Petty Vendetta

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BACK IN FORKS, Igor organised to finish off his schooling online due to his niece surviving the crash and he wanted to help make sure she settles.
     Well, that's what we told his university. We didn't tell the people of Forks anything. No one in Forks knows of Lucy.
     The first day back, Shelley Cope wanted all of the details, from why we left, to exactly what happened, was the new car a gift or did I just get tired of being driven around everywhere. Everything, I stayed as close to what Igor told the university as I could, without saying anything about Lucy. I also added the fib that Igor got terribly sick on the way back so I may have to leave at any unplanned point if he needed me. She seemed to understand that. So when I got the message from Igor saying that something had happened and I needed to get to the cottage or all places, both Shelley and Harold Green were happy to let me go.
     I parked my new car at Carlisle's old house before I ran across the river and towards Edward and Bella's cottage. I found Igor and Lucy standing in front of it when I got there... it had been completely demolished. Rubble. And there was a strange scent to the area.
     "I don't know that scent," I answered the question they had been planning to ask me the moment I arrived.
      They had been hunting when Lucy had followed the strange scent that led them both here.
     "We're not in any danger," she said before I could ask her anything.
     "We should get the wolves," I noted as I approached the rubble that once was the cottage. "Maybe they recognise the scent."
     "I'll go hang out at the mansion," Lucy said, I knew she meant the Cullen's old estate. "I don't want to hurt any dogs."
     "We'll come and get you when we're ready."
     Igor left towards La Push and I began trying to find something, anything that was salvageable, but my hopes weren't very high. Whoever or whatever did this monstrosity to the cottage, clearly had some sort of vendetta against Edward and Bella. The main house had looked perfectly fine.
     The scent was definitely a vampire. It didn't smell like food, and it didn't smell like an enemy, so it had to be one of us, but who in our world, had that strong of a vendetta...
      The Volturi.
     It was the only people of our kind I could think of that would hate the Cullens this much. But to stoop to this level? To be this petty? I couldn't see it, not even Aro who killed his own blood for power. They wouldn't do this...
     Would Caius? I hardly knew the man and he was as much a master of the guard as Aro. Would Caius have stooped this low as to destroy one of the homes of the people he hates?
     I felt like I didn't know Caius well enough to be able to make that claim.
     I mentally planned how I'd make the phone call that would crush Bella and Esme if Mary Alice hadn't already told them.
     When the wolves arrived, I was pulling out scraps of shredded books. Completely ripped and torn apart, I hoped Bella wasn't attached to any of them.
     "What happened here?" Quil asked as he approached at Igor's side.
     "Have you come across this scent recently?" Igor asked. He stayed off the rubble.
     Quil took a deep breath but soon shook his head.
     "Nothing we've come across before. But Brady and Colin are still out on a run so maybe they'll pass it while they're out."
     "Can you let us know if they do, please?" I asked and he nodded, his brows together.
     "Hey, because Jake's gonna ask, was any of Nessie's stuff still in there?"
      I looked over to Igor.
     "We haven't had the chance to get look through the mess yet. We'll personally let the Cullens, and Jacob, know if we find anything," Igor stated.
     "Okay, cool. Do you two mind if I turn wolf and get a whiff? It'll help to be able to get a better... smell," Quil suggested. Neither of us answered with words but Quil still went into the tree line and we heard the phase in the wind before the chocolate brown wolf came back into view.
     I ran to Igor to give Quil ample of room to sniff around. He looked like a little guard dog... well, big guard dog.
     Of course, r change of position had put him upwind to me, so his scent was blowing into us.

     Smells like two, maybe more, Seth had stated. I'm on my way Quil.
I hated being downwind to anyone, the constant non-stop update of everything gave me headaches, so I leant into Igor for support.

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