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     I turned my head slightly and saw Igor staring at me, fear and worry were almost pulsating around him.
     "Your back?" he asked, his voice sounded hoarse. More so than usual.
     "You fed me," I pointed out, grateful that I was actually able to talk! The blood had helped strengthen me enough to be able to talk.
     "You needed to heal. Miss Elizabeth, I thought I lost you."
     "I'm o-"
     "Don't you dare say it. You lost consciousness, Miss Elizabeth," he whimpered, kneeling beside me, yet not touching me. Why wouldn't he touch me? "If it weren't for the breathing I would have thought you were really dead."
     "That's impossible, Igor. I'm a vampire," I reminded him with a painful chuckle. "The only way to kill me is to turn me to ash."
     "You haven't seen yourself..."
     "I'm just imagining that I look a bit like you did," I snapped.
     "Right," he sighed, softly.
     He reached out as if to touch me only to stop himself. For some reason that reminded me of something from his past, when I stayed with him in the cave after his fire.
     Every touch was a pain. Every movement brought more pain. He wasn't touching me now so I wouldn't feel that pain.
     I'd rather the pain of the touch, than the pain of no touch.
     "Miss Elizabeth... I..." He was struggling to get the words out, fear and pain and worry still in his dark eyes.
     "You were saying something like me hiding. Disappearing and making our family think that I'm dead so the humans can suffer for what they've done. But Igor, you can't hurt them," I argued.
     "They hurt you," he snarled.
     "They're human, that doesn't mean they're smart. I know you want your revenge, but please, don't hurt them. You are so much better than that. You are above, killing for revenge. Please, Igor, don't. There is another way to get payback."
     "The Cullen's have probably started looking for me by now."
     "I caught their scents in the forests while getting these for you."
     "If I had lost you! If I had... if you didn't wake up," he snarled under his breath.
     "But I did," I whispered. "So please, don't kill them. They're human, they have lives to life and families to have and love. Igor, don't take that from them. Please."
     He knelt in front of me again and put his hand close enough to my skin for me to feel the coolness of it, but not to be actually touching. I kept eye contact, silent pleading.
     Slowly, he nodded. He nodded and put his head close enough to feel the cold but not be touching, like his hand.
     "They'll pay, in the right way, I promise," he assured me.
     "Thank you," I sighed. "So no, planning ahead decisions, then? If I have to disappear from even Mary Alice?" I asked with a smile.
     "That'll be hard, but yet. I'll come back whenever I can. Just, stay here," Igor muttered.
     "If I don't see you, it means its working," I sighed.
     "Igor." I waited for him to look at me before I spoke again. "You're not going to kill them. Right?"
     "I promise. I will not end their human lives."
     "Thank you."
     I rested my head on the cave wall behind me and closed my eyes softly.
     "Good luck," I added.
     "I love you."
     "I love you, too."
     "How are you?" He asked instead of leaving, it made me grin. "Really?"
     "Breathing," I answered. The only other answer I felt now was, in pain.
     He eventually got up and left and I stayed still... perfectly... still...
     I watched the colour change behind my eyelids, go from red to orange to black as the day became night. My limbs became stiff, they hurt under the desire to move, to get moving and get food. Drink to heal. Heal so I could be with Igor again.
     But I couldn't...
     No decisions.
     Only to sit.
     I hated sitting still for so long, but I knew I had too. The events of my future needed to be based only on when Igor would return and I didn't know when that was.
     Loneliness grew slowly as the black behind my eyelids turned orange and red once more. I reminded myself that Igor would return, he wouldn't leave me here for all of time. He would come back.
     Unless the Volturi killed him... No! Liz, no, Igor is smart, he will find a way to avoid Aro's attack before it happens. Your secret will not kill him! I thought.
     Igor... Igor had been changed by Vladimir and was the first of their revenge army against the Volturi. What would his revenge, killing the humans or not, do to him? Would it take him back to when he lived at the asylum? Would he remember what it felt like and go back-
     Goodness, Liz, he loves you! He'd never do anything that would hurt you emotionally, mentally, or physically. Isolation and petrification have turned you insane.
I tried to think of anything but Igor, and my mind went to Esme. I hoped she would stay a nurse, maybe transfer to the children's ward, and keep an eye on my patients for me. After all, we both had something in common.
     We both died for our dead babies.
     She jumped off a cliff, I gave myself over to the vampires of London.
     I forced myself to think about Esme and Carlisle and their happiness while I waited.
     By the time the light behind my eyes turned back to black, I was bored of thinking of my brother and sister, and the pain was starting to subside... I could feel my toes and fingers again, that was a plus. I could wiggle them if I tried, they were still stiff from not moving and were still in pain from the fire, but at least I still had them.
     If I was grateful for anything, is that I was still in one piece after the fire. The only thing I had really lost in the flames, other than the most part of my clothes, but I hadn't looked at those yet, was my hair. It used to be down to my hips, but now I could feel it stopped at my chest.
     I didn't think too much about my changes, instead focused on someone else in the family. Edward and Bella.
     So as the light turned red once more I thought of them. Edward had tried to hold me back, tried his hardest to keep me out of the fire. But I had fooled him, I had managed to fool my nephew by emptying my mind. I was admittedly a little proud of myself for pulling it off. The only person I knew who could fool Edward as I did was Bella, and that was only because he couldn't hear her head.
     I felt like sleeping when the sun hit my face.

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