Golden Egg

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IGOR HAD TAKEN ME INTO LONDON FOR THE DAY, but not to keep my mind and body distracted from his perfection, he had a hunt to take part in, and I really didn't like being in the cottage by myself.
     So, I sat in the park to draw. I had my charcoals with me, my paints, my pencils, everything I needed for any type of art I wanted. The sky had plenty of clouds, enough for Igor's comfort, and they weren't dark enough to look threatening in any form, so I had no qualms in doing my art in the park.
     I took a break partway through one piece, to eat. I cleaned up all my equipment as so none of it blew away or was taken, so I sat with my kit in my lap, and ate.
     I was mid-bite of an apple when I got this sudden, strange urge to see Carlisle, and my calf suddenly hurt as if it had fallen asleep.
     So I stood, attempted to stretch out my pained leg, and got walking. Though, as much as I suddenly wanted to check in on my brother, I didn't go directly to the church. It was as if something was pulling me a different route.
     With my kit firmly in my hands, I found myself walking through downtown. I wasn't sure why; I absolutely hated downtown London. The alley's stunk more than the sewers, all sorts of wrong things were happening in the streets, homeless lined up, the dead left to rot.
     And I only hated it because until I claimed the alley behind the saloon, I lived in downtown London.
     And unfortunately, a lot of the older bodies still surviving, recognised me.
     "Well, well, well, if it isn't our little golden egg come back from her ivory castle," one of the older men, Vincent, growled.
     "She's lucky she's beautiful even when filthy," a familiar woman, Maria, was saying to a young girl with a scowl. "None of us will get that lucky."
     "Don't say that," I hissed under my breath but kept walking.
     I kept my head down and kept walking. I kept asking myself, why was I walking this way when I still wanted to see Carlisle? The church was on the complete other side of London. Finally coming to my uncontrolled senses, I stopped.
     Only in time to hear an echoing cry of pain. Many, many seasons and ago, I would have ignored it, like every other homeless person in downtown London, but not the new me. I ran towards the cry, I wasn't sure what I planned to do.
     Maybe put someone's head through a canvas? One I wasn't too fond of? Hit the attacker over the head with my kit and risk everything inside?
     "The church 'as done nothin' for us!"
     I came around the corner just as two older men lifted up their victim into my eyeshot.
     Carlisle... what was he doing in downtown London?
     "Hey!" I called.
     They both turned and one of them grinned.
     "Well, well, well, look who it is," he said and dropped my brother. "Is our lit'le golden egg returnin' home?"
     "Golden egg?" the other man asked.
     I tried to recognise the man who recognised me... but couldn't.
     "Leave him alone," I said, holding onto my kit a little bit tighter.
     "Or wha'?" the first man smirked and began to approach me.
     "I may not know who you are but you clearly remember me, so think back. Do you really want to risk touching me, or him."
     "You're toget'er?" the younger man asked and looked between us.
     "O'course not you imbecile," the older man groaned. "They're related! Just look at em! Our golden egg found her family, and wha'? was welcomed back with open arms?"
     "No," I laughed. "Only he welcomed me back. So back away, or I will remind you why they called me Golden Egg."
     The older man's brows pulled together, at least he stopped advancing.
     "There's no way," he said. "Ya can't still be league with t'em?"
     "Can't I?" I attempted my best threatening smirk, channelling my inner monster was fun, and apparently I was really good at it.
     The older man dragged the younger one by his hair, kicking and screaming, asking over and over again why I was called Golden Egg.
     A history I always used but never fully remembered clearly.
     I remembered my dream better than that part of my history.
     I ran up to Carlisle and immediately froze in place when I got close enough to see the bone protruding out of his calf...
     Strangely enough, I realised it was the same calf as my pain. Clearly not as bad as Carlisle's broken bone sticking out of his leg, but still... odd.
     I put my kit down beside him and wrapped my shawl around his bleeding arm.
     "Stay here," I instructed... not that he had another choice. "Here's hoping I remember this place well enough..."
     I ran back to the street and looked around, trying to find something very in particular. A wooden cellar door. I tried to fight my hazy memory back to my childhood, but when I was looked after by two vampires, Shadowman and Night Lady... They would walk past a burnt building... which didn't help now almost every other building looked as if it had been on fire at some point.
     I could remember that it was a long building, long, thing, with lots of broken windows.
    Again, not helpful, but I had to do something.
    Then I finally remembered that guy... William... called himself the organiser of the women of London's night. The one who gave me my Golden Egg nickname. He had been attempted to recruit me at my young age and had met me waiting for Shadowman and Night Lady...
     I looked down the street and got running. Remember the first time I met William led me straight to the wooden cellar door. I knelt down to try and open it, but it wouldn't budge. Which seemed obvious, vampires made it...
     I wondered if they made it with the strength of the bones of their fallen comrades...
     What a depressing thought.
     I stood and began trying to kick it open, anything to get to the vampires down below. Or, just one vampire.
     "What do you think you're doing?"
     I almost screamed as I turned to face Alfred, glaring at me from the shadows with his bright red eyes.
     "I need someone to help me find Igor," I said sternly. "Carlisle's hurt and he needs help. He's also covered in blood so I only trust Igor to do what needs to be done."
     "You have faith in that man's strength," Alfred chuckled.
     "I've seen his strength to resist myself, he can help me help my brother. Now find Igor, and tell him where to find me. Please."
     "Very well."
     He disappeared back into the shadows and I ran back to a groaning, moaning, crying, Carlisle.
     "It'll be okay," I whispered and pulled out one of the more flexible canvases from my kit, curled it around Carlisle's leg, paint side away from the wound, and the bone not being touched.
    I somehow found the strength to tear apart my gown and wrap it tightly around Carlisle's leg. I had no idea what I was doing, going off instinct, perhaps...
     "I'm... I'm losing... too much-"
    "Shut up, you'll be fine," I hissed at him.
     He really was losing a lot of blood... would Igor be able to resist this? Fresh blood right in front of him? He could resist me while physically intimate... could he resist Carlisle's fresh blood?
     I sincerely hoped so.
     I held my brother's hand while he continued to try not to cry out in his pain. I then started to hum, trying to calm him down. I imagined that I wasn't very good, but he watched me and seemed to calm down.
     "How... how do you know that tune?" he asked me through his teeth.
     "Honestly?" I thought back. "I have no idea. Why? Do you know it?"
     "When I was a boy, Elling used to sing that tune... when I had injured myself or was upset. But I haven't heard her sing it, for a very long time."
     So... impossible for me to know... mayhap I heard her singing it to him a very long time ago? I did use to watch the church rather frequently...
     "Liz... you... you're going to have to-"
     "Realign the fracture," I muttered, looking at Carlisle's leg. I wasn't sure how I knew it... actually... yes I did... my dream. Of course, how silly of me. I knew how to support a broken leg and knew I'd have to find a way to realign his bone.
     And I had no safe way of doing it. My hands were going to get very bloody...
     "Just do it," he hissed.
     "It's going to hurt."
     "I am aware. Just get it over with!"
     I started humming Elling's tune again and unwrapped his leg brace. Still humming through Carlisle's groaning, I supported his lower leg with mine and a hand, and the other over his leg.
     I had to push down, hard, and there was a very loud crack and Carlisle screamed rather loudly before going really quiet.
     His eyes were closed and he had gone limb.
     "Carlisle!" I called. "Carlisle!"
     I rushed to my brother's face and felt for a pulse, he was still breathing, and the pulse was still strong... so he had just blacked out... the pain must have caused him to blackout.
     A more frightening crack echoed through the alley from behind me, I turned and saw the familiar shape of Igor's back facing me, and when I looked around his leg, saw Alfred in the ground and slowly getting up.
    Alfred ran off and Igor slowly turned around, his eyes were very dark and how tense he was keeping his muscles, to keep in control, were palpable.
     "Igor," I picked up my kit. "I need your help getting him to the church. Take him, I'll meet you there, I know a shortcut."
     He nodded and picked up the unconscious Carlisle before disappearing from view. I also took off running, following my memories of the shortcut to the family church.

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