Part of a Family

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I MUST HAVE BEEN SITTING IN THAT ROOM FOR MORE THAN A FEW HOURS BEFORE I FINALLY STOOD AND WALKED AROUND. I looked at the asylums' residents and doing something small if I could, to help them. One of them hissed, "vampire" to me as I looked at an infected cut.
'And?' I asked, and left his cell.
I wrote down an order for medications to send to the Hospital. I knew Igor wouldn't do it though, he didn't want to involve this asylum with too many humans. But I had to be doing something while I waited. So I treated.
Igor returned by sunrise. Straight away, I noticed the difference in the red in his eyes. Instead of the dirty red of the mad blood, they were the bright crimson of pure, untainted, human blood.
He didn't ask me any further questions about my human past, nor did I feel the desire to bring it up. Instead, we talked about trivial things, and he asked me to make a few portraits to bring some life into his 'dark, dank' asylum, yes he had quoted me for it. Which I was more than happy to do.

I didn't leave his asylum until I felt I was able to, and only once I knew that James and Victoria were undoubtedly, never going to return.
That only took a year before I was able to leave him again. I knew he had wanted to come with me now, now that I knew, but... I needed to clear my mind, think things through on my own. Of course, he was happy to oblige, kissed my hand before I departed.
Needing a significant difference, I went to a different state of America, and I found myself in Columbus, Ohio. The people of the city were slightly more lenient towards women working in Hospitals for the 1920s, so I didn't have a hassle. However, some colleagues and parents of my young patients weren't so fond of it.
I found myself bonding with one carer, an aunt of a boy who frequently found himself in my care. Estelle was a caring woman who seemed to be the one to bring in her nephew, always claiming that his parents, and her sister, were too busy.
Too busy to care for their child? I thought in hatred for the humans I hadn't met.
It was through Estelle that I met Esme Evenson, she seemed like a lovely, caring woman... and then I got her past...
A face in her past surprised me for a moment. The familiarity of the golden eyes that she noticed sparked my attention, she knew Carlisle! But her most recent past was what made me see red. But through her past, and through theirs, I knew their plan, could see how Mrs Evenson would escape from her deranged, monstrous husband. And one day, finally, she did.
Charles Evenson was livid when he realised Esme was not returning. He'd drink more significant amounts than I believed he ever did while with his runaway wife... no, I would not call her that. I had only met Esme only once, but she was most certainly a survivor. But I began watching him, out of fear for the humans who only looked at him once.
I thought Columbus was free of the monster when he left, but there was information I had missed, something I had not been close enough to know. Someone had seen Esme, and he had gone after her... I found out only after Charles returned, that she had evaded him once more. Esme had been staying with her cousin and her husband. Charles abused her until the husband had forced him out of the house.
So Charles Evenson was back, and I considered, more dangerous.
He behaved sober in the face of others, put on a smile, acted as if he believed Esme long dead and was eager to move on with his life. And that he did.
The woman he moved on too, was a woman I was close to. She had been younger than Esme, looked like her as well, and unfortunately held the same fate. Grace I had gotten close to, Grace... Grace I had watched deteriorate.
I had wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him suffer for the women he had hurt, Julia, his teenage girlfriend, who he had killed in a moment of pure rage at her. He then proceeded to pretend as if he never knew her. Esme, the wife that escaped, and Grace...
Oh, how I wanted him to suffer, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just like I had with the vampire man who had attempted to hurt me, I wanted to kill him. But... he was human... it was the only thing that separated Charles from the male vampire who wanted to use me.
He was human.
And that meant everything.
As the days went on with working, my treating and spending time with Estelle, Laura, and so many other humans of Columbus I had grown to care for, I planned. Could I do it? Could I bring myself to purposefully end a human life? If so, if I could, how? He wouldn't tear apart as the vampire would... but he'd definitely need to feel pain...
And as soon as I thought it, the guilt crashed into me.
I would never be able to make him suffer for the pain he had caused so many others.
I was watching him, ready to help Grace if went too far. He was leaving his favourite restaurant that was secretly selling alcohol, he was heading home to Grace. I knew what he'd do when he got back to her, rape, violence... I should be able to do something! I yelled at myself, guilt waving over me harder than if I had killed him.
I was still watching him, battling with the thoughts in my head. I had killed so many, and I had sworn to never kill again. I was battling with the prospect of remaining good, and saving Grace, when a boy, no older than eighteen approached Charles from seemingly, nowhere. A vampire.
The boy threw him into the alley across from the restaurant and ran in joining him.
An angry vampire... I thought and got closer to see. Who was this young man?
I stood on the other side of the street from the alley, watching.
'You don't deserve to live,' the boy growled at Charles as the man groaned, probably in pain from being thrown.
'Who... what...'
'This is for Esme.'
The boy lifted Charles off the ground just enough to bite him. This boy knew of Esme? I watched from the street as the boy drank from Charles Evenson.
I was happy I no longer had to worry about the bastard, but I was also curious. Who had taught this child to feast in another vampires area without seeing if it was taken?
Charles was still crying in pain when the boy stiffened, and turned quickly to me, blood still dripping from his chin. His eyes widened, then he gave his head a small shake.
'Finish your meal,' I told him and crossed the road. 'I'd rather that man not become one of us.' Then again, it would make him easier to kill.
The boy looked back to Charles, then only looked at me over his shoulder briefly before he turned back to murder... no... to execute Charles. I was grateful for it. Grace would be safe, and Julie and Esme avenged.
Once Charles was empty, the boy dropped him. I was praying for a breeze, a wind, or something to tell me if I could be afraid of this young man. He looked up at me with a curious frown.
'Who are you?' he asked and turned fully back to me.
Now I could see him properly, the red eyes, the strangely coloured bronze-brown-red hair... young features, definitely a young man. And one who apparently didn't know respect.
'Excuse me, I was in this town first, you're in my land. Who are you?' I repeated.
His brows shot up, and he bowed politely in welcome... so not so disrespectful. Though bowing was a bit much.
'My name is Edward. I... I'm sorry. I should have checked...'
'Don't be sorry, Edward,' I said and chuckled. 'My name is Elizabeth, and you've just killed someone I've been trying to make myself kill for a very long time.'
How he looked at me, there was something in his eyes that I couldn't quite place... oh, what I would do to know his past! Where was a breeze when you needed one?
'A breeze would tell you my past?' he asked in confusion.
'How did you know-?'
'A gift of my own. I hear thoughts.'
Really? I thought.
'Yes,' he answered.
That was too easy. What's the official date, as noted by historians, as the day the Great War started? I thought again. I was suppressing a smile at the new game.
'July 28th, 1914,' Edward answered.
He was faster than other vampires I had come across, faster than Igor. But I still saw him, still was able to watch him run from one side of me to the other, so he was between myself and the street. And the soft breeze, invisible to the humans but enough for me, was pushing through him to me.
And his past.
'Better?' he asked.
The Great War, wanting so badly to be a soldier, his father being drafted, his father returning early from an injury but only to get sick the next year! The Spanish Influenza... the fever, the pain... I felt a pang of pity for the boy who had gotten so sick so young...
The doctor who had saved him... The same golden-haired man I had briefly glimpsed at in Esme's past. The same man the Denali sisters, told me about... Carlisle Cullen.
I gasped and found myself unable to move.
I was grateful that Carlisle was still alive, but that wasn't what had me paralysed. Carlisle had gotten lonely, so he had made a companion! It was assuring to find another difference between the two of us. I was used to be alone, I had all the company I needed in my friends. Carlisle made Edward! Made me...
Carlisle made me a nephew!
That was something I'd never thought I'd have the privilege to call myself, an aunt.
And on top of having a nephew,  a mere year and a half after Esme left here, she joined their family. And married Carlisle! I had a sister!
My brother had a family, and... and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Anger and jealousy suddenly coursed through me. Though I was happy with my life, like our childhood, I was still alone. Then more joy, my brother was still alive.
I made myself focus on the joy... have to focus on the joy. After all, I was looking at my nephew. Thinking the word made me chuckle as the joy of the realisation grew in my mind. I even found myself covering my grin as I looked at Edward... Edward...
He had thought I'd been Carlisle for half a second when he first saw me. Before realising I was what Carlisle wasn't, a woman.
I turned to look at Charles behind me. I approached him and snapped his neck with my foot. I looked at Edward and laughed again, it made me think, for some strange reason, of my new sister-in-law. I wanted to paint their small, quaint wedding that I saw from Edward's past. How I would have been overjoyed to witness it!
And with that thought crashed a whole new line of possibilities... My brother, like me, was a Doctor... we could be a team. Both doctors, both vegetarians... I laughed again, feeling the joy bubble inside me like... like nothing I had felt before.
'Elizabeth?' my nephew muttered from the alley entrance. I turned fully to face him, still smiling. He didn't look so happy. Actually, he looked worried. 'Carlisle doesn't have any gifts.'
'Then our father was right to keep him and call me the witch,' I responded. I ran up to the seventeen-year-old and ruffled his already messy hair. You've given me a great gift, Edward. Thank you for this happiness.
'Will you try to find him?' Edward asked.
I pulled Edward's latest memory. My brother and new sister-in-law were still coming to know their new emotions. They were still battling for control over their feelings for each other, and they had only torn away from each other because Edward had said that he wanted to talk to them. I noticed Edward's lips twitch to a small smirk briefly as he looked away.
I chuckled. 'I think I'll give them a bit more time,' I said. But thank you, Edward. Thank you for this joy. 'You enjoy your vigilante mission.'
'You're not mad?' he asked.
Of course, because I already seem so much like Carlisle... if I were mad at him, he'd be afraid Carlisle would be, too, if my brother ever found out.
'Never,' I assured him. I looked back at Charles and let Edward see precisely why I'd never get mad at him for this. My history.
'Oh,' he said in a rather monotoned, strained voice.
'Just don't lose who you are while chasing them down, Edward. And remember who loves you,' I told him. He chuckled.
'A very auntie thing to say.'
I have years to catch up on, I thought, noting that he had joined my brother in 1918. I winked at my nephew, turned back to Charles to pick him up and smash him against the wall. I'll clean up here, Edward.

He didn't say another word before he left. I had probably too much fun making it look as if Charles had been ambushed by others and killed that way. I left via the rooftops, knowing that I'd have to be careful over the next few days once he was found. Try and discover if anyone saw me watching him, anyone saw me nearby... I'd have to be very careful.

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