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THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR CAME QUICKLY AND MARY WAS MORE THAN EXCITED TO START LEAVING THE HOUSE FOR MORE THAN JUST HUNTING. It wasn't going out during the day, that was too risky, even Igor and I didn't go out during the day, we were night doctors for a reason, Mary Alice would be attending night lessons. We had to pay extra money for it, and we were surprised to learn that she wasn't the only one who attended night school. Apparently, some humans studied for a living or worked during the day and studied at night.
     Mary was happy with it either way.
     There was a quiet night happening, all my patients were asleep and nothing was going wrong. Everything seemed almost too good, too quiet.
    I heard Igor walking down towards me with his cane and opened the door to meet him there. He wasn't alone.
     A real veteran had become a colleague of his during the night, Greg Watters had lost an arm in the war, but that hadn't stopped him from being the character he was. Which is why he probably joined this little mission of his. Igor came around the corner and I laughed when I saw him holding a bouquet of different flowers.
     "Are you boys that bored with mental health tonight you had to come here?" I asked as I took the flowers.
     "Oh, I just came to share with you the good news," Greg cheered and rested a hand on Igor's shoulder. "Your husband here just saved countless lives of late-night workers!"
     "Greg," Igor groaned in agitation.
     "What happened?" I asked.
     "Go on! Tell her the story or I will!" Greg laughed. "Let me tell you, Liz, he was awesome. Those skills would have done him well in the war, I know it!"
     What... where was a breeze when I needed it? What did Igor do? Were we in trouble of exposure?
     "Can we have a moment, Stubs?" Igor said looking to Greg.
     Greg just laughed, shrugged and began walking away, waving his... well, his stub, in the air above his head as he walked.
     "What's a cripple got to do to get a coffee around here?"
     "He's going to annoy the nurses," I stated.
     "He'll calm down once he sits down," Igor stated.
     Then I turned on him. "What happened?"
      "Nothing, Miss Elizabeth," Igor answered as we walked into my office. "I didn't do anything too unnatural otherwise Greg would have had a very different reaction than what he's had. Mary saw a shooting this evening and warned me when I dropped her off. I wasn't planning on being at the late-night supermarket, but Greg forgot to bring dinner and he's still paranoid enough that going outside alone is too much for him to handle. So we were there, and-"
     "You stopped the shooter before he hurt anyone. Well, we know where Verity gets her stupid, unthinking, bravery from."
     Igor smirked as I pulled an unused vase from a cupboard I didn't use, but the doctor who used this office during the day did. I knew he wouldn't mind me using one of his vases.
     "So, are the flowers an apology for ensuring me a boring night?" I asked.
     "Can I not just gift you flowers?"
     "You haven't gifted me flowers in years."
     He shrugged and moved closer to me, his body pressed to mine.
     "Igor," I groaned. I wanted to focus, wanted to keep my head. But Igor still held my head in his hands, his cane on the ground, and his lips pressed against mine firmly.
     Then the ground shook. I quickly grab hold of the vase before it fell, as Igor rushed to grab the other, Dr Julian MacAvoy's flowers from his daughter.
     "Earthquake?" I asked, putting the vase back up.
     "Too quick," Igor looked around. "I don't think it's anything we need to worry about, Miss Elizabeth. It was probably something unimportant."
      "We should go check it out, none the less."
     I grabbed his cane and opened the office door, after throwing it to him.
     I began walking to the foyer and heard the tail end of the conversation our receptionist was having over the phone.
     There was an emergency in town. Something had happened and they needed medical personnel.
     "Hey, Liz," Greg said running up to me. Igor wasn't far behind me. "Igor. Did you guys feel that? Too quick for a quake. Bomb?"
     That would explain why they needed medical personnel.
     Sheree the receptionist ran from her desk and reached us the same time as the other night doctor, Dr Johnathon White, did.
     "Doctors, there's been a cave-in, the school fell into a deep sinkhole and they need-"
     "I'm sorry, the school did what?" I asked.
     I reached behind me to Igor. The school did night classes, Mary's night classes. She'd have seen if the school was going to fall into a sinkhole, wouldn't she? She would have gotten out? Saved as many people as she could?
     "A sinkhole, they're going to try a rescue and recover and need medical personnel there for any survivors."
     "Shit," Greg muttered.
     "One of us needs to stay here and watch the patients," Dr White stated. "You've got someone that goes to night school, don't you, Liz?"
     "Our niece," Igor answered for me.
     "Go," Dr White said and I looked over to him, the aged man was smiling at me. "Go be there when your girl is brought up."
     "Thank you," I said to him then turned back to Sheree. "Call other Doctors, get them out of bed," I said, squeezing Igor's hand. "We're going to need help."
     Sheree nodded and ran back to the desk.
     "Go," Greg said. "I'll walk with him and meet you there."
     Igor nodded to me so I kissed him, grabbed some emergency gear and rushed to a car to get me to the sinkhole.

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