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I WAS ALONE WHEN I CAME TOO, laying on the bed.
     I could hear some talking from another part of the house, so I slowly stood and made my way down, though the moment I opened the bedroom door, I could hear Carlisle talking, actually, it sounded like planning.
     They were talking about Bella, about how the length of time between conception and when she stopped being able to eat regular food without satisfying Renesmee's vampiric needs.
     "Carlisle," Igor said, his voice filling me with strength and washing away a sort of fear I hadn't known was there.
     Carlisle stopped and Igor moved so I could see him at the bottom of the stairs.
     "Do you want to be a part of this conversation, Miss Elizabeth?" he asked me.
     "I already know what Carlisle does," I muttered but walked down anyway. "My dream? It's a bit clearer. I remember how I know from my gift, what happened to Bella from every point of view in their family, including Renesmee's."
     Carlisle greeted me at the bottom of the stairs, he wore a worried expression.
     "Did he carry you or show you how to get here on your own?" I asked with a smirk.
     "Are you okay?" Carlisle asked.
     "I'm fine, brother. For now. I haven't even started getting hungry enough for two, or sick, or more tired than usual. For now, I'm fine. Continue planning how we're going to get me some blood and I'm going to paint-"
     "We're going to handle that," Fantine said from the other room.
     I walked into the room and realised just how many other vampires were there. Alfred, Fantine, a few younger men and women... and Father, who the other four were standing in front of looking rather defensive. Father was shooting daggers at Igor with his eyes.
     "We all know how much you three value human life, so leave the blood collecting to us. We won't tell you how we get it, or where we get it, just trust that we'll get it."
     "Why are you helping anyway?" I asked, and seated on our seat. "This is no concern to any of you."
     Father chuckled behind his guards.
     "It stopped concerning you, Nicholas, when you threw me on the street to die. Or can I call you Father now?" I asked, he softly snarled at me.
     "Those of us who've stayed behind..." One of the other men muttered. I feel as if I knew his name, mayhap I had heard it before? Johnathon? Peter? Paul? William? Nothing was ringing a bell but something was telling me I knew him. "We're not as monstrous as those who left. Or at least, we try not to be."
     "I can see that," I smirked. Upon closer look, I could see the eys of two others who were still in London, a dark amber... Immediately the two held hands, bringing each other closer. "You two?"
     "Like your Igor, we do not want to be monsters," the male said calmly. "So we are trying his diet."
     "Not mine originally," Igor shrugged and sat beside me.
     "We will still help you gather the necessary blood because we do not want you to die," the man finished.
     "But why? I don't know you. I've never met you? Have I?" I asked.
     "It doesn't matter," the woman said with a warm smile. "You are Igor's mate. That's all we care about."
     "That's all we all care about," Alfred corrected and Father snarled behind him. "Well, most of us."
     "And what about you, Nicholas? What brings you here?"
     "You're my daught-"
     "Liar. Or if you're speaking the truth it's purely cruel and truly evil to only decide once you are dead that I am worthy of being a part of your family."
     "We will keep him in line, Mrs Farkas," Alfred said with a smirk.
     "You just keep your teeth away from me and my brother," I stood again.
     Alfred, Fantine, the man I was sure I knew the name of, and the other non-converting vampire female, laughed.
     "Carlisle, is there any more we need to be wary of?" Alfred asked, turning to my brother.
     "Why are you so interested?" I felt my eyes narrowing at Alfred.
     He had been collected Cullens after all. Changed my Father, brother, me in the other life... off the memory of my dream he even changed my Mother once Michael brought her back from the dead. He was showing an annoying amount of interest in my unborn baby.
     "I just explained wh-"
     "I think you're lying," I muttered. "You're collecting Cullens after all, aren't you? You started with Father Nicholas, now you're waiting for Carlisle, you were also waiting for me to be of age but Igor got in the way, didn't he? Then there's thing whole past life in another timeline thing. That threw a wedge in your little... plan?" Igor stood behind me. "You want to know what I think you're here for? To continue you're little collection. I think you want to know everything you can about Bella and Renesmee so you can plan, and prepare, and be ready for the time my unborn child escapes my body, so you can kill Igor when he's distracted, take Carlisle while I'm burning because you know as well as I do what Igor's going to save me as Edward did his Bella, make up some stupid lie about Igor's death and collect us. How close am I?"
     "Creative, but not at all correct. I'm here to help-"
     "Get out," I said through my teeth. I wasn't sure what it was, but something in my gut just knew I couldn't trust Alfred, not with my safety, not with Carlisle's or Igors and certainly not with my baby's. "Now. And if any of the rest of you were simply hear to aid Alfred's hunt, you too can leave."
     Alfred slowly left, the woman I didn't know and the man I swore I knew but couldn't put a name, too, followed.
    "Axton, Bailey, Fantine, and... Nicholas, can we trust you?" Igor asked moving to stand in between me and the remaining vampires.
     "I may not have behaved as such during my mortal years, but she is my daughter. And if Alfred is, as she suggests, collecting Cullens, I will do anything I can in my power to stand between my children and his teeth."
     "Good luck with that," Carlisle muttered as she sat on the seat I had just been on.
     "How much blood will she need as the baby grows?" Fantine asked. "I'm sorry to suddenly change the topic but I want to be fully prepared. I want to keep both mother and baby as healthy as possible."
     "Once I stop being able to eat regular food is when I will need to start drinking blood," I stated and moved to sit beside my brother. I looked at our remaining visitors, wondering if my instincts shouted warning bells about them like they did Alfred. I got nothing. "After that only, my body and the baby will tell me how much I can drink, so it's more of a play by ear scenario."
     "I can deal with that," Fantine smiled at me and sat on the chair beside me. "Who knows, maybe I'll try the family diet while I'm preparing to be your midwife."
     I laughed with Carlisle, Axton, and Bailey.
     "Family? Diet?" Father Cullen repeated.
     Fantine looked over to him with a raised brow.
     "She said it herself, did she not? She has not been a member of your family for many years, Father," Fantine smirked at him.
     "Pardon my interruption," the woman said. Her voice was so quiet, so musical... it almost sounded like its own lullaby. "But Master Cullen, you said that the pregnancy would not be a long one? How short are we talking about? How long a time do we have?"
     "I am hoping that this pregnancy goes smoother than Bella's, with less... complications," Carlisle muttered.
     "I wouldn't call the detachment of the placenta, a complication, brother," I stated and smiled at him. "That's more of an emergency. But, with that said, at soonest, in the new moon."
     "With the new moon comes a new life?" the male asked.
     "That is the shortest possible time, if everything goes well, we'll have to play it by ear."
     "We may be familiar with half-breed pregnancies," Carlisle muttered. "But we are no experts."
     "Not yet anyway," I laughed and I looked to Carlisle. "Esme will be human. Think you can resist her?"
     Igor chuckled softly.
     "Yes," Carlisle snarled.
     "Want to gamble that?"
     "I'm not betting anything with you that I'll forget and you won't!" Carlisle shouted, making Igor and I laugh. "You know, you're taking all of this very well considering you know you're fate."
     "It was inevitable one way or the other," I said with a shrug. "My death, that is. The pregnancy is just... a surprise, we'd agreed to stop completely after your drunken reminder. After one last run of course."
     Fantine and Bailey smiled, I assumed the woman was Bailey, Axton sounded too masculine of a name.
     "One last time was all it needed," Igor muttered.
     "He is taking it more seriously than you are," Carlisle noted.
     "Well I'd hope so," I said. "I'm the one carrying and changing for its birth, he has to focus so he can save my life. And Igor," my husband didn't turn to look at me, but I could sense his panic. "I know you will." I kissed the back of his shoulder and walked to our kitchen, talking about blood and food had made me hungry...

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