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WE WERE HAPPY. After our brief honeymoon, we were able to get back in control of ourselves and were able to find balance again between our hobbies and each other.
     Once the war ended, we moved to a new home and went back to our jobs as well, Igor pretended to be a recovering soldier and even pulled out his fathers old walking cane as a prop. He loved the act of pretending to be injured, I suppose, when you reach Igor's age changing even the slightest thing about the act of being human, kept things interesting.
     After our time at that home was done, we moved on to study again while working part-time. I did part-time as a nurse, and Igor worked part-time as a wardsman at the Hospital. It wasn't ideal for him, but it kept him busy and that was all that was important. If we didn't keep busy, our control slipped.
     Our lives were pretty tame after that, study, work, hobbies... each other. Nothing great or interesting happened. That is until the 21st Century came around.
     Igor and I both had a shared day off work and decided, instead of enjoying each other, we'd walk around town in the bad weather.  We stayed close to each other under the umbrella and it was Igor who caught the sight of the two vampires watching us between buildings.
     "Their eyes..." Igor muttered.
     I followed his eyes and saw them. The blonde female, definitely looking like a Goddess in her natural vampiric beauty and her beast of a partner. He was twice the size of Igor in muscle and was certainly taller than the two of us, they both were. Both had golden eyes.
     "Let's see what they want," I whispered and Igor and I crossed the road.
     "May we help you?" Igor asked as we approached.
     "Maybe," the blonde said, looking at me with curious eyes. "I'm Rosalie, this is Emmett, we're looking for help..."
     Igor looked at me, the question in his eyes. Answering that I quickly ran to the other side of them, narrowly avoiding Emmett's arm when he threw it out to catch me. Defensive.
     "My apologies, my wife has a gift you see," Igor began to explain. "With just your scent, she knows every detail about your past. You appear to be anxious, perhaps her talents would make this-"
     "It's Carlisle!" I gasped looking through them to Igor. Rosalie and Emmett both turned to look at me in shock. "Igor, Carlisle's in trouble!"
     "How do you know Carlisle?" Emmett asked.
     "We don't. Not officially, anyway," Igor said. "We have, however, met Edward, and my Elizabeth has met Esme."
     "So you'll help us?"
     I looked between Rosalie and Emmett, my niece and nephew and felt a huge wave of guilt and fear. I looked at Igor, confused by these feelings.
     "Where are we needed?" Igor asked.
     "Forks, it's not far from-"
     "We know where it is," Igor interrupted Rosalie, her jaw snapping shut was audible probably for the both of us. "Miss Elizabeth knows your predicament, you must be in a hurry. Go, leave to find others to help, when you return to your home you will know of our answer."
     They both nodded then left without any further questions. Igor hurried over to me again, ignoring the umbrella now, we were both saturated anyway.
     "So, what has your brother gotten himself in too?" Igor asked.
     "Not Carlisle. Edward. He found love in a human," I said and laughed.
     "Really? Edward found love?" Igor asked, a half-smirk playing on his lips.
     "He can't hear her. Her mind is blank to him."
     "That explains it then," Igor said and also laughed but it was quickly cut off, worried for our family once more. "What has happened? The Volturi found out about the human knowing our secret?"
     "No. No, the Volturi have known about Bella for a while now. But she and Edward had a baby."
     "And I know what you're thinking, she's not an immortal child. Just in their pasts I saw little Renesmee grow and learn and, oh, Igor, she's amazing and I cannot wait to meet her!" I gushed, but then the wave of fear and guilt hit again.
     The Volturi.
     Aro knew Carlisle, and he knew me. Aro was a smart man, without a doubt he would have connected the dots that Carlisle was my twin I had never met or known. I could still remember my time with the Volturi, and Aro's fear of power. He grew to power with his sister, so if Carlisle presented a united front with his sister.
     "I can't go," I muttered to Igor. "Aro will be looking for a fight and if I'm there with Carlisle..."
     "He'll be more determined than ever to make sure his goal is fulfilled," Igor said with a nod. "I see."
      "But Igor, the Volturi think Renesmee is an immortal child. They may kill him anyway and if they try to kill Carlisle-"
     "Miss Elizabeth, Aro is a smart man," Igor said. "You just told me that Renesmee was not an immortal child, that she grows and learns. Aro will see that and your brothers family will not be killed for it."
     "But what if Aro's goal isn't to punish? We know he's a collector."
     "Your brothers family has abilities Aro may want?"
     "Edward. Even his Bella who became immortal after the birth of their child, her mind is still impenetrable, Aro will want to expand that. Then there's..."
     Rosalie and Emmett had a sister and brother who ran away, they feared that it was because they saw no hope for the family. A little Alice who had visions of the future, and her Jasper who was an empath who could also manipulate the emotions of those around him.
     Alice... I looked at Igor again, waging with my own head. Tell him? Not tell him? Honesty? Or say nothing? White lie?
     The Alice who had taken her Jasper and run from Aro's clutches, was his Mary Alice Brandon?
     "Then there's...?" Igor encouraged.

     Or just don't tell the full truth... he'll understand. "Alice and Jasper, a psychic and an empath, but they left the family and nobody knows why."
     "If Aro gets his hands on a psychic..."
     "I know, and I think she did, too, which is why she left them. If Aro's goal is to covet powers instead of punishing, he may try to kill Carlisle anyway."
     "Than what do you propose we do, Miss Elizabeth? I strongly believe that there is a chance Aro will not cause a fight and your brother will be okay. But if you go, if you're there..."
     "A fight is inevitable," I muttered.
     "It is your choice."
     "We can't go," I stated and looked where my niece and nephew and left us. "It's too dangerous. We can only hope for the best and pray that they make it out alive."
     Igor nodded and pulled me into a comforting embrace as the rain gave me the tears I wanted to shed, in my fear for my brothers' life. The tears I wanted to shed for hiding a secret from the man who had my heart.

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