Moving Plans -Igor's POV

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AT THE HOUSE, Mary was sitting on the porch, Jasper sat beside her. He didn't touch her, he didn't look at her, he just sat beside her. I wondered if I had missed much of a conversation because Mary was definitely better, she even smiled up to me when I approached.
     "Thank you," she said, "I should have done a better job with the cleanup."
     "You've never had to clean up before. Practice makes perfect," I responded.
     "I saw what you did, I'll remember it if there's a next time."
     "Have you kids done any packing up?" I asked as I walked past them to the house.
     "No, sorry," Mary muttered.
     "Packing? Didn't you just move here?" Jasper asked.
     "I'm sure you'll understand, Jasper. We have to live differently from how others live. We are at a greater risk of exposure living the way we do. The moment one of us slips, we have to leave so no human has the opportunity to correctly guess what we are."
     Jasper nodded and they both joined me inside. 
     We had finished by the time Miss Elizabeth got home.
     "So, where are we moving to?" Mary asked, leaning against the wall, watching Miss Elizabeth put her coat over one of the boxes to go into storage until we eventually came back to this house.
     "Seattle?" Elizabeth offered. "There's a good university, and we can still go out during the day often."
     "How will your brother feel about us being so close to Forks?" I asked.
     "It's Seattle, not Port Angeles. It's far enough away to not be a bother for Carlisle's future."
     "The shapeshifters?"
     "The what?" Mary asked.
     "Again, we'll be too far away for them as well. Unless we actually go to La Push, or Forks, the wolves won't even know we're there," Elizabeth answered.
     She gave me a smile that made my knees weak. How could I say no to her?
     "Think of it as a thank you." She approached me and held her body to mine.
     Heat radiated through me from her touch as she slipped one of her hands around my neck, the fingers of her other hand hooked under my belt, pulling my waist to hers.
     "For what?" I asked.
     She had never confirmed if she would allow me to be there for the coming war, and to hear it gave me such happiness. I pulled her head the short gap and held her lips to mine. Her body folding to mine as I dipped her with the kiss.
     Mary and Jasper chuckled, making her quickly pull herself away from me and straightening her clothing. The heat was as overwhelming as the first time I felt it, and as always I didn't want it to end, so I stepped with her. I rested a hand on her waist and shadowed her.
     "Who's going to break in the house first?" Mary asked, still smiling.
     "You'll be able to tell us," Miss Elizabeth stated.
      After a moment of silence, Mary's smile turned to a smirk and Jasper looked down to her and pulled her closer to him. That was our answer. I noticed his hand tighten on her dress.
     Before we had the chance to start leaving, we heard the advance of an immortal. Two by the sounds of it.
     All heat with Miss Elizabeth was forgotten, my eyes snapped to Jasper.
     "Stay in here," I instructed and rushed outside to meet them.
     "I didn't see," I heard Mary whimper as I went out to the yard to meet our visitors.
     "You've been distracted," Elizabeth said softly.
     "I've never missed so much before."
     "You've also never had Jasper before. It's only to be expected that you're going to miss a few things while you're learning to deal with everything new that's happening right now. Don't be so hard on yourself, Mary. You'll get it eventually, just give yourself time."
     Elizabeth kissed Mary before joining me in the front yard. Just as the two vampires ran into our views. Both of them women, one was a large, stockier body build, the other her polar opposite. They both had bright, vivid, red hair and I immediately thought they must have been sisters, they looked far too similar even with the vampiric touches to their appearance. Much like Carlisle and Elizabeth.
     Then I realised I recognised them, from the fight with the Volturi. I hadn't gotten their names but they had been there, they were gifted.
     "Welcome," I said calmly as they slowed their approach.
     The two women introduced themselves as sisters, Lara, the stockier one, and Scarlett.
     Mary and Jasper came out to the porch but didn't come any close. Lara and Scarlett confessed to being relatively new to the immortal life, they had left their maker who was, according to them, a selfish bitter man, but was happy with each other. They just wanted to make some new friends now they were free of their makers' control.
     They asked about our eyes, they found our choice of diet interesting.
     "What about those two?" Lara asked, looking at Jasper and Mary. "Are they guests here, like us?"
     "Jasper and Mary have decided to change to our way of life," Elizabeth quickly interjected. Not a lie, but not also the full truth. "It takes a while for our eyes to turn from their regular red. About two months if you're interested?"
     The sisters chuckled nervously.
     "Why though?" Scarlett asked. "Why stop drinking human blood? It's so good!"
     "We all have our reasons," I answered. "All unique in our own way. For me, it was for love."
     Scarlett grinned and Lara made a gagging noise, which Miss Elizabeth and Mary laughed at.
     "I hope you two find someone one day," Miss Elizabeth said. "A mate. It truly is a joyous thing."
     "I'm happy with my sister, thanks," Lara stated.
     "I've got her and that's all I need," Scarlett added.
     "They'll learn," Mary chirped from behind us. "One day."
     "I highly doubt it," Lara said with a scowl.
     Never bet against Mary, I thought with a chuckle.
     "We're about to leave town," Miss Elizabeth said suddenly. "I recommend you do the same. The humans here are becoming... it's time for us to leave."
     "Do you need us to clean anything up for you?" Scarlett said with a smirk.
     "That's unnecessary, we know how to cover ourselves," I responded.
     "Then thanks for the warning."

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