Bear Attack ~~ IGOR's pov

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WE WERE ALL HOME ONE MORNING, I stood just inside the foyer, waiting for Elizabeth to come home. She was running late and I was concerned about the sun. Verity had told me more than once to not worry, but I couldn't not.
When Elizabeth finally returned home, she didn't come through the door, she ran straight from her car, and jumped to our third-floor bedroom. She'd abandoned her jacket in her car and even from where I was, I could see the dried blood. It was so unusual for her to not clean herself up before returning home. Especially with Natalia still being new.
When I heard the bath running, I rushed upstairs to her. Knocking before entering. She was sitting on the edge of the tub in her underwear and burying her head in her hands.
"Miss Elizabeth." I knelt in front of her. "What happened?"
"Nothing." She sighed before lifting her eyes to me. Black. She'd fed only a few nights ago but her eyes were dangerously dark. "One human, one! And a tourist at that! A stupid as hell tourist but a tourist nonetheless."
I chuckled, reached around her and unclasped her bra. "Get in the water."
She raised a brow at me before she stood, dropped her panties and got in.
Such a beautiful woman.
She submerged herself in the water. I could see her grinning at me and as she came up, her wet hair hung perfectly over her breasts.
"Are you getting in, too?" she asked me.
"I'm going for a run!" Verity yelled from downstairs.
Johann and Natalia laughed, but they joined her.
"Have fun!" Natalia said before she left.
And then we were alone.
Until Miss Elizabeth's face fell.
I rested my hand on her cheek, leaning on the edge of the tub and she leant into my palm. She held my hand to her and her eyes softly closed.
Look at me, I wanted to say. "Miss Elizabeth?"
"Nothing happened," she said. "You know nothing happened, but..." She sighed. I reached over to turn off the water.
She slid into water deep enough that it was only her eyes over the water and her hair floating like a golden lilypad around her shoulders.
"It was bad?" I asked.
She looked up at me before she surfaced again.
"They got attacked by a bear," she said. "Who messes with bears at night anyway?" She shook her head. "Three of them. They got too close. One of them, we were cleaning up bits of him long into the early hours, the other we had to stitch organs back together before he bled out, and the third is still in shock. Or at least, was, when I left."
"How's the bleeder?"
"Fine. Now. That was the hardest hour of my existence, fixing him up."
"How bad?"
She looked at me again for a moment before splashing me with bubbles and water.
"Really?" I grumbled and she chuckled.
It's all I needed to ease my annoyance. Her smile. Her laughter.
"Bad," she eventually answered. "I... I can't remember ever getting that close before."
I took off my shirt, it was wet now anyway, and sat on the edge of the tub. She took my hand and I let her relax, covered in water, bubbles and perfection.
She did nothing more than hold my hand as she washed herself and as much as my mind went to male fantasy land, with her looking more like a siren than she had any right to, I stayed patiently by her side, letting her relax and calm herself.
"Enjoying your little fantasies?"
I chuckled, guilty.
"I can enjoy the show and be with you for you to relax, can't I?" I asked.
"Hmm. I guess. It's very distracting."
"I'll try to reign in my thoughts."
"Oh, I didn't say that." She moved her wet hair off her shoulder and her back, gathering it all on the shoulder away from me.
"And that's supposed to help?" I asked.
Her chuckle was weak and she looked up at me from under her lashes.
The siren.
So instead of her glittering neck and bare shoulder, or her breasts underwater, or the curve of her jaw and what exactly I wanted to do to it all... I focused on the circles she drew on my hand.
582 circles before she kissed my palm.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"I will always be by your side, Miss Elizabeth, you know that."
She smiled before splashing me with more water.
"Do you want me to get in?" I threatened.
She laughed but she was shaking her head.
"I love you." I reached to brush my fingers across her perfect chin.
She grabbed my hand and I very nearly fell into the tub.
"I love you, too."

212 circles later, she finally got out of the water. I kept my eyes on her as she stepped out around me, and stood in front of me, naked.
"You're beautiful," I mumbled. No idea why I said it. She was.
She grinned before pushing me into the tub.
I pulled myself up in time to see her wrap a towel around her.
I chased her to our bedroom where I held her against the bedpost. The towel dropped as I pressed my body along hers.


By the time Verity, Johann and Natalia got home, we'd stopped. Well, she sat on top of me and we didn't move. Miss Elizabeth wrapped herself around me, holding our bodies together.
"We're grabbing our stuff for class and then leaving," Verity said.
We had already called our jobs earlier in the afternoon, so that was covered. Elizabeth was pretending to have a fever, and naturally, her doting husband was staying home to care for her. Well, in my professional medical opinion, she was running quite hot.
"Byeeee," Natalia said and Johann laughed.
They left and Elizabeth pulled her head back to look at me with a rather sheepish grin.
I pulled the hair from her face before kissing her again.
But other than continuing where we stopped, she slid away from me. She reached for her dressing gown before freezing.
"You should hunt, Miss Elizabeth," I reminded her.
With a sigh, she got dressed. I joined her.

Once her eyes were gold again, we returned home and she went straight to her art and watercolours. I stood behind her and gave her a backrub which she leant into as she painted.
"You're too good for me," she whispered.
I chuckled, then moved her hair so I could kiss her neck.
"Really?" I asked. "Because I'm under the impression that you deserve better."
She looked at me and I kissed her. I wanted her to feel how valuable and perfect and beautiful she was before letting her return to her art.
She leant back against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder, and watched as she painted.
I eternally loved this woman.

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