The Unknown

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IGOR AND I COULD HAVE GONE ON FOREVER, especially considering they were supposed to be dead.
     But after a few days, the thirst was starting to get overwhelming. What finally separated us was the sound of Mary nervously coming home from a hunt.
     "Sorry," she muttered. "But I saw something."
     "What is it?" Igor asked, briskly slipping away from me.
     We both dressed quickly and met her downstairs.
     "Something's in the way," she said. "I can't see properly."
     "Verity?" Igor asked.
     "She's still with Carlisle. I can't see them. Also, don't worry, Liz, I called them while you were... busy," she grinned and moved to sit down.
     "What else can't you see other than half breeds?" I asked.
     "Anything she is not nor what she has not been," Igor explained. "That was theorised in the other time."
      "Well, from what I can see. A coven is coming here, I recognise the forest around them... and... something stops them, they stop for... there is a scream. They stop for the scream," Mary said, her eyes looking into the future again.
     "Why would a coven be coming to us?"
     "What do they look like?" I asked.
     "One of them is a girl. She turns to the oldest man, says his name and then it goes black," Mary answered.
     "What's the name?"
     I took Igor's hand and we approached her on the couch.
     "How many are in the coven?" Igor asked.
     "Five," Mary said.
     "Five? That's one too many."
     "They could have easily picked up another," I stated and Igor rushed to my art folders.
     "Mary, can you recognise none of them?" He asked.
     "I thought I recognised a few of them from one of your drawings, Liz, but I couldn't be sure," she sighed.
     Igor gave Mary my drawing of the London Coven. It had been so long since I had drawn that, it was before we left London the first time.
     "Yeah, that's them. Who is it?" Mary asked.
     I looked at Igor, waiting for our coven leader to take charge.
     "Do they make it here?" Igor asked.
     "I can't see. I can see our future until next Wednesday, but theirs... blank."
     "What happens next Wednesday?" I asked Igor.
     "Elizabeth, call Carlisle. Anything Mary cannot see is a potential threat and if they take your father-"
     "Her father?!" Mary gasped.
     "Mary, you and I are going to go see if we can get any hints as to what it is exactly that-"
     I cut him off without any words. I stood between him and the door. I was not letting him walk out into the unknown, looking for something mary can't see... I wasn't going to lose him again. Not again.
     "Elizabeth," he sighed.
     "It's okay, Igor. I can do it alone. It'll be easier that way anyway," Mary said and skipped up to me with a smile. "It's easier for me to simply watch for my own future disappearing than yours and mine at the same time."
     I looked at her and she winked at me.
     "Thank you," I whispered.
     "Any time."
     She ran back through the trees.
     "No, Igor. Already twice I have felt what it's like for you to be dead. Twice is enough! No more," I argued.
      "This is your father we're talking about-"
     "Exactly! A poor excuse of a man who spent no time in his human existence with his children and threw me out on the street as a baby!"
     "But does that make him deserving of death?"
     "It means that you do not put yourself in harm's way, and put me through that hell again, for him! I may be a vampire, Igor, but I can only live through so much heartache!"
     His thick brows pulled together, but not in anger. In worry, perhaps, fear, and sorrow. A sorrow I could see through his eyes that carried deep into his gut.
     "I'm sorry I scared you," he sighed and rested his hand against my cheek.
     "Which time?"
     "The fire."
     "Just don't do it again," I sighed. "And especially not fire.  Not again. Every time I close my eyes, Igor, especially then... it may have beam but I see that every time I close my eyes. Not again. Never again."
      "I am sorry, truly. It won't happen again."
      "Maybe I should make you think I'm dead for an hour and see how you feel after it," I threatened with a chuckle.
     I didn't get the response I was hoping for.
     "I have already felt that," he sighed.
     "When?" I couldn't remember.
     "The other life," he picked up a strand of my long hair. "The Hospital you and Carlisle were working at, caught fire. You were brave and stupid enough to go in for your patients. The hospital exploded with Carlisle inside, you ran in after him. Carlisle came out with a patient..."
     "But, I survived," I pointed out. "I lived to see your death."
     "Yes, you got out," he sighed. "You jumped out of a burning window. I thought you were really dead. I didn't know if you had jumped until I caught your scent, and even then... you were screaming..."
     I hated seeing the pain in his eyes, so I kissed him to try and force his mind away from the shadows creeping into them.
     "Let's call your brother," he muttered.
     I watched him as he approached the phone and dialled Carlilse's number.
    "Cullen residence," Verity answered.
     I sighed, feeling slightly agitated. Part of me had been hoping we could keep her out of whatever was happening.
     "Hello, Verity," Igor said.
     "Dad! How are you? It's so good to hear from you again! Finished with Mum then?"
I chuckled but he answered none of her questioned.
     "Is Carlisle there?"
     "Yeah, he's just playing chess with Edward. And losing."
There was a pause before she laughed and Igor smirked.
     "Can I speak to him?"
     "Sure. Is everything okay?"
     "Just put your Uncle on, Verity."
     She didn't respond, and the next voice I heard was Carlisle's.
     "Carlisle, thanks for not letting her call us."
     "Thought you two may enjoy the alone time."
If I could blush, I would have been.
     "I'm assuming that this isn't a social call?" Carlisle coached.
     I approached him by the phone and Igor's hand went around my waist, I held his hand there.
     "Mary has seen something we felt you should be warned about. It concerns your father," Igor began. "The London coven are planning on visiting us. Perhaps Nicholas wanted to catch up with his daughter, but they're all coming. Fantine, Peter, Jon, Nicholas, even their new member."
     I couldn't remember Jon's face... his name only seemed familiar to me through Igor's past with the English coven.
     "Why is this something we need to be worried about?" Carlisle chuckled.
     "Because their futures vanish," Igor continued. "Mary said they stop when there's a scream and that's when their futures disappear from her vision. Mary is out now trying to find out what causes their future to disappear. We will be joining her shortly."
     "Another half breed?"
     "Let us pray it is only that."
     "Does Alice have a time? Day? Month, even?"
     "She didn't say. But we'll find out."
     "Keep us in the know, Igor," Carlisle requested. "He's my father, too."
     "I know, Carlisle," Igor chuckled. "We will."
     "Be safe."
Igor hung up the phone before turning to me, kissing my forehead softly.
     "We're joining Mary?" I asked.
     "We need to find out what this thing is, if it's a threat or not."
     I nodded and we ran, following Mary's scent little ways before moving off her path onto our own. Without her vision, we were going blind.
     We paused ever so often, smelling the air, looking around before we moved on.
     We were running to a new spot to investigate when I ran through something that made my muscles tense, and my throat burn like it had never done before.
     I froze and took the few steps back that would put me in the scent again.
     Igor stopped and turned to me.
     "Can you smell that?" I asked. "It's rancid."
     Igor approached and took a deep breath in that was followed by a deep, and rather terrifying, growl.
     "That's not a half breed," he growled.
     "Shapeshifter?" I asked.
     "No, the wolves smell more of smoke and ash. This? I've never smelt this before."
     Something someone as old as Igor has never smelt before? That was a little terrifying.
     "Should we investigate?" I asked.
     "We should wait for Mary. If we face anything, I want us to face it together."
     "How will she know where to find us?"
     He smirked to me before he climbed up the nearest tree and broke off the thickest branch causing a very loud crack and bang when it landed.
     "You know, you didn't have to break the tree," Mary said before we could hear her approach.
     Igor laughed but it stopped when she approached and her face wrinkled.
     "That's disgusting. What is that smell?"
     "We were waiting for you to find out," Igor stated.
     She waved us ahead of her and we stayed close together as we followed the stench.
     Every muscle in my body was preparing for the worst. Preparing to have to protect Igor, to keep him with me.

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