Jasper - Mary Alice's POV

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IN MY ROOM, I went through the stuff I had decided to carry between towns. I was looking for a very particular picture; something Liz had given me while I was human. Something to give me hope.
     I pulled out the drawing of Jasper and smiled. I sat on the seat in my room and traced the shape of his jaw, the ringlets in his hair. The heaviness of his shoulders.
     "How long will you make me wait, Major Whitlock?"
     I leant back on the chair, held the picture to my heart, and closed my eyes, meeting my mind dive into his future. Not his near future, I didn't like seeing him in the Vampire Wars going on down south. I always looked at our future. Because it was in our futures to be together, and for him to be happy.
     I watched a vision I had watched multiple times. Jasper was with me, Liz and Igor were playing music but doing their own thing. Jasper pulls me up to dance and of course, I go along. He likes how I smile when I dance.
     He pulled me in for a kiss and the vision fades away, a decision unmade.
     I then send my mind to the next vision, we're now away from Liz and Igor, Jasper wants to see some of the world while we were between the families, so we first go to a random little island in the middle of the ocean. We love it. We dance more. I fall in love with him all over again.
     After that vision faded out, I changed my view. I took images in my mind and edited them. An image of Liz and Igor, just doing their usual weekend thing when they're not hunting. Igor reading, Liz drawing. I like drawing, but I'm nowhere close to the talent Liz has. I edit the image of them to be Jasper and me.
     I'm laying on his lap while he reads an old book, I'd look up at him and poke his stomach with my pencil to then hide my face with the paper when he moves the book to scowl at me. Then he'd tickle my stomach which makes me squeal and he laughs at me.
     Then I'm in Texas. Watching Maria pace in front of a worried Jasper. A very worried, Jasper. Maria's angry. Something had gone wrong. Too many newborns had died during a fight amongst themselves. Jasper had gone away from his own private hunt and newborns died. Maria was mad.
     I flinched when I watched Maria hit Jasper hard enough to knock him through a wall.
     "Oh, Jasper!" She will say. "I'm so sorry! You know I get like this. Forgive me?"
     Her sickly sweet tone with my future mate made my vision haze from my anger.
    But then, as Jasper stood, he was knocked off his feet by a different vampire. They were under attack.
     "No!" I screamed as I watched the new vampires tear Jasper's head off. "When?"
     The sun was high. Leaves on the ground. Fall, almost winter by the look of the ground.
     So close.
     I had enough time.
      I kicked myself back into the present and quickly wrote Liz and Igor a short note. I needed to save Jasper. I needed to be in Texas. I wrote that Jasper needed me and I would be back before the London Coven got here. They'd understand.
     It took a little over a day to get to the Texan border. Once there, I stalked around, careful of the two newborn armies in the area.
     As I hurried, I watched. Every time I saw myself running into a vampire, I changed course.
     It happened a few times before I came across the abandoned barn that Maria and Jasper's army were staying in during the day. Where the attack would happen.
     I perched myself on a tree far enough away that they wouldn't hear me. All I had to do now was not get caught, and wait.
     I got a brief flash of Igor and Liz returning home and finding my letter. Igor would be annoyed I had gone alone, but Liz would keep him there.
     I tried not to chuckle as Liz convinced him to stay with her womanly powers. I was too close to the camp to make any noise.
     Close enough, to hear the newborns starting to fight. As they tore each other apart.
     I knew I couldn't do anything for this, I wasn't new anymore, not as strong or as fast as I once was. They'd slaughter me if I tried.
     So I waited. Jasper returned quickly becoming angry, he calmed the newborns down and burnt the newborns that had lost the fight. I listened to how he yelled at them. Killed one himself before burning that one and then worried himself. He worried about Maria's reaction. I was more worried about the inevitable, oncoming attack.
     I heard Maria's return. I perched myself on my branch, waiting. I got swiftly closer, trying hard to not make any sound. I flinched and slipped when Jasper was thrown out of the barn. It made a branch fall and Jasper's head snapped towards my hiding spot.
     I quickly checked my near future, was I spotted?
     It didn't seem like it.
     "Oh, Jasper," Maria cooed and it made me want to gag. Her voice was worse in reality than the vision. "I'm so sorry! You know I get like this. Forgive me?"
     Jasper smiled and stood.
     The other vampire, one that not even I realised was watching and waiting, pounced from the bushes and knocked Jasper off his feet, towards me in the trees.
     "Ambush!" Maria yelled.
     The newborns were released from both parties.
     I jumped from my tree as the vampire got Jasper in a headlock.
     "Hey!" I yelled, distracting the vampire.
     I ran towards them, my plan was to jump over him. I saw how he'd react to that, they'd reach and attempt to grab me. If I span the right way, they wouldn't be able to touch me, so I could grab them and tear their head off instead.
     And that's how it happened.
     Once the other vampire was limp, and I dropped the head when I landed, I heard Jasper get out of the headlock and turn to me.
     Close future, I saw him lunge at me, so I smirked and stepped out of his way. Close future again, I saw him swinging at me, so I ducked, spun around while taking out the matches in my pocket, and lit the vampires alight.
    Close future, I saw him lunge at me again so I once more danced out of the way and jumped back onto my branch.
      "We could do this all day, Major Whitlock," I chuckled. "But I have other things to do." I winked at him.
     "How do you know my name?" he asked with his Texan twang.
     "I have my ways."
     Close future, he grabs my branch and breaks it to get me off. I jumped off my branch as he acted and I landed behind him.
     "How are you doing that?" he asked with a growl. "And why are you enjoying this?"
     "Because I see the future," I stated and skipped up to him.
     He was so handsome.
     The closer I got, I saw him make a decision to not make a decision, and then again so I was able to slide out of the way of his next attack. I leant against the tree I had jumped out of.
     "See, making a decision to not make a decision, is still a decision, that I see. Now, Major, I've got to go."
     With the help of the tree, I got on his back and quickly kissed his neck and before he could throw me off, jumped off of him.
     "We'll see each other again, Major."
     "Will we?" he asked raising a brow. He was trying to not smile.
     "Do you want to?"
     He looked at me and I felt myself melting in his red gaze.
     "Who are you?" he asked again.
     "As I said, we'll see each other again, Jaz. You're just not ready for me yet. Try not to die before then."
     Before he could respond, I ran off and avoided the vampires to get back out of the south and return home.
     I felt ecstatic. I felt like giggling, or dancing, or singing!
     I kissed Jasper's neck!
     Sure, he had tried to kill me, but I saw a lot of play fighting in our future. It will be how most of our best nights start.
     I dance as I ran, and was still dancing and singing merrily when I came into view with the house. Liz was alone on the porch with a raised brow and a grin.
     "What? A girl can't be a girl just because she's dead?" I asked.
     "It went well then?" she responded.
     I couldn't hear Igor anywhere, so I took a quick peek into his close future and saw that he was running around trying to find information for our next home.
     "I got a taste of what our futures going to be like," I giggled. "I mean, I know he was actually trying to kill me but I kept avoiding his attacks and it was so much fun! We actually do it alone in our future, it's how our best nights start-"
     "I don't need to know that," Liz laughed.
     "He got a glimpse of it as well," I continued as I danced past her into the house. "Through my emotions anyway. He felt I already love him. Argh! Liz! Why can't it be now! Why can't he come to me now!"
     She laughed at me, again.
     "I want him."
     "Just think, you'll be master of control when you finally have him."
     "Give me a decade to have my way with that boy and I'll manage after that."
     She chuckled before returning to her drawing.
     "I hope they get along, Igor and Jasper," I mused and laid on the seat beside her.
     "What do you mean? Wouldn't you know?" She asked.
     "Undecided," I sighed. "Or Verity's around."
     "Something tells me that they'll get along fine. After all, they have things in common."
     "What? Besides being old men with a weird thing for battle?"
     "She's short with dark hair and a bubbly attitude at all hours of the day," Elizabeth said without faltering in her drawing once. "Igor loves you as a daughter and Jasper will love you as a woman. If men are anything like I've learnt with Carlisle and Igor, is that if one wants information about a woman, he will go to who he feels knows her best. They will bond over a mutual affection."
     "I can't picture that," I confessed.
     "Then there is also their pasts with battles," she chuckled.
     "Can I borrow a page?"
     She tore out a page from her scrapbook and gave me one of her graphite pencils. I rolled off onto the floor and began drawing Jasper.

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