Missing Them

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THE BRUISES HEALED, eventually. But by the time they were all but fully gone, I was becoming increasingly tired during the days as Igor's activities during the day with me. From walking laps around London, to hunting trips for vampires that obviously weren't there, to hiking around the forests that surrounded London, no matter the daily activity he was having to carry me home by the end of the day as I was just always so exhausted.
     Then one day, after using Igor's clothes to hike once more around the forests surrounding London, I was brushing my hair after the hike, only half alert to my surroundings, but alert enough to register when Igor came in and took my hairbrush off me and started brushing in my place.
     "You have been much too kind with me, Miss Elizabeth," Igor whispered to me softly.
     "I have?"
     "Patient... calm... Careful of not only your own actions but mine also. I shall reward your heart tonight," he kissed my neck.
     "Tempting," I muttered and turned to face him. "But you and I have a London hunt to assist with."
     He sighed but let me stand, and having to catch me as I stood too quickly and lost balance.
     "I do not understand why Carlisle insists to continue these hunts. He knows as well as we do that the vampire population of London are no longer an issue."
     "And you know as well as we do that Carlisle's only doing it for the people of London, which is why we still help."
     I yawned as I walked to the cottage door.
     "You, my love, need to sleep," Igor said closing the door in front of me.
     "Tired or not, I need to be with my brother and help him keep London calm," I opened the door again around him. "Now, come on, take me to London. We have a night hunt to take part in."
     Igor seemed to be thinking, his brows were pulled together in the middle and he kept staring at me, still as a statue.
     "I can just start walking. I know which way to go, I may never get there but I know you've always started- oh!" I squealed when he scooped me into his arms and got running.
     I clamped my eyes shut as tight as they could go the moment I felt the wind pressing firmly against my face. He put me down just on the outskirts of London and we got walking to the rendezvous point for the hunt, Igor's cold hand firmly in mine. Considering the sunshine London had been having recently, it was abnormally cold.
     The whole hunting party was there... except for one missing face.
     "Where's Carlisle? I mean, Father Cullen?" I asked and looked at the group.
     "He hasn't arrived yet," Johnathon said, sitting on his feet on the edge of the street. "It isn't like him to be late for a hunt."
     "I have a bad feeling about this," I whispered to Igor as everyone waited for Carlisle.
     "It's too early for you both to turn-"
     "I don't think it's got anything to do with that," I stated and kissed Igor softly. "Stay with the others? Don't follow me, please?"
     "Where are you going?" Igor asked.
     He nodded and I turned and ran towards the church, there were many lit lights in the living part of the church, so I walked in.
     "Elling!" I called out and rushed up to the house part. "Elling, is he here? Carlisle?"
     Elling came around the corner into the foyer with tea in hand.
     "He's in his room," Elling said softly. "He hasn't come out all day and won't talk to me about anything that's the matter. I think he's missing his father. I want him to know that I am too."

     I don't think this has anything to do with Father, either...
I wasn't sure where my intuition was coming from, I just knew that my brother needed me. Well, not so much needed me... just... I had no idea.
     I didn't bother knocking on Carlisle's door before I walked in. His back was to me, he was facing the window and looking out. He was leaning on the window frame. Just looking at him I knew... something was very, very wrong. So without a word, I stood at the window by his side. I didn't look at him, I didn't touch him... I simply stood at the window and looked out into the cloudless, cold, London night.
     And the strangest thought flew through my head...

     It's going to be over three hundred years before Lucy sees this...
Three... Hundred...
     I could hardly remember the young girl from my dream, but just looking at the endless night sky, I remembered that she'd love it if she saw this...
     And it hit me, that if I was having that type of thought, about a girl from a dream I hardly remembered, I couldn't remember her eye colour, how we met, her favourite colour or music... all I could remember was her name... but if I was having those thoughts about a girl I could hardly remember... Carlisle would have been having the same thoughts about his family. Except he could actually remember them.
     The pain that made me feel, the pain of even just imagining what it would be like if I could remember loving Lucy if I could remember how we met and her favourite colour and music, and how she smiled and the sound of her laugh...
     Three-hundred years seemed too long.
     Finally, I rested my hand on Carlisle's and he sighed heavily.
     "Bad dream?" I asked, hearing Elling open the door behind us.
     Carlisle didn't move, he didn't have to. It was as if I could feel the answer from him as if he has spoken it aloud.
     "Me, too."
     Elling closed the door again quietly, leaving us alone.
     "Loneliness is a strange thing," I continued, looking up at the giant moon. "And it hurts. So much, it hurts. And time, while lonely, seems to stretch out without any end even if you can see it. Loneliness is isolating, it's dark and it's cold. You have two-hundred and forty-six years before you see any of them again. Two-hundred and forty-six years is going to seem like more lifetimes than anyone can handle, especially two-hundred and forty-six years of waiting. But every year gone, is a year close to having them back, a year closer to not being lonely anymore." I looked up to Carlisle, he had tears in his eyes. "And you won't be waiting alone, I won't be leaving your side. I may not remember them as you do, but I know Lucy would have loved this view."
     "So would Rosalie," Carlisle said, his voice weak.
     "So would my sister," I chimed and looked back to the moon. "Who in two-hundred and forty-six years, is going to break her leg, falling out of a tree," I laughed, Carlisle chuckled with me, albeit weakly.
     "I... I won't be able to treat her..." Carlisle whimpered. "I... I won't have the strength."
     "I will," I stated. "And she and I will laugh about vampire dreams and I will suggest that perhaps they are prophetic and I will tell her that my dreams showed me a man and that I would be a doctor in a time when it seemed impossible. While a Doctor in a time that it would be impossible. I will volunteer to stay overnight and will be there when she wakes from the longest, most terrifying dream she has every week. She will be grateful because finally, someone understands. And when I discharge her, I will warn her once more about the prophetic nature of the dreams and she will doubt me, and then she'll meet my brother." I looked up at Carlisle as he did me. His blonde brows close together. "And she will start believing that it's true, that it's all true. She will look at us and want to ask us, but she'll stop herself. Because the vampires' number one rule is to stay secret."
     "I thought your gift was with the past, not the future," Carlisle muttered.
     "It's just a guess," I muttered. "It's how I'd react, in her situation. I was being serious, you know? You're not going to wait two hundred years alone. We're going to be there, every step of the way. And I will kill you every single time you start feeling lonely."
     Carlisle chuckled and turned his hand over to hold mine.
     "I'm not lonely at the moment," he muttered.
     "Good. And if it is any consolation to you, it may not be as bad, but I miss them, too."
     Carlisle quickly looked away as a tear fell from his eye once more.
     "Come on, you have a hunt to run."
     I squeezed my brothers' hand and still joint we walked out of the church and back to the hunts starting point.

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