Jeongyeon x M Reader || Thankful ✔️

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It takes two people to make a complete heart

I wish our hearts could come together as one

You're searching for the right guy to be with, but how if the guy who liked you was already in front of you?

I'm a lil shy, so I'm sorry for not expressing my feelings to you sooner

"I don't know.. all the guys in our school just suck.." Jeongyeon laments, taking a sip out of her green tea packet.

"Hey! Don't be mean to me.." Jaemin protests.

"Maybe all guys except those who are my friends, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds a little better"

"But seriously, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to get a boyfriend in this school when all the guys are either just self-obsessed or have girlfriends already"

"You have Y/N.." Jaemin says, pointing to Y/N, who is playing soccer in the field with the rest of the guys.

Jeongyeon shakes her head, sitting down on the bench, facing Jaemin.

"I don't think he likes me more than friends. We're just friends, Jaemin"

"What do you mean just friends? It's pretty obvious, the way he treats you, don't you think that he likes you just a little bit?" Jaemin asks, putting his thumb and index finger together, with a slight gap between the two.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure my intuition is correct"

"And I quote, you're pretty sure?" Jaemin repeats after her, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't be a 100% sure, but I'm at least 97% sure"

"That means that you think that there's a 3% chance that he does like you then!"

"No, no. 3% is very little"

"It's not little! It's pretty high if you think about it.."

"Are you sure about that?"



"When are you even gonna confess?"

"I don't know.. when the times right.."

"You've been saying that for years now, Y/N. When is the right time?"

"When I feel like it"

"Let's be honest. You're scared of rejection, aren't you?"

Y/N stayed quiet. He didn't even have an answer to that question. It was true that he was afraid of rejection, but there was something more that he was afraid of.

"I've gotten it, haven't I?" Jaemin questioned his friend, who was quietly sipping his drink.


"Just think, if you had confessed sooner, how many more beautiful memories would you guys have?"

"Doesn't she already have another guy in mind?"

"No, in fact, she was just ranting to me about the guys in our school basically suck," Jaemin replied, cutting his cream cake in half with his fork.

"It just sucks you know.. I just can't confess to her. Yeah, I'm scared of rejection.." Y/N said, biting his lip.

"But your just scared of what's to come next.." Jaemin continued, Y/N nodding his head.

"I just feel like such a fool.. out of all girls, I just had to have a crush on that one girl, who would never accept me.."

"How do you know if you don't even try?"

"Because I already know the answer. It's just common sense, don't you think so?" Y/N retaliated, removing his glasses.

"There's just so many better guys for her out there, it doesn't have to be me whom she ends up with anyways"

"I get that you think that other guys are a better fit for her, but that doesn't give you a reason to belittle yourself..."

"You wouldn't know how it's like to have a crush, but not even having the guts to confess to her, nor even talk to her.."

"I may not have the experience, but I just know that you're feeling pretty heartbroken over this situation.. so I called up Jeong-,"

"You what? You called her up, to come here right now?" Y/N exclaimed in shock, putting his glasses back on.

"Yeah. I just wanted her to hear all of what you just said.."

"You idiot! Why would you do this to me! You know that I.. I just .." Y/N was a t a loss for words.

"Jeongyeon, can you come out?"

Emerging from the shadows, was a shy Jeongyeon, dressed in a purple dress up shirt and jeans.

"In life, there are things to be thankful for.." Jeongyeon started out, sitting down opposite Y/N, who had his head down on the table, refusing to even look her in the eye.

After all, he didn't even have the courage to talk to her, let alone let her hear his confession out loud.

"And I'm thankful that you're my friend.. but I'm sorry, Y/N.."


That's probably all we'll ever be, right Jeongyeon? You don't have to say it, it's just obvious.

"I would rather that we stayed friends.. but thank you for being so bold to confess your feelings for me.."

I sat up, looking at Jeongyeon in the eyes.

"It's fine.."

"You're not mad?"

"I can't force you to like me back.. it's just a matter of how you feel for me.. if you do feel anything for me."

"Thank you for giving me a chance, Jeongyeon," I said, before walking out of the cafe, broken-hearted.

It's time to let go of the feelings you once had for her, Y/N.

It's time to move on..

If only this was all a dream.

They say time heals all wounds.. but would that be possible for a wound this big? Rejection was inevitable.. and it's just part of life, but why do I feel so strongly for you?

Why do I feel as if.. I've just lost my entire world..

Oh right.. because.. you were my entire world..

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