Clean Up For Her - Igor's POV

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JASPER AND I DIDN'T TALK MUCH AFTER OUR INITIAL CONVERSATION AFTER THE WOMEN LEFT. He picked up a war book and started reading, once he finished I caught him eyeing the chessboard so I offered a game. We were mid-game, it had been three hours after the women had left, and Mary's familiar, running steps came into shot. Only she stopped before she came into our sights. Red flag, something was wrong.
     Jasper looked at me, probably sensing my sudden worry for Mary and stood quickly.
     "Stay here," I ordered to Jasper before running to meet Mary.
     When I reached her, she was hanging her head, holding it in her hands. Crouched on the floor. She was speaking so quickly and so quietly I couldn't hear her properly until I got closer.
     "I didn't see. I didn't see. I didn't see." She kept muttered, over and over.
     "I didn't see it. I'm sorry. I didn't see, I should have seen it. I didn't. I'm sorry."
     "What didn't you see?" I asked.
     "I didn't see it. I'm sorry, I didn't see. I didn't know. I should have... I didn't and now... I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
     Ah. It clicked in my head. She was hiding not her face, but her eyes. She didn't see. She's sorry.
     She slipped.
     I rested my hand on her head and she finally stopped muttering nonsense.
     "Go home, Mary. Go to Jasper-"
     She immediately shook her head under my hand. Shaking in her tearless sobs of guilt.
     "I don't want him to see..." she whispered.
     "You have to see him eventually. You know how he'll react," I reminded her softly.
     She shook her head again and finally looked at me. Her bright red eyes piercing against her pale skin, and vastly different to the gold they had been that morning.
     "I can't see anymore," she whimpered. "I can't see. I'm being punished. I took their lives so they took my visions."
     The consumption of blood had taken away her ability to see the future? I didn't believe that. I knelt down to her level but kept a comforting hand on her.
     "What's your name?" I asked her, hoping to calm her. The same methods as after her ridiculous, useless treatments.
     "Mary Alice Brandon," she answered and hiccuped through another sob.
     "Where and when were you born?"
     This time she took a deep breath. She got it.
     "I was born in 1901, in Biloxi, Mississippi."
     "What's your story?"
     "My Dad's new wife wanted me out of the picture and dead. My father got me admitted to a sanitarium because of my visions," her voice broke on the word, "I was in the sanitarium for a while, ongoing treatment for an illness I didn't have. A tracker came to town and was going to kill me, but you saved me."
     "How much longer do we have until it rains, Mary?" I asked.
     She shook her head.
     "I can't see anymore-"
     "Close your eyes," I instructed. "Remember who you are, remember yourself, and try."
     I felt honoured when she did and not just knock me away. She took another deep, steadying breath then stopped moving altogether. I waited, gave her my time until she slowly began to smile not a minute later.
     She opened her eyes and looked at me once more.
     "An hour," she answered.
     "That's my girl. Now, the Major's reaction?"
     "I don't wanna look."
     "Something tells me it'll make you feel better. I'm going to get Miss Elizabeth, you get home when you're ready and starting packing."
     She nodded and I left. I didn't go to the hospital straight away, I went by the school to see the carnage and to make sure everything was cleaned up. I trusted Mary to clean up once she finished, but I had to be sure.
     The police hadn't arrived by the time I reached the school. I wasn't even sure if whatever happened had been discovered. I found the room easily enough, I could smell blood. My mouth didn't fill with venom only because the smell was stale. Dead. I ran to the room with the broken window. The entire room was filled with dead bodies of eleven students and the one teacher. Some of them looked as if their necks had been broken and then put back into place post-mortem, but with such precision, I was certain the humans wouldn't figure it out, they didn't have the technology to. Yet.
     Other students looked as if they had been hit so hard over the head that they had just died from the impact.
     I crept through the broken window and finishing the cleanup. I could see what Mary had been going for, crazed lunatics, killing everyone in the classroom with one person in mind to murder. She must have stolen a bat from the school gym because one was sitting in a puddle of blood spilling from a student's dead mouth. I didn't breathe as I picked it up. Leaving a weapon there was too simple. I battered it up a little to make it look as if it had been used to hit then left. I was able to steal a gun and a silencer from a local store I knew didn't have any surveillance, took out a handful of bullets and returned to the school. It had still been within the hour, no one had come to check on the classroom yet.
     With my strength, I was able to get the bullets I had removed into the bodies of some of the students, I focused on getting the bullets into them where they were already bleeding, but where would also certainly kill them quickly. Some I had to do a quick paint job to ensure they looked real. Thank God for immortal speed.
     When that was done, the hour still hadn't passed, so I grabbed a string from one of the students' bags, tied the gun and bat together and threw them into the lake that ran behind the school. Washed myself off, finally breathed again, and ran to the Hospital.
     I waved a greeting to the receptionist and made my way to Elizabeth's office. Though as I went down the corridor I heard her distinct voice in a patients room so went there instead.
     I knocked and waited.
     "Excuse me for a moment," Elizabeth said so confidently.
     She must have known it was me, anyone else and she wouldn't have stopped talking to the family of her patient. And Mary would never come to the Hospital even if she hadn't just drunk human blood.
     "Hold your breath," I heard her whisper from the other side of the door.
     I did when she opened it and saw why. Her patient was a young man, it was hard to decipher an age under the bruises and the fresh blood pooling under the many bandages. Just looking at the fresh blood, after dealing with so much blood of the dead, immediately my body wanted to breathe again, to smell the luscious aroma of fresh blood. I knew better than to risk it.
     She smiled and briskly closed the door between us and the family.
     "Abuse?" I asked looking through the door.
     "The parents?"
     "You're not here to help my patient," she accused with a smile that very quickly faded as she breathed. "Oh. I'll try and set up a story for our disappearance," she continued. "You go be with her. I'll be back at the house in an hour."
     I kissed her before leaving the Hospital for the house. Trusting her with this job. Miss Elizabeth never went back into the room with the abused child.

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