Nayeon x M Reader || 3 Words

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I know,  I don't say these 3 words a lot

But what I want you to know is that when I say them, I do mean it

I have never believed in true love, or love at first sight, but that changed after I met you

I don't know how or why, I'm just in love with you


"She broke up with me.. again"

"Dude, just end things with her once and for all," Jiwon said, sipping his canned drink and slamming it down on the wooden table.

"I know, I did, but she keeps coming back to me, and I don't know what to do..." I let out a sigh, as I put my phone onto the table. "I don't even want to talk to her anymore"

"Then don't! Y/N, move on, she's in love with someone else already!"

"I know, the problem is that I can't accept the fact that when she stole my first kiss, she was already in love with someone else! Can you imagine how frustrating that is for me?" I almost shouted at Jiwon, glaring at him.

"Okay, okay. I know, I can't understand what you've been through, but Wooyoung is just trash. She just played with your feelings, and I think you should block her. Wait, have you already blocked her?"

"No, I haven't"


"I don't know, I just keep clinging onto the feeling that maybe she'll have a change of heart..." I say as I grip onto my phone tightly.

"Well, I'm sorry to break this to you, Y/N, but that will never happen.." Jiwon said, picking up his empty canned drink, and disposing it into the trash bin. "You can hope, and dream, but I don't think that'll work, Y/N..."

I sighed, releasing my grip, and slumped back into my chair.

"Why not you just look for someone else? You're in the student committee, aren't you?" Jiwon suggested, as he threw a dart onto the dart board.

"The girls there all have boyfriends already, or simply aren't interested in getting into a relationship.. I mean, I think they all know about how I got dumped by Wooyoung..." I explained, taking a dart from Jiwon's hands and throwing it, only to miss the board completely.

"There, you throwing that dart and missing is like you missing your opportunities to interact with others. How about this, why not I set you up on a blind date with someone I know?" Jiwon suggested, as his eyes lit up excitedly, while sitting down opposite me.

I raised my eyebrow. "I mean, I'm not a big fan of blind dates. I don't know, maybe I'm just not meant to get into a relationship so soon, you know?" I said, resting my legs on the other chair in front of me.

"Wait, can I ask you a question, Y/N?"


"Do you believe in true love?"

I snickered. "What kind of question is that? I think I've been in enough bad relationships to deduce that I don't believe in true love anymore"

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