Jihyo x M Reader || Be by your side

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"Yeah, so he's the brother of Chaeyeon.."

"He must be greatly affected by what happened to her.." Jihyo remarked, looking over at the boy in a loose white buttoned up shirt, with ripped jeans, looking so solemn and sad as he stared off into space.

"No kidding, he was moody in class all day.." Yeonwon replied, nodding his head. "If you want to talk to him, you can. It's strongly advised, especially now.."

"Alright, thanks Yeonwon"

"No problem, Noona"

And with that, Yeonwon left to greet the other guests that were streaming in.

"He looks sad.. do you think he would want to be alone now?" Sana asked, popping out of nowhere.

He was depressed, obviously affected by what had happened.

Slumping in his chair and staring off into space.. his life had just flashed before his eyes.

He had now known that life was unpredictable.. but it just happened so fast..

Jihyo looked around, noticing that the surrounding tables had 3 or more adults at it.

It was just his table that stood out, with only him sitting down there, with his little sloth plush toy beside him.

The girls quickened their pace towards him, each taking a seat beside him.

He was shocked, but made no effort to move away. He was just too.. tired for this.

"Hey, Y/N. Cute sloth you have there.." Jihyo said, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Thanks.." was all Y/N could mutter out, before holding his sloth tightly in his hands.

"Who bought you this sloth?" Sana asked, trying to appear friendly and caring to him, smiling broadly to him, and talking to him as if he were a child.

"C-Chaeyeon.." it was hard for him to even make out her name.

His lips quivered, as he looked down to his sloth, gripping onto it tightly to suppress his tears from falling.

"Sana!" Whispers could be heard from the girls.

"Ah-Ah.. so.. how was your day?" Mina asked, hoping to start up a new conversation with him.

"It was okay.." Y/N replied in a quiet voice.

The wake ceremony was still on going, and Y/N jolly well knew that he hadn't eaten anything.

He was just there, beside his sister. It would be the last time he ever saw her anyways..

"Y/N.. are you still.. feeling sad?" Sana asked, oblivious to what was happening.

"A bit.." Y/N replied, resting his head on the little sloth.

The 3 girls looked at each other for help. How else were they going to console a boy who had just lost his sister.. his only friend.. his only source of support?

"You're living on your own now, right Y/N?" Jihyo asked.

Y/N nodded his head shyly, pointing to his luggage and bag beside him.

"I don't think I'll be able to live there for much longer.. rent is coming up and I don't have enough money.."

"You can stay with us!" Sana blurted out, out of nowhere.

"Yes, what Sana said, you can always stay with us if you would like.." Mina continued in a calm tone.

"I don't mind.." Y/N replies, in a voice equally as quiet.

Jihyo got up, and took his luggage, followed by Sana and Mina who walked side by side Y/N, ensuring that he was still feeling alright.

I'm not good with comforting people, I've never been, so I don't know why I would be assigned to come over and help Y/N.. Jihyo thought, wheeling the luggage into the van.

"Here, do you want me to put your bag in the back or do you want it with you?"

"I-I want it with me.. I'm coming back here tomorrow too.." Y/N added.

"Alright then.." Jihyo replied, giving Y/N back his bag, before getting into the front seat of the white van.

With Sana and Mina beside Y/N, they set off, to the dorm.

Silent and calm ride was much needed for Y/N, as he simply stared off into space.

Things must be tough for him.. that poor 16 year old boy losing his sister.. just in a second.. Jihyo thought, looking into the mirror and looking at Y/N's reflection.

Y/N just looked so solemn, as if he was about to break down and cry again.. but he was tough. He knew that he couldn't cry now.. he just didn't want people to pity him, to feel bad for him.


"Y/N, can I speak with you for a minute?" Jihyo walked around the wooden table, sitting directly opposite Y/N.

"I know.. it's hard losing your sister.."

"But just know that you'll never lose us.. we'll always be there for you.."

"No matter what it takes, we'll always be by your side.. helping you, taking care of you.."

"We don't want you to go through this alone, so we're willing to walk this journey with you. Will you allow us to be by your side throughout this journey?" Jihyo asked, her big brown eyes staring into Y/N's.

A surge of emotions hit Y/N, as he nodded his head.

I'm willing to allow you girls to be by my side.

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