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IGOR AND I DRESSED SLOWLY FOR THE NEW DAY. He kissed me deeply and softly when Lucy and Demetri returned.
     "Have a good day, Miss Elizabeth," Igor whispered against my lips.
     "Hurry home," I told him.
     We both headed downstairs and immediately I saw the tension between the two. How Lucy's arms were wrapped around her in a way that looked as if she were trying to hold herself together.
     "What's happened?" Igor asked as we rushed down the stairs to them.
     Demetri looked at Lucy.
     "The Volturi have made the first move," she stated.
     Panic settled quickly. The Volturi had made the first move. Who? Where? When? Were they on their way? Who was in danger?
     "But it's okay," Lucy quickly added, looking at me. "We beat them to it. No one's going to get hurt."
     "Who?" I asked. My brain flowing with Carlisle, or worse, here. What if they were coming here?
     "The Denali's."
     I felt sick with relief. Then flooded with guilt. Was it wrong for me to be happy that it wasn't here? Wasn't Carlisle? It was the Denali's in danger of death. Not Carlisle? Not Igor?
     "They're currently running now, finding a place to hide."
     "With Demetri no longer with the Volturi, they won't be running for long," Igor stated and rested a hand on Demetri's shoulder.
     "Carlisle's safe, Lizzy. So is Igor. Breathe," Lucy snapped at me.
     So I purposefully took in a deep breath.
     "What about the Denali's? Will they be safe?" Igor asked, moving to comfort me.
     "They'll be fine. I know it," Lucy said confidently.
     "I don't think I'll be able to work after that news," I muttered as I leant into Igor.
     We were safe, he was safe. Tanya and the others would be safe.
     "You have to," Lucy argued. "You both have to. It'll be okay. Remember, normalcy."
     How was anyone supposed to be able to pretend to be normal with their family on the brink of war with the most powerful vampires on our planet?
     Because we were vampires, better we were good vampires. If such a thing existed.
     So I hugged Demetri and Lucy goodbye, gave Igor another kiss and drove to work.
     Shelley was standing in front of the main building when I pulled up. Staring at the new window.
     She screamed and quickly turned to me.
     "Just me."
    "Sorry, Eliza. How are the kids going?"
     "Settling, still. I can't really blame them," I answered as I unlocked the door for her. "It's strange suddenly being a mom of two fully grown kids."
     "It's amazing you volunteered to take them in. I'm sure they're very grateful."
     "I just hope I do them right, you know?"
     "I know you don't like talking about him, but your brother adopted, as well."
     "He did?" I asked, faking curiosity.
     "Yep. Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. They were good kids, never got into trouble once."
     "Didn't you say that Edward dated the chief's daughter?" I asked.
     "Well, they got married and adopted a child of their own. I wonder how they're going now. I hope that little girl is okay, wherever she is."
     I shrugged and got to work, preparing for the day to come.
     The day came and went pretty solidly, nothing eventful happened besides the usual teenager who didn't want to go to class pretending to be sick so they could go home rather than stick through the last few hours of school.

And really, that was it, days past and I nearly forgot that I was supposed to be keeping an eye over my shoulder for someone watching me from the shadows. The Volturi's attempt on the Denali's had failed, which was confirmed two days after Lucy had made the warning when they called to thank Lucy again and to let us know that they had stopped in Canada. They didn't exactly have a home at the moment so per se but we'd be able to find them North of Toronto if we needed them.
     Hearing from Tanya and the others was the only reminder I had that I needed to be watching my back, because after that life seemed to go back to normal, almost boring even. Lauren was healthy, Robyn was... well she'd never be able to walk properly on her leg again as the bullet tore through her muscles, but she wore her new handicap with pride. I constantly overheard her joking that she doesn't want to go under the knife to fix it because her leg gives her the best parking spots.
     The days became weeks, I had gotten back into art, Demetri was slowly getting used to becoming a part of a family outside the Volturi. He'd even mentioned the potential to visit Amun once everything with the Volturi blew over.
     Then one day, I had stayed back to help prepare for a drama class event before going home, by the time I had gotten home, Lucy was playing her violin as she always had been by then, and Igor and Demetri weren't home, but Igor's car was in the garage.
     "Where are-"
     "They've gone hunting, we can go meet up with them if you'd like?" Lucy stated, putting down the violin.
      I shrugged but nodded, dressed into some more comfortable pants, then left with Lucy to catch up with the boys.
      Though, once we came across them, we gave them a wide girth and found our own place to hunt. Interrupting another vampire mid hunt, even if they were your mate and or family, was a dangerous idea. So Lucy and I hunted on our own for the night.
     "We'll go further out this weekend," Lucy muttered as we started going home as the sun rose. "Alice called and said it would be sunny."
     "That's good, perhaps Demetri can find something he'll be more attuned to rather than the deer and the occasional bear," I added.
      We met up with the boys halfway back to the house and Igor immediately dipped me and kissed me rather passionately.
     "What is this about?" I laughed and straightened my clothes when I could.
     Although, it did give me the insight into a rather interesting conversation between him and Demetri before they had started hunting.

     "Igor, may I ask... nevermind." Demetri had struggled to spit out.
     "What is it, Demetri? You can ask me anything," Igor had calmly encouraged.
      Igor had found Demetri's struggle to ask him whatever it was, worrying and slightly humorous.
     "How did you know?" Demetri had asked him rather embarrassed. "When you fell in love, that is. How did you know?"
So Demetri was starting to realise what Alice had predicted months ago.
     "Well, I couldn't get her out of my mind, for starters. I was seeing her in everything. Then there were the really embarrassing fantasies that I know she knows about but doesn't talk about." Igor's confession had made Demetri laugh, which had been Igor's intention in the beginning. It was charming, in a way, how Igor was already seeing Demetri like a son.
     In response, to Igor's confession, however, Demetri had also confessed that he hadn't been able to forget Lucy since he saw her in the makeshift Hospital after the fire.
      Igor had then told Demetri that he should tell Lucy what he's feeling before it's too late, we did have a potentially life-threatening battle hanging over our heads after all.
     "Let's give them a moment," I whispered to Igor knowing that by now, Demetri and Lucy would be home.
     Though, both Igor and I snuck forward until we were just in hearing range.
     "Hey, Lucy, can we talk before they get back?" Demetri asked, sounding very nervous.
     "Sure," Lucy said.
     It felt so wrong to listen in, but I could help but grin at Demetri's bravery.
     "Look, um... I wanted to tell you something, just so we're on the same page. Um... I, ah..."
     "Can I stop you there?" Lucy interrupted, she sounded almost guilty. Upset. "I know what you're saying, what you're trying to say anyway. And thank you, but I'm not there yet. I could be, one day, but not now. I'm still getting used to the whole immortal... family, thing. It's not you, believe me, it's not, I can totally see myself falling head over heels for you, just not now."
     Demetri didn't react to that, verbally at least, I wanted to hug the poor man. Even Igor looked embarrassed for him.
     "Hey, you know my human life, right? How I spent, like, all of it in a Hospital? Did you also know that my parents abandoned me? I mean, maybe they didn't, I'm sure they just got killed or something. But all I remember is that one day they just stopped coming to see me. Next thing I know their car has been found but they are nowhere to be seen. I make myself remember that every day because it reminds me that family isn't blood. Even as a sick, useless, dying, human child, Liz and Igor became my footholds, they were literally all I could hold on too because everyone around me kept leaving me. They'd either die, get discharged, or leave the Hospital for another job, but everybody I knew, everybody I loved, left me eventually. Liz and Igor are the only ones who bothered coming back.
     "So, that's why I'm not ready. Because I guess, even as an immortal, my body is just afraid of losing someone else. Having to say goodbye, again. Give me time, I'll get there. I know I will."
     "I'll wait however long you need," Demetri admitted. "Even if it's an eternity."
     "I won't make you wait that long." Lucy had laughed.
     Igor pulled my hand and I looked up to him motioning that we should make ourselves heard now. So we began running back to the house.
     Lucy was holding her violin but not playing anything when we got home, Igor hurried to get ready as he had an early class that day.
     "Demetri, would you like a quick game of chess before I leave?" I offered and he accepted.
      Halfway through the game, Lucy finally started playing. It was a tune I didn't recognise and I wondered if it was an original compilation, as I could almost feel the story behind the notes.
     I felt uplifted, afraid, sad, worried, happy, content, angry and then finally nearing the end of her musical battle, love and conflict. Demetri and I had gotten so absorbed with listening and watching her play that we hadn't finished our chess game before I had to leave for work.
     "You should play that again when Igor gets home," I told Lucy as I gave her a kiss goodbye.
     "Did you like it?" she asked.
     "It was beautiful."
     "Did you write it?" Demetri asked.
     "Does it have a name?" I asked raising a brow to her.
     Her brow pulled inwards in thought. She wasn't thinking long before she smiled and answered, "confession".
     Of course, it was.
     I kissed her and Demetri goodbye before leaving for yet another day or work.

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