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IT HAD BEEN A YEAR SINCE IGOR AND I HAD MOVED TO NANAIMO, Canada. We had friends in our colleagues, family in our work. And Lucy.
     Try as hard as I could, it was hard to not fall in love with Lucy Tia Arnold, how optimistic and positive she tried to be on a daily basis, defying every doctors, myself included, expectation of her survival.
     And then came the week of sun. We had made up a lie that Igor's extended family had been in a terrible accident and we needed to fly to Florida to support the survivors, and help in arrangements in funerals for the deceased.
     Except when we got back, the whole paediatrics area felt... dull, like it was missing it's usually aura of hope. I walked down the corridor, holding tightly to the stuffed toy I had made for Lucy while we were in house arrest. What had happened here?
     "Lizzie!" Toes cried out when he saw me. The fully grown, ran up to me and tightly pulled me into an embrace. "I missed you so much. Though I hope your family is alright."
     "They'll heal as will we. What's going on here? It feels different."
     "Right," Toes muttered backing away from me, but the quick embrace was enough...
     While we were away, three days after we left, Lucy had another attack, but nothing the Hospital couldn't handle without donors from elsewhere. The day after that, the police force found remains of a human body, a torn apart jacket with a name on it. The name of Lucy's mother.
     She had not taken the news very well, and they took a whole day to give it to her to give her more time to recover from her attack. Except now she wasn't eating, she wasn't talking...
     I ran to her room and looked at her from the door. She laid on the bed, I knew she was awake even though her back was to me. She stayed curled under the sheets, tucked quietly.
     "Call my husband?" I asked Toes and I slowly walked in behind Lucy, ready to comfort her through her time of grieving. Help her through it.
     "I don't want to play your stupid game, Doctor Fuller," Lucy grumbled before I could speak. "Just leave me alone."
     "You know I can't do that," I said and sat behind her on the bed the turtle now in my lap. "It goes against my nature. But at least you've spoken to me, Toes said you weren't talking."
     No response. I put the turtle in front of her though she made no movement towards it.
     "I got him in Florida, I thought you may like him. He could be friends with your bunny."
     I looked over to the chair in the corner, where her small blue bunny toy was laying, as if thrown there.
     I sat there behind her for ten minutes before Igor came. He stood just inside the doorframe, watching Lucy as hard, and as worried, as I.
     "I don't want either of your help," Lucy grumbled louder than before. "They're dead. I guess I sort of always knew they wouldn't be coming back. But still, they're dead. There's nothing left for me anymore. There's nothing left. Let me die. Let me die."
     I knew it's what she wanted, smelt it in her scent, but to hear her say the words. Hear her plead for death... to join her parents in death.
     It crushed me.
     I looked up at Igor and he waved me out of the room. Though I did not leave, I did approach him.
     "How can I leave her like this?" I asked.
     "You cannot save them all."
     "But I will save her. I have to."
     He pulled me into an embrace and I stood there looking into Lucy's room, feeling the tearing not only in my stomach and gut but in my heart and mind as well. Memories clawing to the surface that I always had tried to never remember, but never forget.
     "I can't lose her, Igor. I can't lose another one," I muttered low and quickly. Vampire talk, not even a nurse passing beside us would hear.
     "Children die every day, Miss Elizabeth. It is sad and heartbreaking, but it is the circle of life-"
     "No, not for her. Not her. I can't lose another child, Igor. I can't. I won't. I couldn't save him, so I have to save her."
     "Miss Elizabeth," Igor sighed and held me tighter. Good. It felt safe there. "There was nothing you could have done back then. You were human, weak. You trusted the wrong man and-"
     "And my son paid the price. He died, Igor. I watched him die, helplessly. I am not helpless anymore. I will not lose another child."
     "You may not have a choice," Igor sighed. I could hear it in his voice. Read it in his scent. He didn't want to lose Lucy as much as I didn't want to lose her. He was torn between the love he felt for the human child, and being, well, realistic. "You cannot help someone who does not want your help."
     "Igor, it's Lucy."
"I know."
     I thought back over the year, the last 365-days I had spent with her. Her smiles, her laughter, her joy and hope. Optimism in a little bundle of contagious laughter.
     She spread happiness every day she walked out of her room.  And as the days had gone on, she hadn't become bored with Igor and my guessing games with her, she enjoyed them. Challenged herself to guess more specific details, like if where we got the gift was really where we got it or not, or if it was an artifact, how old was it.
     We had been so amazed when she had guessed how old a doll had been. I had found it in a box I had taken with me everywhere. It was a toy I had long since forgotten the meaning of, other than it was important to me.

     "This is from the 1640s, early 1640s," Lucy had guessed as she admitted the doll. "Surprisingly good condition considering all the trauma it's been through."
     "How can you tell it's been through trauma? It looks fine to me," Igor had muttered.
     "Its a feeling around the doll I suppose. Like whoever owned this doll went through some things truly traumatic and the doll helped them through it all." Then she had looked directly at me, her brows pulling together and said. "It's yours." Quickly followed with. "That's impossible."

     "Igor," I muttered into his shirt, not staring at him, or her, just remembering that smile of knowledge and pride in her face. The excitement in her eyes. "Igor, we can't lose her."
     "She's too young," Igor responded with a sigh.
     "She's my daughter, Igor. I won't lose her."
     He cut off when Lucy's heart skipped a beat and her breath caught. I ran over to her in time before the bleeding and thrashing started.
     "Liz, she wants to die," Igor reminded me. "I know it's hard, we'll get through it."
     I looked down at Lucy as she thrashed in her bed, as her eyes slowly became bloodshot.
     I grabbed Igor's hand behind me and watched as she screamed. She cried blood. She died.
     Then in a moment, her bloody eyes became focused and they looked directly into mine, and in them, I saw fear.
     She was afraid, I reached for her hand and saw her mouth, "help".
     It was all I needed to smash the emergency button on the wall, a little too hard might I add, I'd have to find a way to explain that, and got to work in saving Lucy Arnold's life.

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