Family- Past of a Rose

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"LIZ!" Edward pulled me into a quick embrace giving me his scent and with that, the past.
     How the Volturi's mistake went down from his point of view. Bella. Nessie. The names of the entire family in this town.
     His warm, welcoming laughter was cut off the same time my eyes met with the looks of accusation from Rosalie and Emmett. Rose and Elliott.
     He pulled away and looked at them.
     "Why didn't you help? You were so close," he asked.
     "Think about it... Edmund," I had to not laugh at his chosen name. The town would get a kick out of how old-fashioned it was. "What would Aro have seen and behaved if Carli... Carson and I had presented as a united front?"
     Edward looked at me and his bronze brows pulled together.
     "It's got to do with that secret you keep for him, isn't it?" he asked me and I answered with a nod before looking at the brunette behind him. A look of surprise and confusion in her dark eyes.
     "Won't you introduce us?" I said returning my eyes to Edward.
     "Right, how silly of me to forget. No matter what you get from the scent, you prefer to hear things from the mouths of others."
     "Ed...?" Bella muttered, holding onto his arm.
     "Liz, this is Izzy. One of the newest additions to the family," Edward kissed her on the top of the head.
     "Welcome," I said with a grin. "I'm Carson's long lost sister. So long lost that he has no idea I even exist."
     "That explains, a lot," Emmett gasped.
     "Wait," Rosalie said, stepping forward. "When we met you, you and your mate told us about your gift. Just what do you get when you get our scent?"
     "Everything," I answered. "Your past, secrets you want to keep, even those you've long forgotten. Why do you ask?"
     "You know why we're asking," Emmett grumbled.
     "She prefers to hear the words than use the past, Elliott," Edward sighed.
     "Don't trust him," I warned, grabbing the scene from their past.
     Their adoptive sister, Alice, who was calling herself Mary in Nanaimo, had met a vampire who promised her human memories back. He had told her that he could return her lost memories. Argah told her he could return her lost memories.
     "You know him," Edward stated.
     "We've crossed paths. He's a killer, Edmund. He kills our kind and drinks our dead blood because he likes it."
     "That's disgusting," Bella groaned.
     "You want me to use my gifts for your sister. I can do that, but she'll have to trust that my word is the truth. I can only tell her, her past, not give it back to her."
     "I think that'll be enough," Edward said.
     "I hope so," Rosalie added.
     "How do we know we can trust you now? You didn't help us in the past," Emmett accused.
     "Elliott," Edward sighed.
     "No, he's right. We need to know if she's legit. For Mary," Bella said.
     "Are you volunteering for your secrets to be known, Isabella?" I whispered her birth name and her eyes shot to Edward.
    "We all know Izzy's past," Rosalie said. "Do me."
     "I shouldn't know her past," I stated.
     "Do me."
     "Very well."
     "Rose," Edward sighed in annoyance.
     To humour her, I leant forward and took a whiff.
     "Well, your scent is definitely as beautiful as you are," I cringed from her past.
     "Well, Rosalie," I whispered. "You were a theatrical newborn, weren't you?" I purposefully used the same word she had used to describe herself to a human Bella. "I'm rather impressed by how you killed those men. It was a righteous end to their pathetic excuse of lives."
     She smirked.
     "Rosalie Lillian Hale. You were born in 1915 in Rochester, New York. Your father was a banker. That bank stayed stable during the market crash. You were the beauty of the family and always got what you wanted because your family had money, even during the depression. You were filled with happiness and pride for your entire life. Your father liked buying you new dresses, you liked showing them off, due to which you became rather shallow. At eighteen you were considered the most beautiful girl in New York and had everything you ever wanted, almost. The only person you envied was your friend, Vera, because she had a loving husband and a son. You can tell me when to stop, Rose."
     "No, keep going," she said. "I want you to get it right."
     "How am I going so far?"
     She reached behind her for Emmett.
    "You wanted a husband who would kiss you when you came home, children who would love you not for your beauty. Just like Vera had. Royce King the third came along. He was rich. Slightly older but that didn't matter for he gave you everything. Flowers. Jewels. Roses turned to violets to match your eyes, now you hate the sight of the flowers. You thought he was the perfect man and your life was set. You had everything and after the wedding, the children wouldn't be far behind. Your dream life came crashing down on the same night you discovered who Royce King the third, truly was.
     "Carson found you in the same alley the men had dragged you too, you were vain enough to be embarrassed, felt enough pain to think that he had come to finish the job. You hated what he did to you, hated how he took away your chance at death. But you knew that no matter how much you hated both of them for it, it's because of them that you got your chance of righteous revenge.
     "It bothered you how neither of them looked at you like mortal men used to. How neither of them swooned over you, gifted you with pretty things, spoiled you." A warning shot through her eyes as Edward suppressed a smile. She did want everything out there. "Though you wanted both of them to admire you, you wanted the God to look at you and long for you the way mortal men did."
     "What?" Emmett gasped.
     "Did you have to mention that?" Rosalie grumbled.
     "You wanted everything, shall I continue?" I asked.
     "Yes," she growled.
     "It took for Ed to explain to you how our love works. How loyal it is, and how, narrow-sighted, it is. Very tunnel vision, as he put it. And the God you wanted to look at you so much, already had his soulmate. At first, you were jealous of her, then you met her and fell in love with her yourself. She treated you better than any woman ever had, even your own mother. It's actually because of her, that you stuck around and pushed through your hatred for the men."
     "I thought Es... Anne, was with you when you..." Bella said, looking at Rosalie.
     "She was out keeping an eye on the town," Edward explained. "Carson wanted me with him as even after the two of us, he was still afraid that he'd fail to save her. So he kept me there and sent Anne to watch the town. He hated putting her at risk, but she volunteered."
     "Everything became easier for you two years later. You found a man, in need of saving. Even in his pain, he reminded you of Vera's child so you knew you couldn't just let him die. You carried him, bleeding, dying, so far to save him-"
     "You make it sound like I died," Emmett laughed quietly.
     "You were close enough," I said and grinned at him. "You saved him for selfish reasons, Rose, but he turned out to be so much more, didn't he? You're never going to be satisfied with your current life, but you've been happy with... Elliott. Loved how he treats you. Loved how he loves you. The only person you've ever envied since is Izzy because Ed looked more than twice."
     Bella chuckled at that.
     "Okay, that's enough," Rose said quickly. "I couldn't remember my father was a Banker, but everything else, spot on."
     "Do me! Do me!" Emmett chanted, grinning from ear to ear.
     "We don't have time, Elliott," Edward growled. "Mary needs her gift."
     "I won't be able to go now anyway, I working," I stated.
     Just to prove my point, from the cafe across the road, Karmen yelled, "Lizzie! We gotta go back!"
     "You're a Doctor," Bella muttered looking at the women across the road.
     "I'll stop by after work for Mary. You have my word," I said, hugging Edward again.
     "Liz!" Judith yelled.
     "You're off the highway, yes?"
     "Dirt track to the left," Edward said.
    I smiled and turned to return to the women and get back to work. I heard Emmett say, "really, babe? Carlisle?" and I couldn't suppress the laughter.
     "So, they're your, what? Cousins?"
     "Adoptive nieces and nephews. Seems my baby brother has something to explain. For start, I never knew he was studying to be a surgeon! He always has to better me, doesn't he?"
     The girls laughed as we walked back to the Hospital.

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