The Butterfly Effect

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LIVING WITH IGOR WAS BLISS, and I got used to him not touching me. Nothing ever went further than a soft kiss, even on the mornings I woke up screaming and in tears, Igor was right there, surrounding me with his arms and drowning me in his love.
     Those were the days that he really made sure I felt it, loved. I got pampered, I got shown off and spoiled. Massages and feasts... it was frustrating because I knew why he was doing it, because of the pain and the grief I relived once every week as if it was the first time. I never got used to it, I didn't think I ever would get used to watching Igor burn...
     The second summer came after moving in with Igor, probably the hottest I had experienced, Igor helped to cool me off during the days he could go outside.
     One night that summer, Igor invited us over to the church for dinner. Father had finally accepted me into the church as a guest, he had seen me enough... unfortunately now that Father saw me as a guest, Elling refused to let me help her. So the night we went over for tea, Elling pushed me out of the kitchen before I could even pick up a spoon.
     "I wonder if she'd react the same to me," Igor chuckled when I had joined him and Carlisle.
     So while Elling cooked, Carlisle, Igor and I sat in the other room and just... talked. I ended up giving another image of Esme to Carlisle as another delayed 'birthday' gift. Carlisle had gifted me some charcoal art sticks, I had never used charcoal before... though according to Igor and Carlisle I was exceptionally good with it, so I drew with the charcoal while the men talked business.
     Father eventually came home covering in ash and sweat, he quickly took off his hat and walked up the stairs.
     "It's gotten worse," I sighed after watching him storm up the stairs. "He's found evidence of vampires."
     "He thinks he's found where they're hiding," Carlisle muttered, his arms folded across his chest. "He's been organising with other men an attack on the vampires."
     "I'll talk to him," Igor whispered before rushing off up the stairs.
     "I know Igor's been trying to talk him out of staying out after dark, giving our Father the 'think about the children' talk," Carlisle told me, I had to chuckle at that. "I think he's finding it difficult without giving too much away."
     "The other vampires are getting restless as well," I added. Over the many seasons, Igor and I had gotten quite a few agitated vampire visits, but also some calm ones wanting a break from the sewers. "He's not letting you go out with him during the night?"
     Carlisle laughed while shaking his head.
     "Not that I blame him, with Igor I know how many vampires are in London. As a human who knows, London is a waking nightmare. You're lucky, you live with a guardian by your side, I have to live every moment of the day peering over my shoulder waiting to see Alfred pounce on me."
     "It's not that soon, is it?" I asked. "Surely we have more time to be human? Isn't Father turned before us?"
     "That is what I keep reminding myself," Carlisle laughed nervously.
     "Are you scared about going out into the night?" I asked Carlisle.
     "No, not really," Carlisle admitted. "I know what's out there, I know whom. I know more than Father, definitely."
     "Speaking of the who, you do have a guardian watching over you, Carlisle. A vampire that won't let you die prematurely," I reminded him.
     "Alfred," Carlisle laughed again with a little nod.
     "Exactly. You know as well as I do that he won't change you until much later."
     "Unless it's changed," Carlisle muttered. "With Alfred knowing we're from the future, and Igor being a prominent force in London, we don't know if things have changed."
     "I hope there's been a change," I muttered. "I talked with Igor about the size of the London coven and how they're loss of control may be a contributing factor in the Volturi's mistrust in our future families. I'm hoping, that while Igor is not with me, or while I am asleep, he's working on that."
     "You believe that the Vampires attack on London might be one of the four events?" Carlisle asked me.
     "We were sent back to this time for a reason," I muttered. "It wasn't for my curse, and it wasn't for the baby. So I have to believe that it's the coven. The size of the coven, and what happens when they lose control, it's the start of it all."
     "The butterfly effect," Carlisle muttered.
     "The what?"
     "It's a theory of events and fate that someone will come up with, in the 20th century. It means that the smallest thing can change someone's whole fate. Step on a butterfly today, could cause the end of the world in four hundred years."
     "How could stepping on a butterfly cause the end of the world?"
     "That was the theory," Carlisle shrugged. "I was never one to believe in it but now I am not so sure."
     "What do you mean?"
     "Well, London for example-"
     "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Father's voice echoed from the bedrooms. I knew Igor was up talking to him so I was immediately worried about their turn of conversation. Something made me think they were no longer talking about the vampires of London.
     "So... London," Carlisle returned. "Last time it was the 1660s, the fire the Volturi caused destroyed most of London. If that never happens, if there is never a fire, how is that going to change the London our families know? Including the lives that won't be killed because there will be no fire, no vampire attack on London. The human population of the 21st century could be double of what I remember it to be if that. Whose lives could start, or be changed forever, because someone didn't die in the 1660s?"
     "Or worse," I muttered. "Whose lives could end because someone didn't die in the 1660s."
     "It's a huge risk."
      "But one we're going to have to take, for our families sake," I sighed. "I have to believe that they'll all still be born, fate will be on their sides. Things will be different in our new futures, but wasn't that the whole point? To change the path that was set, so no one has to die again? So Bella doesn't have to die for Esme, again. The wolves don't have to sacrifice themselves. Igor doesn't have to burn, again. I am willing to change what is to come no matter the risk, brother. I will step on a thousand bugs if it means Igor doesn't burn."
     "We could cause a premature end of the planet with overpopulation," Carlisle muttered, I swore he looked a few shades paler.
     "Carlisle, you're missing something. With Igor doing what he can he to lower the vampire population in London, and the lack of involvement of the Volturi, there is going to be a lot more vampires as well. You're worried about the human population of the 21st Century, I'm worried about the vampire population of the 21st Century."
     "You're right, how big will the vampire wars become... the human wars? The Great War, World War II how will they differ? How many lives-"
     "Carlisle!" I yelled and rested my hands on my brothers' shoulders, his panicked blue eyes staring straight at me. "Because I predict this to be a big panic about to start, do me a favour. Don't. I will not watch Igor burn again. I will not watch our mother, burn again. Focus on the goal, not the outcome. We're saving the vampire race here, brother. Do not lose your head in the process."
     I didn't let go of Carlisle until he nodded, which was perfect timing for Father and Igor to start coming downstairs.
     I laughed at the black charcoal markings on Carlisle's shoulders.
     "That's going to take some strength to get out," I said.
     Carlisle looked at his shoulders before laughing with me.
     "What is so funny?" Igor asked us with a smile. Father didn't acknowledge us and looked furious. "What is on your shoulders, Carlisle?"
     "Charcoal," I chuckled and tapped his nose with one of my dirty hands, putting charcoal on him.
     Carlisle and I laughed some more and were still chuckling when Elling came into the room. Father had already left to the dining hall.
     "Tea is served," Elling said, smiling at the three of us.
     "Oh! Igor, love, didn't you talk about doing that, thing, with your hunting friends tonight? When does that start again?"
     Igor smirked quickly catching on to my aid. I lied to help him get out of having to eat.
     "Any moment now! How silly of me to forget!" he shouted then turned to Elling. "I am so sorry, dear Elling, you've made far too much food. I forgot to warn you that I won't be staying for dinner. More for you to eat after, I suppose," Igor said, kissed her cheek before running to leave. "I'll be back when I'm done to take you home!"
     He took off running and once the door was closed, disappeared.
     "He doesn't have a hunting thing with friends, does he?" Carlisle whispered to me as we stood.
     "Of course, not," I responded with a chuckle.
     Tea with Father was different this time around. He didn't speak, and he never stopped looking so... tense. It worried me.
     "Father, is there something I need to be worried about?" Carlisle asked.
     "Leave him be, Carlisle," Elling hushed from the side of the room. "Your Father is probably busy praying for the safety of Igor and his friends hunting tonight."
     Ah oh.
     Fathers head snapped up and he slowly turned from Elling, looking confused and angry, to Carlisle and I.

    Think of something... quick... "It was supposed to be a surprise," I said quickly. "They were hoping to locate an entrance to the..." I shut up quickly and my eyes shot to Elling.
     "She knows," Carlisle said. "Father doesn't exactly keep his discoveries of the night a secret."
     "Vampires?" Father gasped. "Igor and a few men were going to attempt to locate an entry to where the vampires live?"
     "They were wanting to surprise you, if they succeeded. In sort of a way to say thank you for all you have done for London," I kept lying. "God's work or not, you've helped us all immensely."
     "Did you know about this, my son?" Father Cullen asked.
     "Yes, Father, I did," Carlisle stated. "But I'm not allowed out with the night hunting parties remember? Your men will never go behind your back like that."
     Father smirked slightly before returning to his food.
     I shot a cautionary, worried glance at Carlisle, who was giving me the same look.
     "I suppose I can... pretend to be surprised if they succeed," Father Cullen said, his tone of voice was so much different to what it had been.
      "Thank you, Father. I, I mean-"
     Before I could retract my words, my heart in my throat, Father held his hand up to quieten me and returned back to his meal.
     He had let me call him Father? He hadn't responded with hate and anger?
     What happened?
     As promised, Igor returned to the church after tea to 'walk' me back to the house. As we walked down the street, I told Igor everything about the conversation over dinner, including the little lie.
     "I will deal with it, Miss Elizabeth," Igor nodded. "I have made some friends in London, including a few who will be happy to help me set up a little... lie."
      "You're not going to kill anyone are you?" I asked as Igor picked me up.
     "You have my word, Miss Elizabeth, I will not kill anyone."
     I nodded and held my eyes closed as he ran.
     Something smelt strange about his clothes... sweet almost. Sweeter than his normal scent. It made me curious as to what the scent was, until we reached the cottage and he places me gently on my feet.
     The first thing I smelt was the flowers, and when I opened my eyes, I could see why. It was almost as if every inch of the floor was covered in an assortment of flowers and flower petals.
     "What did you do?" I said and laughed, following the flower trail leading into the sitting room, with a lit fireplace. "Igor?"
     I turned and gasped when I saw him right behind me, on one knee.
     "I thought it was time to tie you to me in every human way possible," Igor stated as he took my charcoal covered hand.
     Wh... was breathing always this difficult?
     "So, today I asked your father for his permission, and blessing," Igor continued.
     So that is what Father yelled about... huh... I felt like I was going to be sick. Was this happening? Was this really happening?
     "Will you be my bride, Miss Elizabeth?"
     My heart went flying, my head felt light. My eyes blurred with tears and my legs struggled to stay straight.
     A proposal... a marriage proposal!
     "Are you alright?" Igor chuckled.
     I nodded and he pulled out a small box from his pocket, inside the box was a large, jewelled ring... It looked old, but it was beautiful.
     "Will you marry me?"
     "Y-yes!" I spat out. "Yes, of course. Of course, I will. Of course."
     His chuckle sounded like a noise of relief. He slipped the ring onto my finger, I was fully crying now, and laughing, too.
     "It was my mothers," Igor stated. "If you remember, I-"
     "Took it from her after you killed her as a memory," I muttered, staring at the ring. "I remember. Igor... it's beautiful. It's perfect."
     I threw my arms around his shoulders, forcing him to kiss me. His arms went around my waist and he kissed me back.

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