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BACK IN FORKS, everyone was easily convinced by our lie on what happened. Igor's sister was in a horrible accident and we had taken in her daughter, and we had also offered to take in the son of his sisters' friend whose parents were also in the accident.
     I wasn't sure how or why they all believed it, but they did, the more amazing thing the people of Forks believes was that neither child was ready to return to school so we were not enrolling them in the schools until the new school year started.
     And with Demetri home with Lucy, Igor was able to go back to school in Port Angeles.
     The school had replaced the deceased English teacher, and Robyn had returned to school. She and Lauren had never been closer, and what had impressed me more, was that Lauren had gained some weight since my sudden leaving.
     "I guess nearly dying flipped hat switch in her head," Igor suggested when I spoke to him about it over the phone that lunch.
     I was happy for her, really. Happier when I found out that Lauren and Robyn had become more than mere friends.

TWO WEEKS AFTER OUR RETURN TO FORKS WITH DEMETRI, I came home to find an alerting calm atmosphere. I was used to tense, thirsty, panicked, or eccentric, but when I walked in, knowing Igor was staying at the university tonight to study with classmates, Lucy was soothingly playing her violin, and Demetri was meditating in the middle of the lounge room.
     "You two seemed rather relaxed," I said as I hung up my coat and bag.
     "We hunted today," Lucy chirped without breaking her beat.
     She was getting very good.
     "Without Igor and I?" I worried.
     Not only was it Lucy's first time hunting without Igor and me, but it was Demetri's real first time hunting vegetarian style.
     "We avoided the track's human normally take, don't worry," Demetri smiled confidently over his shoulder.
     "You were hoping to be there, weren't you?" Lucy asked, stopping her music.
    "A little," I shrugged. "But this is good, you're finally hunting on your own, Lucy, and Demetri..." I looked at him, still sitting in the middle of the floor. His eyes were still red as they would remain for a little while, but they ere full of apologies. Neither of them had thought that Igor and I wanted to be there for his first hunt. Amun would be so proud of you. "How did you go?"
     He laughed with Lucy before she went back to playing and he stood.
    "It was gross," Demetri answered. "But..." he sighed. "Manageable. I mean, I don't think I'll ever get used to it, but as you know, it works. Not as good, but it works."
     "I think your incentive to keep up the diet will change over time," I noted, wondering if his heart had settled yet or not.
     "You think?" 
     "I do."
     Lucy picked up the tempo with her violin and I moved my eyes to her.
     "You will soon find, Demetri, that not drinking human blood allows us to have more human thoughts. Human emotions. It changes a vampire. You can ask Igor about it when he gets home tomorrow."
     "He's not coming home tonight?" Demetri asked.
     "He's staying in Port Angeles with classmates to prepare for an assessment, and study," I noted. Demetri's brows immediately pulled together and his eyes shot to outside the window. "What are you doing?"
     "Looking for the Guard," Demetri stated. "He's separated from the whole if Aro knows..."
     "He's weak," I gasped.
     "Oh, calm down, both of you," Lucy spat. "He's fine. We're fine. Shush. Alice and I would definitely know if he wasn't, but he is, so shush."
     It was slightly reassuring, knowing that Lucy felt as if Igor was safe. But still, to be sure, I looked sideways to Demetri who smirked at me.
    "They're all still in Italy," he assured me.
     "Told ya," Lucy muttered. "Though... check her father."
     "What? Why?" I asked.
     "Just a feeling."
     Demetri nodded and closed his eyes to focus. His brows twitched and his head tilted. What does that mean?
     "I believe they're coming to America," Demetri noted as he opened his eyes. "They're heading this way anyway."
     "Of course, they are," I groaned.
     "Should we worry about them?"
     "Should we worry about you?" Lucy asked with a laugh. "Is bad Liz coming out to play again?"
     "Okay, no," I said to Lucy making her laugh again. "And, I doubt it," I added to Demetri. "Stefan and Vladimir are big on loyalty, they're probably only coming because Nicholas is. As for Nicholas... let's just hope for his own sake he's going to Nanaimo and not here."
     "For his own sake?" Demetri asked with a half-cocky grin.
     "Lucy may get her wish if I see his face again."
     Demetri laughed again and I went upstairs to my studio.
     Though, thinking that Nicholas was on his way to our side of the shore, reminded me that I hadn't even told Carlisle of our fathers' existence.
     "Should I tell Carlisle?" I asked Lucy and Demetri, not fully expecting a legitimate response.
     "Alice will," Lucy chirped.
     "Will she? Jacob and Renesmee, remember, she may not even see their meeting."
     "Then maybe it's best you give him a call, especially if he's coming this way," Demetri suggested.
     I nodded and ran back down to the phone to call Carlisle in the eyes of Lucy and Demetri.
     "You're doing great, Demetri," Lucy said, nudging him with her hip. "Working with the family, good job."
     Demetri almost looked embarrassed at that.
     "Cullen residents," Esme answered.
     "Esme, it's Elizabeth. Is my brother there?" I asked.
     "He's still at work. Is everything okay? Anything I can help with?"
     "We're fine, everything's fine."
     "Is Demetri okay?"
     I could hear the underlying question. Had he killed anyone?
     "Demetri is going rather well, actually. He had his first hunt today, giving a wide girth to human paths. I'm proud of him. Just, get Carlisle to call me back, please. I'm sorry, Esme, but this is something he needs to hear from me."
     "Okay... Um... Alice wants to talk to you?"
     "Put her on."
     The phone exchange was quick, all I heard was a soft woosh before I was suddenly in Mary Alice's hands.
     "Weird question, do you know a guy with a full beard, greying, London accent-"
     "Yes, I know him," I answered.
      "Okay, because I see him visiting like Carlisle specifically. Is he a threat? Is he trouble? Should we be worried?" she asked.
     "If he's visiting only Carlisle than I don't think you need to be worried. He won't hurt Carlisle."
     "Who is he?"
     I turned to Lucy, wanting to know if I should tell her, should I answer her question? Lucy just gave me a reassuring nod so that was enough for me.
     "Our father."
     There was a moment of silence from the phone line before she dropped the phone and scurried to pick it up.
     "I'm sorry, what?" Mary Alice gasped. "Are you sure?"
     "Just, get Carlisle to call me back. Goodbye, Mary Alice."
     I hung up the phone and turned back to Demetri and Lucy.
     "You probably should have warned her that he's the type of man that certain members in that family would like to kill," Lucy noted.
     That was a shock to hear. I had never told her about what else Nicholas had done to me as a child.
     "How did you-"
     "Your reaction to seeing him was a lot more than just murdering your firstborn. I put the pieces together. Am I wrong?"
     "Of course, not. But keep it to yourself."
     Demetri looked very confused but shrugged it off and sat back in the middle of the lounge room.
     I stayed downstairs and listened to Lucy playing, so I noticed when she jumped a few notes.
     "Huh," she muttered. "Igor's going to be home tonight after all."
     "But he told me he was staying in Port Angeles-"
     "And I'm telling you he's on his way back. Don't know when but he definitely will be home tonight."
     And with that, I stayed downstairs and waited for him to return home. I wondered idly the change of heart, but didn't care, Igor would be home and I'd be in his arms soon enough.
      Three hours and a whole Titanic movie later, the familiar purr of Igor's car turned into the driveway.
     "Come on, Demetri, let's go for a run," Lucy said quickly putting down her violin.
     "But we went out today," Demetri argued.
     "Trust me," Lucy said and gripped his hand dragging him out of the house. "Tell Igor we said hi!"
     I stood on the patio, watching after them feeling nothing but extreme confusion. Really? What had just happened there? What was going to happen when Igor got home that would cause Lucy to want to leave? She'd never had a problem with anything before.
     All my worries and confusion flew out of my mind when Igor came home, stopping his car directly out the front of the house rather than inside the garage.
     "What's brought you-"
     My words were interrupted by his lips firmly against mine. The kiss was filled with such eagerness, such passion, it was blinding.
     Then I breathed him in.
     They had been talking about grief, the seven stages, causes of, all about it. He had focused mainly on war widows and widowers. He had been fully intending to stay with his classmates, but after that talk and after a rather heated battle in his head, he decided to come home. Because he had begun to panic, begun to worry. We had a real battle hanging over our shoulders in our future, after all.
     With that, I pulled him closer and felt him tear my shirt before he froze in the doorway.
     "Lucy and Demetri aren't here," I said against his lips. "She took him out for a run the moment your car turned down the driveway."
     He pushed his lips back into mine and I tangled my fingers in his hair, holding myself there. His hands digging so tightly into my back that he tore through my shirt.
     I thought it was unfair that I was the only one partially nude, so I tore his shirt off him. I hadn't realised how much I had missed the feeling of my breasts against his bare chest.

Blood Moon [a Twilight Saga FanFiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن