Chaeyoung x M Reader || Caught your eye

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I thought this stupid mindless thing would just be seen by my friends

But apparently it went viral and caught your eye

And now, I don't even know if I should feel ashamed or proud that you saw it

A/N: This is happening around Fancy Promotions

Twice's POV

"So, there has been several covers of your new comeback, 'Fancy'," the host announces. The members of Twice clap in joy upon hearing that news, especially Chaeyoung. She's been looking forward to seeing more covers, something like the 'What is Love' covers she had seen with the members.

The covers of Fancy were displayed on the screen and the girls clapped, cheering so loudly for them. How one could master their complex dance in a matter of weeks, or even days really impressed them.

"However, there has been one cover that has gone viral after hours of its release, take a look," The host said, and the clip was played on screen.

The clip showed a person in a teddy bear mascot dancing to 'Fancy,' in what looked like to be the middle of a busy street. People were surrounding him or her, clapping for the person, as they completed their dance with ease. When they had finished the dance, the audience around him had stared cheering loudly, and he took that opportunity to give out the flyers in his hands.

"That's an interesting way of giving our flyers," Jeongyeon's remark made everyone laugh, and the host agreed with her.

"This person has been blowing up all over social media platforms, what are you thoughts?" The host looked down at his cards and asked the first question.

"We are very very thankful and delighted that Once's love this song so much, that some even perform them live on the street," Jihyo started off, and the rest laughed at her comment. "We will continue to do our best, thank you, Once!"

Whoever that was was pretty darn cute and accurate in dancing that cover... was in the minds of all the Twice members.


"Dude, you're blowing up on social media!" Jaebum came and told me, pressing a phone into my face.

"What? Social media? You didn't tell me about this!" I protested, gasping at the number of views my video had.

With over 5 million views and 30,000 comments, I was definitely going to be trending on social media. I checked my Instagram follow count and it had sky rocketed.

How did they even find my Instagram? It didn't make sense at all.

"So basically, a bear who was dancing Fancy blew up," I arched my eyebrow, watching my own dancing.

"Yeah," Jaebum replied, chuckling to himself as he watched my video. I sighed, shook my head and proceeded to wear my costume head again, before I heard a buzz from my cell phone.

"JB, could you check my phone for me?" I asked, taking the flyers and handing them out to people. JB and I had this as a part time job, just to earn a couple of bucks over the holidays, and he decided to film a dance cover of me stupidly and mindlessly dancing to Fancy.

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