to be here. To save Callum? And possibly his father?
    "Shelley, call an ambulance for Mr McCaster. Tel them it's a parents request."
     Before she responded I rushed at human speed, with my mobile phone and rejoined Callum who was beginning to look a little grey.
    "911 what's your emergency?"
    "Hello. I'm Eliza Fuller from Forks High School, I have reason to believe that a student has been poisoned by his mother."
    "Does your patient need an ambulance?"
    "My colleague is calling one now."
     "What proof do you have of this allegation?"
     "Vomiting, loss of balance, and when I called the father he stated and I quote 'she wouldn't fucking poison him'. I hope I'm wrong but it's what I heard."
    "I've just checked with our teams, there is an ambulance on its way. I am notifying your police of this allegation. Is the patient still awake?"
     I looked down at Callum, heart still beating, eyes watching me in fear and tremors... there was also a scent... "Yes. He's beginning to get tremors and I can smell chemicals in his breath."
    "Do you know what chemicals, Mrs Fuller?"

     Yes, but a human wouldn't! Good call, Lucy. "If I'm not mistaken it smells almost a mixture. Perhaps bleach and paint thinner?"
    "It's what I smell."
     During the conversation I had put the vitals reader on Callum.
    "Are there any burns around or in his mouth?"
    "Not that I can see."
     He was sick again, at least this time it was in a bag.
     "Am... am I dying?" Callum whimpered. I heard the ambulance then. Rushing. Actually, there were two sets of sirens. Police were coming as well. I heard Shelley scope drop something just outside the door. Eavesdropper.
     I stayed on the phone with the Hotline, talking to her and Callum, keeping him awake. I was kicking myself. If only I was a Doctor in Forks and not a simple school nurse who didn't even have emergency oxygen on hand! And only hanging up when the paramedics and the cops got here. Surprisingly, it was Charlie.
    "Tell me everything. And everything is need to know now, Mrs Fuller. A kids life has been put on the line. What do you know?" He spat.
     So I told him everything I knew. Starting with the human explanation details while there were others in the room, and moving on to my details once we were alone. From Callum's funny tasting dinner to his dad being in Seattle for the night, to the phone call with his father and the scents in Callum's breath.
    "Is that everything?" Cherie asked.
     "Everything. Hey Chief Swan? Perhaps we could look at supplying the schools with oxygen? I would have liked to give him some."
     He nodded before he left and I went to do my paperwork.

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