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ONCE THE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE MEDUSA, Carlisle's and my magic ability to 'un-stone' ourselves, the conversation turned to a general catch up. And while Nicholas and Carlisle were chatting, Fantine and Verity were also, Mary and Edward were having one of their psychic, we're only hearing Edward's side of it, conversations, and Igor was starting to get some of our smaller necessity items packed.
   "Are you moving?" Nicholas asked, watching Igor.
   "Mary and I are dead in this town," Igor reminded him, "and I'm sure no one would be surprised if Miss Elizabeth left in her grief."
   "It's human to run away from pain," I added as I ran to my art kit to pack it all up.
   "Where?" Carlisle asked.
   "Canada," Mary Alice grumbled.
   "Too far from Jasper?" Edward asked with a laugh.
   "Yes. But he can survive without me for a few years. He's a big boy."
   "Mary," Edward said with a shudder.
   "Sorry," she giggled.
   I ran back down with my art box, and was able to kiss Igor's neck as I passed behind him. He watched me after that.
   "Can I come?" Verity asked.
   "You haven't finished your school in Washington yet," Esme stated.
   "What's the point? I'm going to graduate a thousand more times anyway."
   I knew why she wanted to come back to us, she had just gone through a fair amount of time thinking either Igor would be dead, being relieved that he wasn't, having to leave again, and then not that much longer after, having to come back to help potentially fight a medusa that could have, and nearly did, kill us all.
   I just had to hold her close, I understood, but Esme was right. "Stay with them until you graduate," I whispered to her. "Then when you are done, you can come home."
  She threw her hands around my waist and practically squeezed me, once more burying her face in my collar.
   "Nicholas, you never ended up explain why the visit," Igor said as he packed. Mary finally jumped up to help.
   "Is a man not allowed to visit his children?" Nicholas responded. He laughed softly.
   "Not this child."
   I looked over Verity to Igor. I had to suppress my smile, still protecting me from my father after all this time.
   I felt Nicholas' eyes on me as Fantine laughed.
   "If you're referring to the child mishap I didn't do that in this life," Nicholas argued.
   "I wasn't, but that's another reason why not this child."
   "Igor," I sighed. It was getting too far.
   "He was probably referring to her abandonment, Father," Carlisle said.
   "Among other things," Igor said.
   "That we're not discussing." I stared at Igor in warning. Not with Verity present. Or Mary or Edward or Esme for that matter.
   "I'm sorry, Miss Elizabeth." He kissed my head before he returned to packing.
   We found out that their new member was named Jasmine, and that she had been a nomad in the Middle East before she got bored and began exploring when she ran into John and they hit it off right away. Apparently, John reminded Jasmine of her mortal boyfriend that she'd killed in her newborn thirst. That didn't sound like a very positive relationship but at least they were happy.
   Fantine was just happy that she wasn't the only woman anymore.
   "So, really, Father, why visit Elizabeth?" Carlisle asked, returning that that conversation. "I know you, or at least, I thought I did. You never wanted anything to do with my sister, so why her?"
   "Family visit-"
   "For crying out loud, Nick," Fantine growled. "There's been talk going through London. And the streets are starting to smell strange, even for us."
   "We don't have any talents so we don't know what it could possibly be," Peter added.
   "And your asking me for help figuring out what it is?" I asked.
   "You know the streets better than I do," Fantine added. "You know paths we don't, smells we don't."
   "Yes, we want your help figuring out what's happening in London," Nicholas snapped, his eyes closed and arms crossed. "We want to know if London is still safe for us or if we need to find a new home. We thought it best to come to you-"
   "It was Fantine's idea," John stated. "Just so everybody knows."
   I forced the laugh to stay down.
   "Because we'd rather not a visit from the Volturi," Nicholas finished, shooting daggers with his eyes at John.
   I didn't look at anyone while I thought about London.
   "You can easily say no, Mum," Verity said. She pulled back to look at me.
   Could I? They didn't want any visits from the Volturi and we all knew how they'd behave. Probably Carlisle and Igor more than the rest of us. Haven't we seen something like this happen before? I suddenly dug into their pasts. Searching for what was ringing my deja vu bell.
   "Give her a moment," Edward said with Nicholas began to approach me.
   An instance, where I had to make a decision to avoid confrontation with the Volturi.
   I replayed the memory from Edward's point of view. Renesmee showing her fears for her family, of the Volturi. Irina's death replaced with her families. My families. Fear.
   Then, the Volturi saw my brother's family as a threat and therefore, mine as well. There was also the fact that they thought I had been dead back then.
   I chose to help then because I was a Cullen by blood, and not doing so could risk the deaths of those I loved.
   The only thing I could see me having to do now, was to help, because if something really was wrong in London, and Aro found out himself and not via another of us...
   Aro already knew the Cullens were powerful, he didn't know about Edward and Mary Alice, but he knew. He would be quick to judge untruthfully. Take strike at Carlilse and I because of our connection with London. Our father.
   "Will you need help?" Edward asked, his eyes firm on me.
   "She'll be fine," Mary sighed. I could hear annoyance in it.
   "You're helping us?" Nicholas gasped.
   "Not for you," I stated. "But for them." I motioned to my family and my brothers. "Because Carlisle and I are from London and we're your children. If Aro finds out about something happening in London and we didn't tell him, he's going to want to take all of the London coven, and their relations, down. Including Carlisle and I. Igor, Mary, start getting everything to Canada. I'll meet you there."
   "I go alone, brother," I sighed, "Nicholas came to see me, not you. I would have ended up going alone no matter the outcome. I won't let the Volturi be a risk to our family. Not again."
   "Miss Elizabeth-"
   "Don't worry, Igor," Mary said, sounding much more confident. When I looked at her I saw that her eyes had glassed over. Seeing something to come. "She'll be safe. I can already see her coming back home in a week."
   That was reassuring.
   I let go of my embrace with my daughter to approach Igor, my arms quickly finding their familiar place around his shoulders, pulling his head to mine, lips interlocking.
   He pulled out heads apart to speak.
   "Now who's leaving who," he chuckled.
   "Don't go falling into any more sink holes while I'm gone," I said. "Or I may climb down there and kill you myself."
   Mary chuckled and Edward just shuddered at the image in my head. Igor and I, deep under the grounds surface, skin on skin...
  For Edward's sake I pushed the image out of my head and left with Nicholas and the others, to the place I never wanted to return to. Home.

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