Doctor Help

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I WAS HAVING A BREAK FOR 'DINNER', Chris had gone home a few hours ago, but I was staying to keep an eye on the patients and get to know them a little more. That's where I was when Hannah Collin approached me.
     "Fuller, I need your help with something," she said and sat opposite me. "Look, don't feel pressured because it's your first day, I will understand if you say no, but I need another Doctor to work in the Emergency Room tonight. I promise you it won't be easy, I will pay you overtime, but I really need someone to do it."
     "Sure, I'll do it," I told her.
     "Oh my God, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
     She hugged me before leaving. And I walked to my office to tell Igor I wasn't coming home tonight.
     "Did you want me to come to give you company?" he responded in a questionable tone.
     "I'll need to be focused, Igor. You're just one big distraction."
     He laughed but we didn't continue talking much before hanging up and getting back to work.
     That night was... interesting. I walked into the ER station and saw two people already waiting in the room, neither of them looked like they were dying.
     "I know what you're thinking," the only nurse at the station muttered. "They don't look sick. A lot of people come here at night because their general practitioners are closed and the home doctor takes too long to get to their houses. So they come here pretending that it's worse than what it is. Becca, by the way."
     "Doctor Lizzie Fuller," I shook the nurse's hand.
     "Welcome to Nanaimo Regional General Hospital."
     "Thanks. That's a mouthful."
     "Sure is," Becca laughed. "Are you our Doctor tonight?"
     "Sure am."
     "Hannah throw you in the deep end?"
     "The best way to know the town is by pushing through and getting to know them."
     She laughed. "Sure," she said. "Grab a coffee, Liz, it's going to be a long night."

She wasn't kidding.
     It was just me on the in the ER that night, one Doctor per floor was staying in the Doctors suite encase anyone needed him overnight, and I also had to keep a phone on me in case there actually was an emergency I needed help with.
     She was my fifth patient of the night, she was in with a tummy bug she swore under the Lord's name, was food poisoning and she wasn't going to be able to hold down any food, she needed something to help her keep things down. And how she was getting chronic migraines that weren't going away no matter what she tried, how that may be a brain tumour.
     I could see the heavy bags under her eyes she tried to hide with make-up, see how sunken and weak her skin and eyes were.
     "Mrs Howards, I'm going to go get you something. But until I get back, why don't you lay down, it may help."
     I pretended to help her get onto one of the EW beds then left her in the room.
     I walked into the station and my eyes locked on a young boy who walked in, hiding something beneath his jacket.
     "Bet you the next coffee that Mrs Howards is passed out on the cot when I get back to her," I said to Becca and the night ER receptionist, Julian.
     "Probably," Julian said with a smirk.
     My eyes stayed locked on the boy. His heart was racing and he had a sheen of sweat across his head. The door re-opened behind him and I got his scent.
     It was a gun.
     "Everybody down!" I yelled as he pulled it out and began shooting.
     With Becca and Julian, I ducked behind the counter. The firing of the assault rifle was loud, I could hear it shaking the glass of the station. Humans screamed.
     I looked over to Julian and saw him press a little red button underneath the desk.
     "Everybody shut up!" The boy yelled. "I need a Doctor."
     "Don't," Becca mouthed towards me and shook her head.

     Be human, I reminded myself as I raised a hand over the table. I heard him click some more ammunition into place as I paid attention to the boys' past. He was sick. I was worried about his racing heart and sweat, due to his medical condition of hypothyroidism. But this Doctor he needed wasn't for him, it was for someone he had in a boat, waiting. He had brought his sister illegally over from Washington State, for her to see a Doctor. A Canadian Doctor.
     "I'm a Doctor! I'm standing up!" I yelled over the counter and slowly stood. Both my hands at my shoulders, palms towards the boy. "I'm a Doctor."
     "Come out of the station!" He ordered, aiming the gun at me.
     Just as I went to open the door, a human on the ground tackled the boy down, tearing the gun out of his hand.
     At the same moment, the elevator in the backroom dinged and some more overnight Doctors came rushing in.
     I grabbed the gun and put it on the bench while helping the heroic and stupidly brave human to restrain the boy.
     "Don't put too much pressure on him, he's a kid," I instructed the man.
     "And he killed people-"
     "I don't care, he's a boy, don't hold onto him so tightly."
     We were able to keep him restrained and while the heroic human and another night nurse, kept an eye on him, the rest of us treated the injured.
     Three patients were killed, all shot in the waiting room. Julian a few hours later. I hadn't noticed that he'd been shot through all the commotion. More than ten other humans injured, suddenly in more need for the Emergency Room than when they first got there. More than a few Doctors were called in to help with the sudden emergency state the Hospital was in, even Hannah Collin came in to help.
     The sun was rising when things finally settled down. Hannah sent me to the Doctors suite to sleep and that they'd get me if any of my patients needed me. I ended up going to the Doctors lounge instead and laying on the couch. I didn't want to stop, didn't want to slow down while people bled and that boy...
     What had happened to him after the police had come to take him away?
     I was thinking about him and his own sickness when other Doctors began coming in for coffee.
     "Did you hear about last night?"
     "Yeah, I got the message this morning."
     "Seems they got everything settled though."
     "Why didn't you come help?"
     "Didn't hear my phone. You?"
     "Never got the call. You?"
     "Holy shit, isn't that Lizzie Fuller?"
     Two familiar footsteps walked in then. Igor was one of them. What was he doing here?
     The other was Christopher, he tripped twice just getting from when I first could hear him, to the actual coming up to me.
     "Here you go, sir," Christopher said, he sounded so nervous! His heart was racing.
     "Thank you," Igor muttered and knelt beside me.
     "Holy shit," a few of the other doctors muttered. "They're both Gods."
     "Don't stand a chance with her if she has that."
     "Didn't stand a chance with her anyway."
     "Liz," Igor whispered and placed a hand over mine. I opened my eyes and looked at him, finally catching the scent of clothing with him.
     "Morning," I whispered and played with what was left of his beard, I could still remember how long it had been before his asylum...
     "Good morning. Hannah told me everything. I thought you may like some fresh clothes."
     "You're not taking her home?" Christopher asked and as I slowly sat up, Igor looked at him.
     "Please, she's a workaholic. I'd have to drag her kicking and screaming from the Hospital," Igor joked.
     Just as I went to reach for the bag of clothes, my pager buzzed to life. Room 2025, no code or anything so no emergency. Other than the fact that 2025 was Lucy Arnold's room.
     "I need to take this. Thank you for bringing these. I love you," I mumbled, playing up the tiredness. I kissed him but left the bag as I rushed to room 2025.
     Before I even got there, I could hear that she was crying heavily and her heart was racing, it would have made any human more alert, so I had to pretend that it made me.
     Where really, I did just want to lay down. Workaholic immortal or not, my body felt tired after that night.
     All I wanted to do was go back to the house, lay on the couch with Igor and rest my eyes.
     Or at least go for a hunt... there was a lot of blood last night, they hadn't cleaned it up properly, I could still smell it when I went in to tell Becca and Julian's replacement, Carmen, that I was calling it done for the night.
     Lucy was crying heavily on the side of her bed when I got there. Heaving. Tears streaming down her face, the smell of fear, urine, and vomit lingering in the room.
     "Miss Arnold, what happened?" I asked, but I already knew, her scent was everywhere.
     She had gone for a late night walk last night at the worst time. She had travelled to other floors to check on staff and people. And at the worst time, she had decided to go down to the Emergency Entrance and pretend to be a regular civilian coming into the wing. She had only just escaped the shooting and snuck back into her room before her fear caused her to have an accident and be terribly sick.
     "Shh," I whispered, sitting beside her and letting her cry into my chest. "You're okay. It's okay now. He's gone," I soothed. "You're safe. He's gone."
     "I was... s-so sc-scared," she sobbed.
     "I know. I was, too," I assured her. "Shh. It's okay, you're safe now."
     "Should we get her something to calm her down?" Ruby whispered to another staff, I looked up at them and shook my head.
     "Let her calm down on her own. She's strong, she'll be alright. Won't you, Lucy?"
     Lucy nodded against my chest and straightened herself up.
     "There. See? She's fine. Don't waste my time again," I snapped. A tired Doctor would snap at the nursing staff, right? That made it seem human. "Someone help her get ready for the day."
     I left for my new office for the first time since I started. The bag Igor had been carrying was on my desk with a note saying, 'You are a beautiful, kind hearted, pure soul. You are amazing and I love you. Remember, my love, you cannot save everyone. Igor xx'.
     I smiled at the note and went to get dressed to try and myself look at least partially appropriate for the new day. At least make me not look like I had been up all night working with blood and screaming, fearful, humans.
     There was a knock on the door as I fixed my hair and Hannah Collin walked in.
     "I wanted to apologise for last night," she muttered. "It isn't usually like that."
     "Crazies happen, Collin, it's okay," I told her.
     "And I wanted to give you this."
     She held out a new Doctors jacket, still had its tag. Well, mine was currently covered in blood from last night.
     "Think of it as a thank you and replacement," she said softly. "Now, go home, Fuller. You deserve it."
     "I'll be fine. I'll sleep for a few hours than be as good as new."
     "Home. Now," Hannah Collin ordered.
     "Yes, ma'am."
     Lucky Igor hadn't been far away so he was easily able to turn around to get me and take me home before he left again for his job.

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