Jihyo x M Reader || Christmas Wonderland 🎄

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"Have you found someone to take you along to Christmas Wonderland?" Sana asked the leader who was busily zoning out.

"Huh? Oh... not yet," Jihyo replied, shaking her head slowly. The others mentally sighed, all feeling bad for their leader as they could visibly see a forlorn smile etched onto her face. Knowing them, they wanted their leader to enjoy Christmas Wonderland with someone this year, and not all alone.

"You should try asking around. I'm sure lots of people would be willing to accompany you..." Chaeyoung's voice drifted off as her eyes were fixated on someone else. Mina, who noticed this, gently slapped Chaeyoung's forearm, causing the younger to groan in displeasure.

"What was that for?"

"Why are you staring at someone else?"

"I was not, I was just looking around!"

"Yeah, as if," Mina snorted. Chaeyoung, sighing deeply, got out of her seat and went to Mina, wrapping her arms around Mina's shoulders. The older, who was still jealous, was about to smack her arms away, but soon gave in with a pouty smile and melted into Chaeyoung's arms, who then nuzzled into her neck. Mina bit the top of her lip, suppressing a moan from coming out in front of everyone.

Jihyo smiled at the cute couple in front of her, secretly a jealous fire was burning inside of her, but she shrugged it off, throwing her thoughts away.

"There have been... it's just that..." Jihyo hesitated, her voice wavering with a sense of uncertainty. The others all simultaneously turned their heads to look at her, curious.

"That?" Nayeon questioned. Jihyo let out a groan.

"They... I know they're just doing it because we're popular... and I don't really wanna go out with them, some of them are just playboys..." Jihyo replied, her voice cracking slightly. The girls noticed the sadness in her voice, as Nayeon, who was sitting beside her, rubbed Jihyo's arm up and down, trying to soothe her.

"You know, a miracle could happen," Sana smiled cheekily amidst all the sorrowful faces.

"What miracle?"

"You know, there's still Y/N"

That name got Jihyo blushing, as she used her hands to try and cover her already red cheeks, but the other girls had already got the hint and started smirking towards her.

Y/N, one of her friends that she had made in Science class. Granted, they weren't as close as she was with the girls, but still, they were on good terms and often, he would come over to her house to study with her since they lived so near to each other.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he isn't free anyways. He probably would wanna go out with his other friends..." Jihyo's shoulders dropped, while Jeongyeon scoured the area, before her eyes landed on the one person she wanted to see the most. The corners of her mouth turned upwards as Jeongyeon whispered her plan to Nayeon, which aroused the curiosity of the rest of the girls at the table.

Mouthing Y/N to the rest of the table while Jihyo was still distracted and caught up in her thoughts, Nayeon pointed behind her, to where Y/N was standing, chatting with a few of his friends.

"...Hey, let's go, it's getting late," Mina fabricated an excuse to get the girls off the table. Hurriedly, they gathered their belongings, as Sana and Momo who were in on the plan linked arms with Jihyo on either side. Jihyo had no time to retaliate as she felt herself being pushed forward by the other girls behind, Sana's and Momo's footsteps quickening, resulting in hers also following the same speed as them only to keep up.

"Hey, don't screw up," Momo whispered into Jihyo's ear, who was obviously baffled at this point. Sana darted her eyes around, before landing on the prime target.

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