Safety and a Surprise

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'MISS ELIZABETH!' THE FAMILIAR VOICE EXCLAIMED as I slammed the door behind me, catching the breath I didn't need. 'Is everything alright?'
'No. No, nothing is alright. Nothing... no...' I dropped to my knees as my throat closed up, my eyes burning like my throat. My head filled with screams, Didyme's, Elizabeth's... screams.
Igor's arms went around me. I felt his tight embrace and the closeness of his body to mine. Oh, how wished it could properly shield me from everything I wish I didn't know.
'Tell me what is bothering you, my friend.'
I told him everything. All my new fears of the Volturi because I knew the truth, everything I didn't want to know. Argah's gift, the abuse and countless vampire murders he had committed. London, and even my fear of being hunted and followed.
Igor told me to stay with the towns, and live the life I wanted to. He had agreed with me that theycouldn't be certain why I left Volterra but also agreed that Aro might have suspicions. So behave as if I had really just left because it was time. The Volturi would not come after me; the Volturi would let me go peacefully. I didn't have to run. I didn't have to hide.
His words helped me calm down, and it was then that I knew that I'd always run back to Igor. My first real friend.
I stayed with him in his asylum for a few days, caring for his inmates for him. I noticed him watching me quite a lot of the time. When I did up my hair before I went in an exceptionally messy inmates cell, or even when I worked, or painted. I wondered if he'd be willing to walk outside with me again so I could know why.
When I left him again, we didn't say goodbye this time, it was just smiled and more hugs. We both knew we'd see each other again. And with his hug, came his scent... And his admiration of me, my bravery and my strength. His spiralling fantasies. Some were rather tame — him approaching me from behind as I worked or painted, pressing his body against the back of mine and just leaning on my shoulder, against my neck, in my hair, breathing in my scent — but others weren't so tame — pinning me to the same wall he'd nearly decapitated me against, pinning my arms above my head, deeply kissing me while violently while his body explored mine. Restrain yourself, he'd think after every wild fantasy. She's more deserving of all others, for your patience and restraint.
I pulled back from our hug, with his past. His swimming eyes met mine and he smiled rather apologetically.
'I cannot control my thoughts, Miss Elizabeth,' he muttered. 'But I am sorry.'
'I know you are.'
'You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Inside and out.'
My throat and muscles tensed as he reached for my hair to quickly drop his hand.
'Igor, my friend.' I stepped back to put more space between us. 'I'll see you soon.'

I went all over the world. In Ireland, I met lovely Siobhan and Liam. They're charming vampires, with interesting pasts. I also went to Alaska in the 19th century, where I met a coven of vegetarian vampire women.
'You look familiar, have we met?' one of the sisters asked.
'No, I've never been up this way before,' I said politely. 'Unless we crossed paths other ways.'
'She looks like Carlisle,' another sister laughed.
'Who?' I asked.
'Sorry, this is a strange introduction. I'm Tanya,' the sister who had laughed, said while calming herself down. 'This is Kate,' the one who first spoke waved. 'And Irina.' The only one who hadn't spoken nodded in acknowledgement. 'You are?'
'Elizabeth. And who do I look like?' I repeated.
'You just remind us of a gentleman who came through here not long ago,' Irina said calmly. 'He had the same diet. Have you met him?'
'I can't say that I have,' I admitted. 'You're the first I've come across... with this diet.'
'So, you taught yourself?' Tanya exclaimed.
'Yes. I never wanted to be a monster.'
'How fascinating! They look so similar and have similar views but have never met! You two would be a rather interesting match.'
'Excuse me?'
'Why don't you come inside? Spend some time with us,' Kate said and waved towards their house. It was rather lavish, for the times. Well furnished. Definitely beautiful, decorated with different blues, greys, light purples and all sorts of light colours.
Their house was filled with scents so strong, but it wasn't direct. However, as all three of them ran passed me into their own home. It sent their scents to me... as well as their pasts.
Carlisle Cullen! My twin was a vampire!

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